Broken Hearted Fool<P>Come and hear a story of a man I knew real well<BR>Come gather round and lend an ear to this story I have to tell<BR>There once was this man who thought he had all the answers in the world <BR>Until he met this young and beautiful girl<BR>Was this meeting by chance<BR>Or was it just a happen stance<BR>Which one I am not sure at all<BR>But it reads like a picture on the wall<BR>So sit back and let me take my time <BR>To tell you this story in a little rhyme<BR>He was bold and brave and always knew what to do<BR>Until he met you know who<BR>With all his heart he did fall<BR>In love with the girl he met in the fall<BR>He wined her and dined her just as he should<BR>And tried to make her happy as he could <BR>But on a cold December day <BR>Something happened and all went astray<BR>For there was a call from a strange and far away place<BR>Which caused his heart to race<BR>For his heart could not believe his ears<BR>His eyes now so full of tears<BR>The sounds from the other end<BR>He was now starting to crumble from within<BR>What were the sounds you say?<BR>It was of someone wanting to play<BR>But not with the one who was promised to have and to hold<BR>But with someone new, brave and bold<BR>What happened what went wrong?<BR>You can hear in the words of country song<BR>With all his wisdom and all of his might<BR>He could not shake this horrible fright<BR>For all that he had loved<BR>Was now on the wings of a dirty dove<BR>This dove once was clean and snow white<BR>Pure at heart and beautiful to his sight<BR>But now have the stains of the world and sin<BR>He wonders now will this nightmare ever end<BR>So take heed of what I have to say<BR>Mind your P’s and Q’s and be sure to pray<BR>For life is always a lesson and a school<BR>For these are the very words of that<BR>BROKEN HEARTED FOOL<P>1/6/2000<BR>