I would imagine if I were to ask how long it should take to get over an aversion to sex with my husband, I will be told that it takes as long as it takes and is different for everyone, but maybe there’s someone out there who did it that can tell me how long it took them. I want to be better and desire my husband again very badly and I get stressed when I fear it will take too long.

My aversion was caused by many years (35+) of coercion and guilting. 2 years ago he came to the conclusion he didn’t want me to do it any more until I wanted to. I know now, after finding Dr. Harley’s program, that for the last couple of years, there was still a lot of Love Busting going on and emotional needs not met, so I was unable to overcome the aversion so far. We just found Marriage Builders a few weeks ago and began the program right away. It’s amazing!

Love Busters are almost nonexistent and we are both working on meeting Emotional Needs the way Dr. Harley teaches. I am not “in love” with him again, yet, but I want to be.
I am unable to meet his number one need (Sex) and his number 2 need, (affection), is lacking in the physical touching because of my aversion.

I started the Aversion Exercises Dr. Harley suggests, about 2 weeks ago, and it seems to be progressing, just not as fast as I’d like.

Is there anyone out there who did the exercise and can share how long it takes?