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I'll be away for a few days so I'm putting this up now. But you know I'll be there at the cross with ya'll on Wed.

Every Wed. we are to pray and fast for one another. Every Weds we can check in and let everyone know we have prayed for the group. Prayer does mighty things and group prayer is even better.

I think it will be great to see how God works in our lives and heals our marriages and us. If you want to pray with us I will be more than happy to add your name to the list below.

Prayer Warriors who are praying and being prayed for: cajunky, Ezra, Willgetthruthis, Godisincontrol, Natasha79, JohnC, NMWBTWBD (Not My Will, But Thy Will Be Done, Wallace, relady, steadfast and committed, morriggs, lupolady, stillwaiting, Broken Hearted, PasDeDeux, hopeful_person, GinnyF, justpeachy, cry2much, SNL, LostAgain (Dave&April), Dodger, gloriachu, LoveNcare, JMF, WEN, NiteHawk, Absurd, LetSTry, AgainsttheWind, cemmerson, getting better, kellidiane, Terrified, BeeLee, idostylin, Resilient, thiscantbehappening, day by day, Jloves, broken x3, Sue with Hope, sunrise1, shepette, Malc, Faithfulwife, timbo-e, Angelia, FeelingAllAlone, broken_joe, dopey, awake, truly a friend, Is it to late, stilltryingtosaveit, landslide, GODBLESSU, vega, LoyalWarrior, janna-m-r, ferbie, epiphOny, simmy, cajeanie, d_rose, lost_lonely, briank4775, mayflower, Caged_Bird, LunaDove, goldielocks109, darwud, Mrs. darwud, Zuzus Petals, adamv, Army Hubby, Gail (mojodiva)& Shane, bonnie five & H, TryingToKeepHope, Hopeful98, lghoping, SoTired (Mike & Trish), evega, Douglas and Kirsi Nielson, Jessicafl27, kimmy2, auntielala, weezy8550, miserynmissouri, STBXWife, sealfan, Jen Brown, LunaDove, SMIAJ, cinderella, day by day, GreggC, trying_to_accept, solon, serenitydipity, ilia, lonejrock, anchorhugger, Prayer & Patience, Chikar, Alex6, Hopeforamiracle, fishlady, rookie, Made A Mess of Things, *DeepSigh*, boden, new comittment, deeplyhurting, jeff15679, Bob Castaldi, k57mo, skottyjay (Scott and Melody),

Prayers Answered: Lupolady(air conditioner), Steadfastandcommitted (first string again), cry2much(sucessful surgery), Movingonwithlife(Wife coming home), WGTT(accepted into mentor program), betrayed and desparate (sucessful cancer surgery), Againstthewind (Got job), Free (Marriage Restoration begun ), cajunky (wife not engaged & did something with family, told me she loved me), Stillwaiting (neice is o.k.), Stillwaiting(Got to see her husband for 2 hours and his heart seems to have softened), Steadfastandcommitted (wife gave up other man), janna-m-r (Husband came home and wants to try to restore marriage even though he is the BS), tsc (marriage being restored), Faithfulwife (GOT A JOB, Found a house, D is final and got a puppy that “just LOVES me”), d_rose (got a ways to go but we are going there together.), WGTT (WH coming home), GreggC (wife's heart is softening a bit and son asking about things in the Bible and believes in it), hopeful_person (H seemed more willing to consider a reconciliation),

Thank you everyone that prayed with us and also all of you that gave a praise report. Like many of you all, I like to see the praises to answered prayer. It is a blessing to hear how God is working and helping people get through tough times.

<small>[ August 06, 2003, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: steadfast and committed ]</small>

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Here's Chapter 11. I know guys can relate to this... having a purpose. Women do too! Help your wives understand what her's is by praying this prayer for her.


Everyone has gifts and talents. Your wife needs to understand what hers are. That's because she will be fulfilled only when she is using the Gifts God gave her, for the purpose for which God called her.

Wives want to be the crown that our husbands wear proudly. But too often the woman they are called to be and want to be-and know they can and should be- and the person they are, don't match up.

None of us can be who we need to be without the power of God transforming us and enabling us to change. Miraculous things can happen. But often they don't because we try to make things happen in our mates instead of asking God to do it. But praying for your mate to become all she was created to be invites God to make changes that last.

Your wife wants to be the wife God created her to be and you need her to be. She wants to know how to best honor you and be a true helpmate.

