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My husband was an affair. and now i wanna be sure that he is not contacting this woman again. I know that he was talking to her in fb messenger but deleted all the messages. is there any good idea?
General rule of thumb is that nobody deletes anything unless they have something to hide. So if your husband is deleting messages, he is still contacting her. Spyware is the best because it catches every keystroke.
3 adult children Divorced - he was a serial adulterer Now remarried, thank you MB (formerly lied_to_again)
I allready try this but didnt restore anything. Before that he was texting her and deleted everything. Now he promised that he is not contacting her anymore and it is all over but I just wanna be sure about that. Spyware is good but when i was trying to put this on there was double apple security in his icloud account. i reseted the password when he was sleeping but i needed his phone to enter a code for the double security but i cant get him phone. In a morning he got mail that someone his logged on his icloud.
Google the possibilities of your modem. Google "How to monitor WiFi traffic" or "monitor internet traffic" + name/type of your modem. It shouldn't be too hard to get access to your own modem.
By the way, based on the info you have in your thread, I'd say the affair isn't over, so snoop carefully and don't get caught. This is not a sprint, this is a marathon. The strategy to finish the marathon is to be well prepared. VAR, GPS and internet monitoring should get you info. If he doesn't suspect being monitored, he will not go underground. If he finds out you can monitor WiFi data, he will use mobile data. So set it up while you are all one. Don't use a shared profile on a shared pc for monitoring. Don't get caught.
I dont know i think it it over but i wanna be sure for a while. The wifi traffic monitoring seems to me difficult. I have to download some program and so on.. I hope i can do this.