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Every Wed. we pray and fast for one another. Every Weds we can check in and let everyone know we have prayed for the group. Prayer does mighty things and group prayer is even better.
I think it will be great to see how God works in our lives and heals our marriages and us. If you want to pray with us I will be more than happy to add your name to the list below.
Prayer Warriors who are praying and being prayed for: cajunky, Ezra, Willgetthruthis, Godisincontrol, Natasha79, JohnC, NMWBTWBD (Not My Will, But Thy Will Be Done, Wallace, relady, steadfast and committed, morriggs, lupolady, stillwaiting, Broken Hearted, PasDeDeux, hopeful_person, GinnyF, justpeachy, cry2much, SNL, LostAgain (Dave&April), Dodger, gloriachu, LoveNcare, JMF, WEN, NiteHawk, Absurd, LetSTry, AgainsttheWind, cemmerson, getting better, kellidiane, Terrified, BeeLee, idostylin, Resilient, thiscantbehappening, day by day, Jloves, broken x3, Sue with Hope, sunrise1, shepette, Malc, Faithfulwife, timbo-e, Angelia, FeelingAllAlone, broken_joe, dopey, awake, truly a friend, Is it to late, stilltryingtosaveit, landslide, GODBLESSU, vega, LoyalWarrior, janna-m-r, ferbie, epiphOny, simmy, cajeanie, d_rose, lost_lonely, briank4775, mayflower, Caged_Bird, LunaDove, goldielocks109, darwud, Mrs. darwud, Zuzus Petals, adamv, Army Hubby, Gail (mojodiva)& Shane, bonnie five & H, TryingToKeepHope, Hopeful98, lghoping, SoTired (Mike & Trish), evega, Douglas and Kirsi Nielson, Jessicafl27, kimmy2, auntielala, weezy8550, miserynmissouri, STBXWife, sealfan, Jen Brown, LunaDove, SMIAJ, cinderella, day by day, GreggC, trying_to_accept, solon, serenitydipity, ilia, lonejrock, anchorhugger, Prayer & Patience, Chikar, Alex6, Hopeforamiracle, fishlady, rookie, Made A Mess of Things, *DeepSigh*, boden, new comittment, deeplyhurting, jeff15679, Bob Castaldi, k57mo, skottyjay (Scott and Melody), TROD (Tony and Julie), thisso, ladysheep, hurtmorethanheknows, singleguy, tryingTOsaveMYmarriage, Keesley, recovering_dad,
Prayers Answered: Lupolady(air conditioner), Steadfastandcommitted (first string again), cry2much(sucessful surgery), Movingonwithlife(Wife coming home), WGTT(accepted into mentor program), betrayed and desparate (sucessful cancer surgery), Againstthewind (Got job), Free (Marriage Restoration begun ), cajunky (wife not engaged & did something with family, told me she loved me), Stillwaiting (neice is o.k.), Stillwaiting(Got to see her husband for 2 hours and his heart seems to have softened), Steadfastandcommitted (wife gave up other man), janna-m-r (Husband came home and wants to try to restore marriage even though he is the BS), tsc (marriage being restored), Faithfulwife (GOT A JOB, Found a house, D is final and got a puppy that “just LOVES me”), d_rose (got a ways to go but we are going there together.), WGTT (WH coming home), GreggC (wife's heart is softening a bit and son asking about things in the Bible and believes in it), hopeful_person (H seemed more willing to consider a reconciliation),
Thank you everyone that prayed with us and also all of you that gave a praise report. Like many of you all, I like to see the praises to answered prayer. It is a blessing to hear how God is working and helping people get through tough times. <small>[ September 08, 2003, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: steadfast and committed ]</small>
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For those of you that think this is Deja Vu, it's not. I just felt that it was important for this prayer to get across to everyone. There is a particular part in it that (IMHO) is key. And this is it:
I pray that no other relationship either of us have, or have had in the past, will rob us of anything in our relationship now. Sever all unholy ties in both of our lives. May there never be any adultery, or divorce in our future to destroy what You, Lord, have put together.
Ladies and gentlemen, you have full authority to pray for the destruction of any unholy bond between your WS and the OP; FULL AUTHORITY. Having said that, here is chapter 6 again this week.
