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Sorry, prolly wrong timing for what I posted. I deleted it for now. DZZZ <small>[ March 04, 2004, 05:06 PM: Message edited by: Diamonzzz ]</small>
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Didn’t want a good thread to go to waste.
Long time ago when I used to teach a youth group; someone gave me an idea. I wanted teach people that having our own issues and problems never keeps us from being there and helping others.
I set up two tables each with four chairs and food on the table. Each person in the youth group had a yard stick attached to their forearm. At the end of each yardstick was a spoon. Each person was to sit down at a table and eat.
The kids at the first table each tried to put food into their mouths by them selves. You can imagine the futility. Every time one would get some food on the spoon (if they could); they would try to lift the spoon up to their mouth only to see the spoon end up about 10 inches from their mouth.
Then the second table started their meal. Each person got their fill of food then came over to the first table to help them. How did they do it? They fed each other. One person would scoop some food and lift it to the mouth of someone else. While each had a handicap they used their handicap to benefit another. When they were ready, they took their handicap somewhere else to feed others.
You see, we all have something that tends to keep us down. God takes those things and make them good. He knew we would be like that (He’s Omniscious you know). He knew we would make the decisions we would make and yet He promises to use them for good.
Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
And that’s all I have to say about that!
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This is some great "food" for thought! It's like on this forum. We all have been through similar situations and have helped each other grow in the Lord. We have used our own experiences and times of trouble to minister to the others who are going through the same thing or something very similar. It's amazing how God continues to work on each of us in His own way. I think that everyone here on this forum has contributed greatly, ministered greatly, to those who are new in their walk with Christ or need an encouraging word, a shoulder to cry on. Thanks for reminding us that each of us is special in our own way and just because we have terrible things happen to us, it doesn't mean we should sit around & feel sorry for ourselves. We can make a difference and minister to someone else in need.
{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS TO YOU S&C}}}}}}}}}}}
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Yes, no man is an island. And God purposely made it that way! Five years ago when I lost my daughter, I was buried in guilt. Also in anger. I felt I had failed as a father, and as the leader of my family, what was left of it. One day I would want to kill everybody, and the next day kill myself. It was a rollercoaster of emotions. It took a long time to get thru all of that, what with both a divorce, and a dead daughter! But God sent the right people. It was because He loved me inspite of my failures, and my sin. But out of it, I got hungry for His word! I read, and prayed. And then read, and prayed some more! And more, and more, and more! And guess what! He healed me. He showed me how to forgive, and let go. He sent people who loved me regardless of what was in my past. In fact, they never asked! They just loved me. And some of what they said made no sense then, but I understood later. One thing I can say that I became out of it all was "teachable". And God gave me a good sense of humor! You'd have never guessed, huh? And now I hopefully am helping others, because I know what life can be like. But " Yeah tho I walk THRU the valley......
Love Ya S&C sg
You too Yvette! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
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Thank you for the reminder s&c... that's a good story!
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by steadfast and committed: <strong> Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">The one thing I would say about this verse is that it's kind of implied that "in the end" all things will work together for good. There is a process, and that process is different for everyone.
When you said: </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">it doesn't mean we should sit around & feel sorry for ourselves</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I assume (and we know what that makes me, so if I'm wrong, tell me) that this is in direct response to the thread earlier today.
All I can say is that sometimes it feels as if there is nothing else to do.
I don't know if this was to "me" or not, and I won't sit here and type excuses for my behavior, but I will say that I mentioned several times that this was a bad day for me. I'm sorry, truly, if you saw me as simply feeling sorry for myself.
I am so sorry for all that you've gone through with the death of your daughter and divorce. I don't have adequate words to tell you how that makes me feel.
You said: </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">And now I hopefully am helping others, because I know what life can be like. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I want you to know that you have helped me in ways that you may never know.
I hope you read my response on the other thread. My problems today are my own - not yours. You are a GOOD MAN!
Take care everyone... I've learned a LOT today!
I've got some prayin' to do!!
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sg, You mentioned that God gave you a sense of humor. That has always been an issue in my life and my M; I had a difficult time NOT taking everything to heart. I made my W laugh on many occassions, but most of the time, she felt my sense of humor was corney, like my family's, and it was not a turn on. I could make other people laugh with my sense of humor, but not my wife. Thinking about it now, the OW laughed at almost all of my "corney" jokes. Funny (sad and sickening really) how Satan found the weakness in me and played it to the hilt.
I recently asked God to have me make Marie laugh again.
Anyway, pray for me to "get" a sense of humor, and not allow every comment to be taken to heart, just to roll with the punches.
Love in Christ, tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (and be funny <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" /> )
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by tryingTOsaveMYmarriage: <strong> Anyway, pray for me to "get" a sense of humor, and not allow every comment to be taken to heart, just to roll with the punches. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Yes, me too, me too! Or at least to FIND mine again. Thanks for saying this TTSMM!
Some days... sheesh... this was one of those days.
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Please, please, please! Do not think that my comment was directed toward you. It wasn't. I was simply responding to S&C that he made ME think of how I was feeling sorry for MYself so many times! So many nights that I would sit around & wonder how things could have turned out this way, how life would be better off, my kids would be better off, without me! This in no way reflected how I feel about you! You are loved in ways you don't understand on this board! You have contributed to MY uplifting and for that, I thank YOU!!
