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#345955 04/11/04 08:39 PM
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First, praise God that today is the day the Lord has risen. I am glad that the Lord allowed me to attend services at my church and that He spoke to me to not give up and continue to stand.

Second, the enemy is hitting me hard. My son is meeting the ow even as we speak. When my husband and I exchanged our son, everything went well. I was a kind and gentle spirit. I allowed them to hug and have as long of a moment as they needed. Neither of us have seen husband for about nine months.

Now for the enemy hitting. Husband drove cross-country with the ow. They are both military. Husband told me prior to them coming that he "needs" her. Anyway, I was transfering the car seat to his truck. In the back seat was a dry erase board that had a list. It went like this:

why I love Josh:
1. His mind
2. He's gorgeous
3. the way we make love
4. his heart
5. The way he loves me.

It was writen in a womans handwriting. I kept my cool. Looked him in the eye and then moved it to the front seat. He said he was sorry and then thanked me for allowing him to see son. I went into the store while they drove off.

When I returned home, I got down on my knees and poured my heart out to God. I continued to pray the hedge of thorns around my husband and then remembered that God is good.

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love him, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

Praise the Lord for in the end I know that my marriage will be restored in His time. I do need extra prayers though. Husband will be here until Thursday with the ow. Then they are returning to his mother's house. Pray for strength for me.


#345956 04/11/04 09:56 PM
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I am sorry that you are having to go through this. I'm sorry we all are. But God says that you must live by faith, not by sight. I know seeing him with OW tears your heart out. It would me. But I have read that there are many mariages that do get through this and I pray that yours does also.

I have read everything possible since the beginning of my ordeal, and it all comes down to having faith in God and prayer. I have accepted that he puts us in these trials to bring us closer to him. I would not be where I am now in my life with him if this wouldn't have happened.

I think back to fall when we were in Sunday school, taking prayer request and I thought to myself, I was so glad that I didn't have any. I didn't mean it in a "I'm better than everyone, I don't need prayer, I just wasn't praising God for it." I was so unprepared for what happened the next few weeks. My world fell apart, and there was nothing I wasn't praying for.

I always listened to 80's-90's music, loved it. I just couldn't get into the Christian stations. I didn't know any of the words, it was nice music,I just couldn't listen long. My radio is now set to go directly to the christian radio station and I learn alot from the lyrics. I know I am not nearly bible smart to where I know where to go to read a verse to pertain to my life. They find me now.

I feel now that sometimes what I have read helps others, and I hope I can help you. My mother-in- law says prayer is powerful when more than one is praying. I know we all know that, but I am so glad that we have this message board, but really I am surprised that there are not more in "Prayers". I say we move Prayers to the top of the page and see what happens.

I'm sorry my message went the way it did, I just wanted to let you know that I will pray for you. Sometimes, it doesn't seem people answer you very quickly down here.

and remember "faith is believing God that your prayer is answered before you see it." <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

#345957 04/11/04 10:54 PM
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Thanks for the quick reply nvrgvup.

After I posted, I jumped on my stair climber and started praying verses of scripture that I have on notecards. I was home alone and receited them twice and at the top of my lungs. I felt calm and at ease.

He brought the ow with him to drop off son. I was polite and kind. I asked him nicely not to bring her again. He then lingered and talked to me a bit. I can see how tormented he is about which way to go. He kept looking at his vehicle where she was sitting. I tried to avoid seeing her and God did a good job of protecting me. I did ask him about the divorce. He will be going to find out the necessary paperwork needed tomorrow. Please pray that his heart softens to me, his wife.

I will continue to pray and leave it to God for I know that a divorce does not mean the end.


#345958 04/12/04 01:11 AM
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I agree with moving the Prayer Requests to the top of the forum page. Should we ask?

LunaDove, God has given you strength and will continue to do so. Keep seeking Him. You are always in my prayers my dear friend. God Bless!


#345959 04/12/04 06:17 AM
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My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please pray for my wife and I also - She no longer believes that I love her, and has told me that unless I prove that I love her and am no longer seeing the OW (which I have not done, nor wished to do since October) she will file for divorce on Thursday. It seems nothing I do is enough. Hopefully that will change....

#345960 04/12/04 11:57 AM
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I agree with moving the Prayer Requests to the top of the forum page. Should we ask? </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">THe Prayer Forum used to be much closer to the top of the list. When I first came to MB one of the web pages seemed to recommend people going to the Prayer forum for prayer. I can't find the page anymore. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" />

Since the site got reorganized and the Prayer Forum moved to it's current spot late last year, participation has been very limited. With the prayer requests I see on the other forums, I don't believe everyone knows about this forum.