Bless everyone of you. S&C
Chapter 6 – Her Marriage
Marriage can seem like Heaven. Or it can seem like hell. For most people, it’s somewhere in between. That’s because it’s not easy becoming one with another person, even if that person is the one God created especially for you. There is a lot of growing required. But it’s not about causing our mate to grow into our image, it’s about both husband and wife growing into God’s image, together.
Lord, I pray that you would establish in me and (wife’s name) bonds of love that cannot be broken. Show me how to love my wife in an ever-deepening way that she can clearly perceive. May we have mutual respect and admiration for each other so that we become and remain one another’s greatest friend, champion and unwavering support. Where love has been diminished, lost, destroyed or buried under hurt and disappointment, out it back in our hearts. Give us strength to hold on to the good in our marriage, even in those times when one of us doesn’t feel love.
Enable my wife and me to forgive each other quickly and completely. Specifically I lift up to you (name any area where forgiveness is needed). Help us to “be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving,” the way You are to us (Ephesians 4:32). Teach us to overlook the faults and weaknesses of the other. Give us a sense of humor, especially as we deal with the hard issues of life.
Unite us in faith, beliefs, standards of morality and mutual trust. Help us to be of the same mind, to move together in harmony and to quickly come to mutual agreements about our finances, our children, how to spend our time and any other decisions that need to be made. Where we are in disagreement and this has caused strife, I pray You would draw us together on the issues. Adjust out perspectives to align with Yours. Make out communication open and honest so that we avoid misunderstandings.
May we have grace to be tolerant of each other’s faults and, at the same time, have the willingness to change. I pray that we will not live two separate lives, but will instead walk together as a team. Remind us to take time out for one another so that our marriage will be a source of happiness, peace and joy for us both.
Lord, I pray that You would protect our marriage from anything that would destroy it. Take out of our lives anyone who would come between us or tempt us. Help us to immediately recognize and resist temptation when it presents itself. I pray that no other relationship either of us have, or have had in the past, will rob us of anything in our relationship now. Sever all unholy ties in both of our lives. May there never be any adultery, or divorce in our future to destroy what You, Lord, have put together. Help us to never cast aside the whole relationship just because it has developed a nonworking part. I pray that we will turn to You – the Designer – to fix it and get it operating the way it was intended.
Teach us to seek each other’s well-being first, as You have commanded in your word (1 Corinthians 10:24). We want to keep You at the center of our marriage and not expect from each other what only You can give. Where either of us have unrealistic expectations of the other, open our eyes to see it. May we never waver in our commitment and devotion to You and to one another, so that this marriage will become all You designed it to be.
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Dear S&C, Thankyou for the prayer of authority. It is not Deja Vu. I would like to have the agreement of prayer with anyone who would for my wife to be. I have been single for 7 years and am ready for my God chosen mate. I'm sure God needed that long to get my head on straight. Hopefully that is done. At least my nose and my toes point in the same direction. A little humor!! May God Bless Us All singleguy
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I would appreciate your prayers that my W would return to me and seek reconciliation. I love her deeply and will not give up. She left me 5 months ago. The Promise Keepers conference will be in my area in 2 weeks. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will fall and that the harvest would be great. God bless you all!
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PLEASE pray for my H. A cousin of mine spoke to him on Sunday and she said it is so sad to hear the things he says. He is so lost and SO done with God. He talked about the things he wants and how he will get them. How he has his own morals and expects everyone to respect them. She said she is giving up on him and there is nothing she can do. So PLEASE pray for my H to have some desire in him to seek God and get to know him better. I pray for his Salvation and I pray that the relationship between him and OW will somehow dissolve. I want him to get closer to God. PLEASE pray with me. I will be praying for all of you too. Thanks.
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I received divorce papers from the Sheriff's Dept. last night. Hard to describe the hurt and other emotions. I have 30 days to respond. She is out of state. Please pray that she will wake up and see that this M can be reconciled. Jesus is weeping today. I'm not going to give up. I will fight this with everything I have.
John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me you might have peace. In this world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world".
