As i have been working on safeguarding, I have implemented some that i would like to share with you all if you are concerned about your spouse or just found out.
FYI: I work in a Cyber Security/IT Administration related field. So if you have any questions, feel free to reply with them and i will try to help!
So if you want to disable private browsing/Incognito mode or remove the option to delete browsing history in Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, or Firefox(can only block incognito, can't disable history deletion in registry for Firefox) on your home computers/laptops, here is how you can do it.
**If you are doing this with the knowledge of your spouse, you will need to ensure you have the only admin account on the computer. All other accounts should only be users. Otherwise, if you are doing this in secret and only have one account on your home computers, it will likely be an admin. Your spouse will be able to change these if they are familiar with the registry.
Once you are logged in as the admin, you will want to right click the Windows start menu (Windows Logo) in the lower left corner and click on "Run". Type "regedit"
Then you are going to follow this path by clicking the drop downs in the following order:
copy and paste this in the upper bar on the window "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\"
On the left hand side, you will see all the drop downs. When you have navigated to the policies folder, expand it and see if there is a "Google", "Mozilla" and a "Microsoft" drop down. If yes skip to the next step. If not, right click it and click "New" and then "Key". Do this three times, naming each one after each of those three folders (Google, Mozilla, and Microsoft). Now repeat within each of those, creating keys again but with the browser names ("Chrome" under Google, "Firefox" under Mozilla, "Edge" and "Internet Explorer" under Microsoft). Under Internet Explorer, repeat these steps again to make "Control Panel" and "Privacy" folders
It should look similar to this:v HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
. .....v Policies
. .........v Google
. .............> Chrome
. ......... v Microsoft
. .............> Edge
. .............v Internet Explorer
. ..................> Control Panel
. .................. > Privacy
. .........v Mozilla
. .............> Firefox
Once you have created those four additional folders, you can create the "entries". You do this by clicking on the respective folders (Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Internet Explorer). Once you are in one of those folders, right click anywhere on the open white blank area in the middle of your screen and select "New" and then "D_WORD (32-bit) value"
Here are the following inputs you will make for each entry (each entry will include a "value name" and a "value data" blank). Each Value name/Value data will require a separate D-WORD entry:
--------------------------------------------------------- First D-WORD Entry ------------------------------------
In Chrome folder:Value Name:
Value Data:
--------------------------------------------------------- Next D-WORD Entry ------------------------------------
In Chrome folder:Value Name:
Value Data:
--------------------------------------------------------- Next D-WORD Entry ------------------------------------
In Edge folder:Value Name:
Value Data:
--------------------------------------------------------- Next D-WORD Entry ------------------------------------
In Edge folder:Value Name:
Value Data:
--------------------------------------------------------- Next D-WORD Entry ------------------------------------
In Control Panel folder under Internet Explorer:Value Name:
Value Data:
--------------------------------------------------------- Next D-WORD Entry ------------------------------------
In Privacy folder under Internet Explorer:Value Name:
Value Data:
--------------------------------------------------------- Next D-WORD Entry ------------------------------------
In Firefox Folder folder:Value Name:
Value Data:
If this is the wrong place to post this thread, I apologize! Admins, please move to where it is supposed to be

Good Luck all!