Another reason your wife needs to recognize her gifts and calling is so that she will not be seeking after something God is not calling her to be or do. It must be God who does it all. Declaring her complete dependence on Him is the first step toward realizing His call on her life. Your prayers can help her to understand that.


LORD, I know that You have placed within (wifes name) special gifts and talents that are to be used for Your plurpose and Your glory. Show her what they are, and show me too, Lord, that I may encourage her. Help her to know that You have something in particular for her to do and have given her a ministry that only she can fulfill. Give her a sense of Your call on her life, and open doors of opportunity for her to develop and use her gifts in that calling.

I pray that Your would give my wife understanding that Your plan for her life has a specific and perfect timing. Even though she may not know the details of that plan, help her to rest in the confidence of knowing that You will bring it to pass as she seeks You in the details of her life.

LORD, I pray that (wifes name) will be the wife You have called her to be and the wife I need her to be. What I need most from my wife right now is (name the need most pressing on your heart). Show me what my wife needs from me. Help us to fulfill one another in these areas without requiring of each other more than we can be. Keep us from having unrealistic expectations of each other when our expectations should be in You. Help us to recognize the gifts You have placed in each of us and to encourage one another in their developement and nurture.

Thank You, LORD, for the wife You have given me (Proverbs 19:14). Release her into Your perfect plan for her life so that she will fulfill the destiny You've given her. Use her gifts and talents to bless others.Bring her into alignment with Your ultimate purpose for her life, and may she be fulfilled in it. I say to her, you are "like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house" (Psalm 128:3). "Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all"(Proverbs 31:29). "Let your light so shine befroe men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" ( Mattehew 5:16). Lord, grant my wife according to her heart's desire, and fulfill all her purpose(Psalm 20:4).

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Hi S&C,

Unless I'm missing something I did not see Bob C's name on the prayer list. Everyone please be especially sure to pray for him as well, if you haven't already read his thread.


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After being on this list for almost a year now, it seems there is a slight bit of progress!

My exH said he'd make baby steps to be around me more, and seemed more willing to consider a reconciliation in the future. He just wants no pressure, and he told me not to get my hopes too high. It's still an improvement.

Praise God! Please continue praying for me..


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Don't forget to pray for Deeply Hurting as well, as well as Jeff15679


<small>[ August 03, 2003, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: GreggC ]</small>

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Thank you all for praying for my son and for me. I want so much for him to mature and develop the skills he does not yet have.

And I want us to have a more peaceful home. As much as I love this child, he is so trying I could pull my hair out sometimes. And so sweet I could cry at other times.

We may have had a breakthrough!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

His medication has been changed. Straterra is a new drug suitable for treating AD/HD and it has seemed to be a good drug for him.

For those of you interested in reading it, here is a link to my thread about our current situation:


Thank you for your prayers for us. Please keep it up.

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I am very sorry, but I did not have time to type from Praying Wife book this week (I'm on the last chapter anyway, so we have to decide on another book - or do I start over). What I found was this devotional that another poster had typed in from Rejoice Ministries (thanks, "LoveMyEx"). I cut and pasted it here.

I'm sure you all will get a lot out of it. I did! We can pray from these scriptures, being reminded that even when we don't see anything going on, we know our God is working for our benefit!

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">
<strong>From Charlyne's Devotional on 7/9/03-- it's awesome! Words for YOU!!


"I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I willmeditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds. Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples." Psalm 77:11-14

Do you believe in miracles? I do! Bob and I just celebrated our sixteenth anniversary of his coming back home remarrying me on July 7, 1987. That was a miracle! He had told me for months and years, "I will never, never come back home. You are not accepting and adjusting to this divorce. I do not love you. Get on with your life. I have someone else."

BUT GOD had other plans and had given me so many promises from His Word not to give up on my Lord or on my husband! I gave up due to all our circumstances, as they seemed overwhelming. I filed for divorce,but God knew my heart and forgave me, giving me a second chance to follow Him completely, regardless of what other people were saying.

We celebrated our anniversary Monday evening with a large crowd of standers at Rejoice Bible study. Some of the women surprised us with a beautiful anniversary cake as they sang to us. It was an answer to my prayers that I prayed so many years ago, "Let me help other people to believe that God can and does heal hurting marriages." Nothing is too hard for your Lord to fix. Just believe in His mighty power.