I have asked both Onegoing and Tempest about moving it back up the list. I really think it would help to move it up.

Maybe if those of you how post and lurk here would consider a not to some of the moderators; it may help. I've never gotten a response from Onegoing and heard from Tempest only once. Maybe greater numbers will help influence the powers that be.

Also for nvrgvup and lunadove; the weekends are always slow on the boards, especially the Prayer Forum. I for one make sure I spend my time with my family and not posting. However, I do lurk on te weekends and have everyone here in my daily prayers. Just because the relies are slow doesn't mean the prayers are there. If I'm going to reply to a post, I will usually take care of the prayer first. And I pray for every post on this forum. I know there are others here that do the same.

Blessing to you all.


#345961 04/13/04 12:08 AM
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Have you tried fasting? It will put your mind back on God and on the spiritual fight we are facing. I would begin today and just drink water. Talk to God all day and all night. Anytime you have a spare minute ask God to do His will over your life. Pray that God turns her heart from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh. Her filing for divorce does not mean it will proceed.

Put all your trust in God. When you do that, your marriage will be restored. Believe me, I know it is hard but you don't know how God is working on her heart. I'm in the same boat but I keep praying to God and have faith that He will restore my marriage. I pray that my husband will find God and his eyes will be opened to Him.


#345962 04/12/04 05:25 PM
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Hi LunaDove and all who post here- this "prose" got me through a year of fog and continued contact with ow on fwh part-prayer has the power to heal-keep the faith!

PEACE OUT...and IN !!


"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,

and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,

be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly;

and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant;

They too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons;

they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,

you may become vain or bitter,

for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;

It is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,

for the world is full of trickery.

But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;

Many persons strive for high ideals,

and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.

Neither be cynical about love;

for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment

it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the council of the years,

Gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.

But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.

Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a healthy discipline,

Be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars;

you have a right to be here,

and whether or not it is clear to you,

no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore, be at peace with God,

Whatever you conceive Him to be.

And whatever your labors and aspirations,

in the noisy confusion of life,

keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,

it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful.

Strive to be happy."

#345963 04/13/04 12:10 AM
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Lunadove, I will pray for you and your husband. I don't get much chance to get online so I apologize for not praying and responding sooner. I will keep you both in my prayers though (as well as the rest of our precious board). May God bless you,


#345964 04/13/04 01:08 AM
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Thanks to everybody who has replied. I understand about the weekends being slow. That's usually when I'm hit the hardest. I understand now that God should be the first person I talk to when I have a problem. I am trusting Him more and more everyday.


#345965 04/13/04 10:47 AM
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I have this posted above my kitchen sink-



#345966 04/13/04 11:14 PM
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Have you checked out Restore Ministries www.retorem.org? I just joined about three weeks ago. I rec'd a tape and it was about a restored M. How God made sure that she didn't see her H for a long period of time (~1 day each week) because that's all she could handle. It also gave her time to improve on the relationship she had with God.

Hey brother, I am sorry to hear that things have changed. If you are doing the things you are suppse to be doing, her issues of not trusting you are HER issues, not yours. Place at the foot of the cross. Let her know you understand her not trusting you when she brings it to your face, and honor her, understand her, DON'T defend yourself. You can try til you are blue in the face, it's her trust issue, not yours.
About the fasting; I fast two days a week (not bragging here) on slices of plain white bread (3-6) and water. I no longer fast on Wed because of being part of Restore Ministries. But part of fasting, a very important part, is praying when you feel your hunger pangs (being humble). The reason for the bread and water is because "bread is the food of the poor" and water because you need to keep yourself hydrated.
Here is a prayer I try to say when i am fasting...

God, I seek Your face and Your truth.
Everytime my stomach hungers for food, You satisfy me with Your Word.
When my mouth thirsts for drink, You quench me with Your Mercy and Grace.

God bless,

#345967 04/14/04 09:18 AM
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Heavenly Father,

Thank you for Lunadove, for her love and faithfulness.

Father, I pray that you will do a work in her husbands heart and mind today. I pray that when he sees Lunadove, his heart will melt with love for her, that he will be convicted by your spirit.

I pray that he will not have a moments peace while he is still in adultery.

I pray you crush, break and destroy the bond between him and the other woman. I pray that her husbands eyes will open, that he will come to his senses.

I pray that as he spends time with his child he will feel a pull toward the light, and repent in his heart.

I pray that you will prepare Luna for the time when her husband starts to expereince conviction and feel drawn to her, that she will forgive and that there will be no recriminations . that you will make it easy for him to return to her, and that he will find acceptance and love with her, just as we do with you, Father.

