Hey Lady,<BR>I'm praying for you! God is faithful, pour out your heart to him. Remember, He will never leave you or forsake you.HEB 13:5.<BR>PROV 3,5-6 (my Grandmother always wrote on her greeting cards to us kids.)It's funny, it didn't mean as much to me then as it does now. Dear Father, please send a comforter to this woman. You know her marriage and her heart. Please speak to her Husband, place a new seed of desire in his heart for you Lord. Help her to be an instrument of your love, to help her husband see YOU in her. Give her the strength to endure, a renewing love for you O Lord to help her in this time of trouble. <BR>Speak to her and let her hear your voice in the stillness... help her wait on your guidance Lord. IJN, AMEN.<BR>Firefly<P> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by REJECTED:<BR><B>I have been married for 6yrs, together for almost 13. My H had an affair for a year. He was and still is a good man. He stopped walking with the Lord and gave in to temptation. We had a very good marriage before this aweful betrayal and I still love him. We have filed for divorce. I am having such a hard time letting go. He has stopped seeing this woman and wants to "do the right thing". But he feels that he doesn't love me anymore and would just be staying in the marriage out of loyalty. I continue to pray for a miracle, and that he is delivered from this other woman and that he can find the love for me that he once had. I still love him and believe that our marriage can be rebuilt and stronger than ever. Please pray for reconciliation and also for some "peace" for me. I am in deep despair.</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>