I think I have to share this story. I have now seen with my own eyes.. looking in from the outside.
Sunday afternoon was quiet and ohhh so very hot here. So I grabbed a drink and just after dusk , I settled on the front steps looking up to the appearing stars.
I noticed over the road ( small reserve base)A car I often see there coming in for when alarms go off and such. A car with usually a wife by his side and children in the back seat. This time no wife, no kids. BUT an extra car.
Then low and behold , this man walks out of a building arm in arm, happy as larry,,,,,,,with someone else ..it was not his wife. The anger and rage I felt at that moment was enormous. I sat on the steps and watched ( its a wonder my eyes did not pierce them)them walk towards her car. OOPSS then they began to argue..The guist of the arguement He loves his wife.. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" /> The tiff lasted a few minutes, then they were all lovey dovey again. ( didnt hear it all just enough)
I wanted to yell out as I have seen printed here... Its not very complimentary being the other WOMAN!.. but I didn't
or yell out ,,, be a man you [censored]!..but I didnt
I thought about grabbing my sons sling shot and giving them both a ping for their lives. But I didn't.
I considered a happy snap of the occasion.. but I didnt
I just ended up feeling an overwhelming sadness.
I don't know his wife, I dont know his kids. Though
Both my husband and I have often waved to them in passing as they reset alarms and so forth. perhaps now Its time I introduced myself. I don't know.
But my presence will certainly be known now, especially when there are two cars in the compound in the evening.
I don't know whether I was lucky or unlucky seeing that, but the interation between the two was certainly an education. He stating he loved his wife, yet still pulled into this intense lust. Truely sad. SHOULDA USED THE SLINGSHOT!