I pray that he would be dissatisfied in every way with this situation, and that he would encounter a hedge of thorns whenever he seeks out the other woman. I pray that he would think to himself that he was better off with his wife, and that he would desire peace of mind, and peace with you.

Father, I ask today that if Luna sees her husband that she would be beautiful and desireable in his eyes, that her gentle spirit and her love for him would attract him to her.

Help Luna to say and do only that which shows love to her husband today.

I ask these things in the name of your Son, and for his sake. Amen!

#345968 04/14/04 09:25 AM
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> I did ask him about the divorce. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Luna, Just a note. Why did you bring up the D? I have found that the more a subject is talked about, the devil feeds upon the words that are spoken. If there is mention of the big D, let him do it. Just be quiet and of a gentle spirit. This is something I had to learn the hard way. Every word I spoke came back to bite me in the a** eventually. After a while, I learned when to speak & when to stay quiet. My H also took notice I wasn't saying as much & listening more, & he liked the change. I still struggle with it, but I am getting better at it.


I agree with everyone else. Fasting is supposed to break yokes and it sounds as if you're in a tight one right now. Fasting & prayer go hand-in-hand. Just try a 24-hour fast & see the mighty miracle that breaks through! I'm praying for you!

#345969 04/14/04 11:38 PM
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Wow Shul!
That was a beautifully written prayer. I have been doing well in keeping quite and allowing my husband to see our son. He has seen him everyday this week for most of the day. Son does not talk about the ow and husband doesn't either. They have decided to stay an extra day and are not leaving until Friday morning.

God is great and hears our prayers. Husband has been trying to get a hold of the county clerk to find out how to file for divorce. Monday both clerks (we live on the border of two counties) were not available. One would be available today. He was busy all day and was not able to speak to my husband. Prayer and fasting truely works. If anybody wants more examples of how fasting has been helping me, just ask. I will gladly tell you.

I brought up the divorce because I am tired of being blindsided. I wanted to be prepared for the worst which is really dumb because I know God will not allow a divorce to go through. He puts obstacles in every step of my husbands way.

Today my husband actually smiled at him. We spoke briefly and the only thing I did was ask when he was leaving. When he asked if he could see son tomorrow and I said yes without hesitation, he smiled at me. A real smile.

Praise God for all the good things in my life and for always answering my prayers. My trust is in Him and Him alone.


#345970 04/15/04 05:10 PM
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I thank you for what you are already doing in this situation, for the connection you are forming between Kuna and her husband. That he is starting to see her in a new light, teh beautiful person she is.

I ask today that you will do a work of conviction in the heart of the o/w, Father. That she will know that she is living a sin, adn getting in the way of your plan, destroying the lives of three or more people. I pray that the second thoguhts she has been having will come to the surface , especially as she see Lunas husband with his son. I pray he will also be convicted that what he is doing is wrong, that he will know that there will be no peace for him or her if they continue on this way in adultery.

Father, I pray for the o/w that she will hear your word and understand it, and know that she has to end this relationship to have peace with you.

Let Luna radiate love toward her husband when he sees her. Let him be smitten, and instantly know that he has been a fool.

I come against any lies of the enemy. I pray that anything the enemy tries to do in this situation, will backfire.

I pray that her husband will have a vision of a peaceful loving life with Luna and their son, and that heh will not be dismayed by the hurts of the past. That he will know that they can both forgive and start over, just like that.


#345971 04/15/04 06:11 PM
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Thank you again for the reply. I was having a doubtful day today. The enemy is still trying to hit me hard. The enemy is trying to control my thoughts and make me think the worst. When it happens, I pray. I pray that the holy spirit will fill me up and allow me to continue with my day. God is greater than the enemy and always will be.

I don't know what to say when people ask about my husband. I tell them that he is in the Army and that we are seperated. Nothing more.I don't mention the D word though <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> .


#345972 04/16/04 11:33 AM
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Well, the enemy hit even harder last night. He sure is trying to break me down. Lets just say it was very bad. I was able to keep my cool and let God take control of the situation.

I pray heavenly Father that you continue to give me strength as my trial continues. Allow me to be quiet and humble in the presence or on the telephone with my husband. Life is good here where You have placed me. I pray that my husband find You and learn about You. His salvation is the most important aspect right now. I praise You, Father, for continuing to put obstacles in his way as he tries to file for divorce. I know and trust You Father that a divorce will not take place. I thank you for answering my prayers. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


#345973 04/17/04 12:28 AM
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Thankyou for what you are doing in this situation.

I ask that you will cause him to hear your word, and be convicted of this sin of adultery.

I ask that you will remove any obstacle from his path back to You and to Lunadove.

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