I major Lb'ed last night. As much as I've tried to be a good wife and change my attitude and let my husband do all his running, I couldn't stand being ran over any more and let him have it.
I don't mind him going places, but I lie to you not- he is always gone. He forgets we have a family and I am not the only one who has a family to raise. I can't do this on my own, I am tired of being treated as a servant in my own home. I have been so strong for so long. I just lost it.
It started with the affection thing, I want it! Then things have dwindled to where he doesn't even have the decenency (sp) to say goodbye when he leaves. Or when I tell him goodbye, all I get is a Uh-huh! How do I continue with ne respect- at least not that much of it.
This is the part of him that I cannot put up with. Just a few days ago he admitted not doing anything around the house. He even went grocery shopping for me. I can't describe the kind of person he is with me, For instance, the other day he was asking me some questions, I would try to explain, and he'd snap "just yes or no!" I asked him a question last night, "just a yes or no"- and I'm considered getting smart. What he does is fine- if I do it different story.
I would appreciate all prayers, I am going to back off for a while. I have asked myself that for awhile now, and it seems like my only resort. There will be no calls, I will sleep on the couch, I will not ask him for a thing. I can only pray that God leads him back again. I don't know what else to do!
By the way the other 2 couples that have had marital problems close to us, they both have reconciled! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
I look back, and think I gave my books, my info I've helped them. They are together now, and I'm the one still waiting. I am completely having a pitty party for myself here ain't I?
I pray-I always pray! I just feel I am just existing in this shell of a home. Our neighbors were out talking to us tonight and she's hugging on her husband, and rubbing his back, and I swear you would not believe the silence. I don't know if he was thinking the same thing, but I wished I could have that back. It was almost uncomfortable to be around people like that. When it gets to be that you don't want to be around people that are happy- what is wrong with me. I am not a bad person. I even had elementary kids asking me to marry them yesterday! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
This hasn't happened for so long! We were doing so good! Prayers and advice really needed!