My H left when I got back from Texas. I was there for 3 weeks taking care of my parents. He spends the night at OW's apt. and comes over here during the day. She is expecting baby no. 2 in Sept. He takes her to work and OC to day care and picks them up. OW is moving into a townhouse this week and he is helping. I have to find me a new place that I can afford because we are renting and gave notice we would be out Sept. 1. He is helping me look and work out the loan. Don't know where he intends to live and neither does he. He just retired from 27 years in the AF. While I was gone he and our teenage sons had a big fight. All were crying. They now are going to therapy.
Keep us in your prayers for healing, understanding, to find a house,and most of all for my H to understand what unconditional love is all about. He is so mixed up with this situation and feels obligated to help the OW and the OC. He can't see how things could be able to work out for us and that I can help with the solutions and we can rebuild our life together and include all of his children. He is so conflicted. Pray for us.