Hi. I am having a really tough day. After 3 wks of my STBXH calling to see how I was, available all evenings to see the kids, being friendly..he lied to me about having plans with OW and I have ended all contact with him (yes, yelling, accusing, etc.).
This may sound strange..I wasn't invisioning reconcilation..there was no talk of that..he never told me things had ended with OW..I just figured that they had based on his attitude and actions. Dumb, I know. I had hoped they had and we were on equal level again. I completely LB'd..he has since told the kids they would be meeting his friend soon (they haven't met her).
So what's the problem?
Crazy as it sounds..I thought justice had been done..they weren't going to end up together. I would feel so much different if he was dating someone since after the separation.
Now, she gets him and my kids..for playdates. She'll be the great, young,fun addition to their lives..meanwhile, I need to figure out how to pay bills and do homework, etc.
I have told STBXH that he is to not write any more checks out of our account (have asked for months to separate this) and to get ALL of this stuff out of the house (tools etc.).
I know life isn't fair..sorry about the pity party..but I am moving in with parents and working a job not professionally challenging..and everything remains peachy for him. I go from being a fulltime mom to working f/t, seeing my kids everyother weekend and a hour a night..and sharing them with a slut.
I feel duped for trying to do the friend thing with him because he doesn't have enough repsect for me to be honest.
Today, I feel like nothing is ever going to be happen positive for me again.
HOw can WH go so easily from OW to "friends" with their exspouses..I guess he had a head start in moving on..
Thanks for listening.
Can't Sleep