"...But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us." 'If you can?' said Jesus. ‘Everything is possible for him who believes.' Immediately the boy's father exclaimed ‘I do believe help me overcome my unbelief!" Mark 9:22-24

Your Lord Jesus Christ performed miracles throughout His ministry. Jesus performed miracles of healing the sick and bringing life to the dead. He did miracles showing power over nature, calming a storm, walking on water and feeding 5000 people. Even the apostles did
miracles after their Lord Jesus Christ was crucified demonstrating that the power of the Messiah who had been crucified and risen was
with them. Miracles are from God to show others the power of your Lord God. Your Lord God wants to get the glory and honor for the restoration of your marriage, so be sure to give Him all the praise!

We often hear the comment that, "It would take a miracle to straighten out the mess in my marriage." God has not changed. He still works
miracles. Would you allow your Lord to work a miracle in your life and marriage? When the circumstances make it all seem so impossible
is exactly when you're ready for your miracle. If things are tough right now, don't look around for your example--look up to your Lord Jesus Christ. Your Lord God loves your spouse more than you ever will. Your Lord Jesus Christ is interceding for your husband or wife daily and the Holy Spirit is convicting your spouse in a thousands different ways about "Going Home." Going back home to their Lord and then going home to their families! God is doing miracles everyday! Thank Him for all that you do not see that is being done this very day by your Lord. Praise the Lord for all that He is doing in ALL the prodigals hearts!

"Nothing is impossible with God." Mark 10:27

In Nehemiah, God did a miracle by rebuilding a wall in 52 days that was destroyed. Are you willing to rebuild your home? God can rebuild
and restore a marriage if we will do like Nehemiah did. Go to God,ask Him to rebuild your marriage on the solid rock of Jesus Christ.
Allow God to show you His plan in rebuilding your home, one brick at a time. Anything worth having takes time and perseverance. You are not only rebuilding your home for you, your spouse and for your children, but for generations to come!

Throughout the Bible God did miracles in the Old and New Testament. Noah built an ark to save his family. Moses was used by God to part
the Red Sea. Joshua had the priests carry the ark of the covenant taking the first steps into the Jordan as its waters were overflowing, but the water stood up in a heap. In Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the furnace seven times hotter than usual
and then God sent his angel who rescued his servants. As we read the Bible, we see God doing miracles for His people from Genesis to

What should you do to receive and believe for your miracles of restoration for your marriage?

Step 1: Never give up!

Step 2: Focus on your Lord God. Remember your covenant wedding vows.

Step 3: Step into the Water. Believe in God's mighty power.

Step 4: Trust God - Take steps of faith.

Step 5: A faith walk IS a difficult walk. Develop perseverance.

Step 6: Stand on the 3000 plus promises in the Word of God.

Step 7: Do not panic. Problems are part of life.

Step 8: Believe and expect the promises will become a reality.

Step 9: Keep a clean heart and a renewed, focused mind.

Step 10: Be in the perfect will of God.

Step 11: Live in obedience.

Today start beleving, praying and expecting your miracle for your marriage!

God bless,
Charlyne Steinkamp.</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">

<small>[ August 05, 2003, 09:29 PM: Message edited by: lupolady ]</small>

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Thanks for all the prayers guys and gals <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> The ex said that instead of going out this weekend that she may want to go together with the kids down to Dave and Busters Saturday night if I could leave the wedding reception I was going to early. Didn't act too anxious...haha...told her to let me know and then she really blew my mind and said that she would definitely see me in church Sunday <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> This has happenend before and she has been a no show so keeping my heart and eyes looking heavenward (and my fingers crossed too..lol) God bless you all

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I have included the names that weren't on the list. I wasn't ignoring them, I usually put them on when they ask to be included. And try to hit each of the threads and ask if they want to be.


I know how you feel. My son has ADHD also. Remember, no one will be more of an advocate or care about your son more than you.


Have a great time at D & B. Praying for your W to make it to church this Sunday.

Bless you all.


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Hello to all,
Just wanted to let you all know that although I'm not here on MB's much anymore, I still check in here to pray for all of you.

I would also appreciate your prayers for me, my WH, Dan and our family. I really need your prayers to help me see what God wants me to do now. I am ready to give up, but am praying that God will show me what I am supposed to do now.

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Hi all. I am praying for you.

Please remember me especally this week. My wife is saying there is no hope but her acctions are saying she wants to get back together. I am so confused <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" />

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steadfastandcommitted - please add me to the list of people that need prayers - i also will pray for others in my situation. thanks

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I have added k57mo and skottyjay to the list. Thank you for joining us.

May God richly blees you and your families.

Keep us informed.


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please can i be added to the prayer list? thisso

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