In Christ,
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The bible says that laughter is good medicine! It is our responsibility to keep it from being stupid. There is "good" humor, and "bad" humor. But I do think a husband is many times his wife's entertainer!
One thing that I want to mention is something you never posted before. The abortion. It's not just the initial lying that has got your wife so angry at you, but it's the abortion. You need to understand how a woman and child have a deep bond. Her very blood, heart, and soul run threw that child! Think about the fact that she may have seen the child after they tore it from her body and threw it in a pail. You need to get your wife to a counselor who can help her thru the agony of abortion. There is the root of your problem. Be very sensitive to it. It will eventually need to be talked about, and she probably has a lot of pain and hurt that is going to be aimed at YOU. This is why she "hates" you so, it's not the lying anymore. She feels she has lost her child against her will for you. God, we need Your intervention, and Your wisdom. In Jesus name. Amen
God Bless Brother sg
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sg, In all postings her on MB, I was certain I did mention it. I know I mentioned it two weeks ago when I had the experience in church, where Jesus told me that my unborn child was in Heaven because he/she was baptized by blood.
As for her feelings. She believes in abortion. Did it affect her as being the mom?, I think so. Has she ever brought it up in counselling when we were going together?, I don't remember. Has she discussed it with her counselor separately?, I don't know.
Love in CHrist, ttsmm
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I hope you realize I'm not judging you. I haven't had a lot of time lately to read all the posts, so I apologize if I missed it in skimming. We had a gal who counsels women after abortion come and speak to our Sunday School class one Sunday, and she said a lot of women believe in abortion, until they have one. Suddenly all of their feelings change, and the reality of it all hits home. She told of how a mother talked her pregnant daughter into getting one and how after wards the daughter turned on the mother. It took a lot of counseling, but when finally the daughter forgave her mother, they had a better relationship than ever before. It's like going thru a harsh winter to get to a fresh new spring. I only want to see your marriage restored, and for the lost years to be made up for. I want nothing but the best for you Trying!
God Bless You sg
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sg, I know you are brother. I did take it the wrong way at first. I even had brief thoughts of saying, goodbye to this site because I felt I wa being judged. But I won't let him win. I finally fogiven myself for this because of Jesus's sign to me in church. I can't/won't reach out to Marie on this because she doesn't want to speak to me on anything unless she initiates it. I will pray on guidance with this though.
btw, would you send me an email w/your phone and address again. As I mentioned in my previous email to you, I lost it from my PDA, and I wouldn't mind talking to you again.
Funny, I said that I would be off this site because I needed to spend more time with my F and at work, and here I am posting again. I feel God wants me here because I can help from the WS perspecitve on things and warn others before it is too late. But, I do feel guilty that I dropped the Restoration posting, and I am happy to see it is in more than capable hands.
Love you brother, Peace in Christ, Genesius
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Trying, everything IS going to be OK! We have put our burdens in the hands of an ALLMIGHTY GOD! He said He would deliver us from it all. We must believe that! I love ya brother! Sometimes we come at things from different angles, but I,m still on your side, and at your side!
By the way, where is lupo and lovencare? They haven't posted for a while. I miss em! Where has hopeful been? I miss her too!
I do give as much time as I can to this site, but sometimes I take too much "work" time and I need to be careful. Right now I'm supposed to be working and not posting, but you know how it goes! I have no computer at home so that I can get important things done, like eat! Otherwise I would live on here! But I do care about everyone here, and hopefully am a positive more than a negative! My biggest concern is always that people are healed. Yes,sometimes the stiches may sting at first! But my desire is to always see people healed thru the power of God!!!
May everyone have a Blessed Day! sg <small>[ March 05, 2004, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: singleguy ]</small>
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TTSMM, Don't feel guilty about leaving it. Perhaps that was God's plan for you to have more time to help others, with your WS perspective on things. But, if you ever want it back, it's all yours. Or we can share it. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> I don't have any kids, so I have more time on my hands. But I might not have that much time when God brings my H back. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> Until then, I will do what I can.
SG, I'm here! (if I am the right hopeful you asked about). hehe I've just been lurkin'. I've been trying not to spend too much time on the computer at work (and posting usually takes longer). I'm on my lunch right now, so I'm ok. Things are good with me. I actually have such a peace in my life. I feel as if my M has already been brought back to life. Maybe it's coming very soon. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />
Just curious. Has anyone ever done an album type of thing here on PR? I'm curious to see what all my friends here look like. I know some want to remain unknown, but wouldn't that be neat? Just curious me. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
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h98, Thanks. I will post the "...Husband..." prayers until it's done and see what God wants from me then.
As for the album. There is one that was started by pbuttercup; don't have the link right now. But I do have a website or web address that I can build a photo ablum on, if the warriors are interested (it will help me improve my web skills). We could put pix, and the questions that fw asked in one of her posts and other things. Let me know your thoughts.
Christ Love, ttsmm
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TTSMM, that's a neat idea. Would you have time to do something like that? I like the idea of having the questions that FW asked us all. Perhaps we should start a new topic on this and see if the other warriors are interested. I sure am <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
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Yes I would. The only stipulation would be that they would have to email me their photos. This is because I will password protect the site so not just anyone can get in. Also, it makes people accountable for what is on the site. I'm looking for the software, can't find it (MS FrontPage) must have it at work. Christ Love, ttsmm
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