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Hello S&C and everyone,
I want you all to know that I will pray for and be in agreement with you to restore your M tomorrow.
Here's what I tell myself everyday, just to make it through.
What seems impossible with man, is possible with God, all he expects me to do is "believe" it's possible and to know that His timing is always right.
Thanks for the prayer, I am going to start praying that God breaks the unholy bond between my WH and the OW. Would you all please pray that with me tomorrow? My WH's name is Dan.
Thanks. Cajeanie
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I have been working long and hard hours lately! In case you didn't miss me, that's what's up....
Sooo, in order not to let anyone down (I realized too late that I didn't post anything we could to pray with last week), I am copying over something "timely" from Charlyne and Bob Steinkamp's daily devotional. These always seem to come to me exactly when I need them the most!
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> HAVE CONFIDENCE IN GOD
"So do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." Hebrews 10:35-36
What a promise! What a scripture! What does confidence means? It means assurance. A confidence which leads one to stand under, endure, or undertake anything. Boldness, courage, obey or trust. All these words sound excellent for a stander believing for restoration of their marriage.
It is saying, "do not throw away your confidence," may I paraphrase? "Don't give up on God. Hold on, persevere, you will receive what He has promised, if you will wait!"
Memorize these scriptures. Study and meditate on Hebrews Chapters 10 and 11. These are two powerful chapters in the Bible about having faith in God.
"But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him." Hebrews 10:38
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1
The success of your stand is believing and knowing for certain who you are in Christ. How powerful is your God? Does He really answers prayers? Does He care about you and your family today? I pray that you will come to know the Lord God I serve. He is awesome, mighty and a powerful God in dealing with your day to day circumstances that you are going through. He cares about your marriage problems, He cares about your spouse and your children. He also cares about your daily needs. Call on Him today and wait for His answers.
"Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. The Lord is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one." Psalm 28:6-8 Put your confidence in your Lord God today. Believe in His mighty power. I did not know my Lord God as Lord of my life eighteen years ago. He was powerless in my daily life. I believed and trusted Him for my salvation, but did not know Him personally for my day to day activities.
We received an email Monday from a woman who is questioning God's power to heal her marriage because her wayward spouse had moved to another country. Her husband, she wrote, shows no interest in marriage restoration. We pray that she, and you, will come to have confidence in God, whose power is never limited by geography, conditions of the heart, or any other obstacle that man may view as a stumbling block.
I challenge you today to know your Lord God who created the Heavens and the Earth and raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Nothing is too hard fom Him to fix. The God we serve defeated enemies in the Old Testament and touched Saul who was killing Christians in the New Testament. Saul became a Paul evangelizing and birthing churches every where. Your spouse is not too hardhearted for our Lord God!
Have confidence and faith in your Lord God. Don't give up--persevere, have faith in your Lord God. He will never fail you! "I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Psalm 27:13-14 </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">
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Hello all. I will pray for you all. I'm asking that you include me in your prayers also. We are having a really rough time trying to recover our M.
My fwh has become a very hardened soul. He really hasn't let me back into his heart since dday 8 mos ago. He has pretty much fought me every inch. I'm exhausted and question all of this. I love my H, I want for my M to be restored. Please pray that Jesus touches him. That fwh sees that you have to have faith. He seems to have lost his.
I feel utterly powerless, in fact I know that I am. I'm leaving it up to God. I believe that God will bring this all to where it needs to be in His time. I know no matter what happens God will be there for me and my children.
My prayer is that Jesus does open my H's eyes. That he is given some hope. He is so lost. We are at a point where I cannot continue to accept the way he treats me, because it is so hurtful. He needs to come around, to show some of himself to me. I think we are both aware that things are at a crossroad, and that it really could go either way. I just pray that my H comes to know our M can be saved. That he can be saved. I feel he might leave this M soon. But, if that is what is to be, that is what is to be. I have to trust in God and understand that even if it isn't what I want, there is a reason. That even if my H doesn't know it , God has him on a path also. I just don't want my children to be hurt in the process.
Please pray for us. I really need some help from above. God has blessed me so much throughout this time. He's opened my eyes to see what is truly important and to stop and appreciate the many blessings that He has given me without my even asking.
Thank you all.
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