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Joined: Jun 2003
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Every Wed. we pray and fast for one another for resolution to our marriages and our lives. Every Wed. we can check in and let our fellow prayer warriors know we have prayed for the group. Prayer does mighty things and group prayer is even better. "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." Matt 18:20. I will be entering the prayer post on Sundays so everyone has an opportunity to check in and to add their own personal prayer request if they want to/need to. Then on Wed. we can check in, hit the "Post Reply" button, and enter "Amen". I think it will be great to see how God works in our lives and heals our marriages and us. If you want to pray with us I will be more than happy to add your name to the list below. Prayer Warriors who are praying and being prayed for: -.{182 Prayer Warriors and counting} cajunky . Ezra . Willgetthruthis . Godisincontrol . Natasha79 . JohnC . NMWBTWBD (Not My Will, But Thy Will Be Done) . Wallace . relady . steadfast and committed . morriggs . lupolady . stillwaiting . Broken Hearted . PasDeDeux . hopeful_person . GinnyF . justpeachy . cry2much . SNL . LostAgain (Dave&April) . Dodger (Rtron) . gloriachu . LoveNcare . JMF . WEN . NiteHawk . Absurd . LetSTry . AgainsttheWind . cemmerson . getting better . kellidiane . Terrified . BeeLee . idostylin . Resilient . thiscantbehappening . day by day . Jloves . broken x3 . Sue with Hope . sunrise1 . shepette . Malc . Faithfulwife . timbo-e . Angelia . FeelingAllAlone . broken_joe . dopey . awake . trulyafriend . Is it to late? . stilltryingtosaveit . landslide . GODBLESSU . vega . LoyalWarrior . janna-m-r . ferbie . EpiphOny . Simmy . cajeanie . d_rose . lost_lonely . briank4775 . mayflower . Caged_Bird . LunaDove . goldilocks109 . darwud . Mrs. Darwud . Zuzus_Petals . adamv . Army Hubby . Gail (mojodiva) & Shane . bonnie five & H . TryingToKeepHope . Hopeful98 . Ighoping . SoTired (Mike & Trish) . evega . Douglas and Kirsi Nielson . Jessicafl27 . kimmy2 . auntielala . weezy8550 . miserynmissouri . STBXWife . sealfan . Jen Brown . SMIAJ . Cinderella . GreggC . trying_to_accept . solon . serenitydipity . ilia . lonejrock . anchorhugger . Prayer & Patience . Chikar . Alex6 . Hopeforamiracle . fishlady . rookie . Made A Mess of Things . *DeepSigh* . boden . new comittment . deeplyhurting . jeff15679 . Bob Castaldi . k57mo . skottyjay (Scott & Melody) . TROD (Tony and Julie) . thisso . ladysheep . hurtmorethanheknows . singleguy . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage . Keesley . recovering_dad . Terrianna . javaContour . BH . Cheryls . cherry log . AD. . Suebee . REJECTED . LoveMyEx . LostHusband . kings kid . kwhittle . vividwhisper . imready2try . staeryn . JoeCM . mike729 . Ridingtherollercoaster . DREslinger . ecpsap . Mr.Miew . StandingTogether . Alcoholic’s Wife . gentle . Stung by a Bee . maximus1 . Blended family girl . Diamonzzz . sctaylor . RichardF . bygraceamfree . butterflie . FinallyLearning . angielt . luke parrish . sadmama . Timeheals . OuchThisHurts . mojo95 . Cherylpa . nvrgvup . Titleist . auto009988 . Hope92 . JLight . Culprit007 and hubby . ddc03 . new_beginning . Waiting On My Change . allmyloveforever . jamesp . wontgiveupyet . gzangel . wahoodee . sad and tired . ruffled . Shul . Learning Lots . prayingforchange . Prayers Answered/God's Gifts to Us: Titleist (W moved back home) . hopeful98 (H went to church again) . LunaDove (God kept her out of trouble) . hopeful98 (H commented to MIL's H that he was not interested in checking the D status - doesn't care about it anyways) . LunaDove (received a pay raise and is getting a good tax return - God is taking care of her and son) . Hopeful_person (remarried her H in Jan. PTL!) . ItsInHisHandsNow (had a 3 hr conversation with wife) . LunaDove (God answered her question) . hopeful98 (H went to church) . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (made a promise to God to give me a headache when I am not living His Word – boy does my head hurt ;-) . lupolady ( was a Witness and Testimony to her faith to a woman in the vet’s office) . Steadfastandcommitted (W told OM she would soon be leaving her job, he replied that he guesses he’ll have to start dating) . RichardF (W and him went to a 'marriage weekend' together and have started communicating again) . TTSMM (stood by D in church when she did her first reading ever during her "First Penance" ceremony) . Standing_For_M (H is talking about MC; H is spending nights at the house; received $$ to payoff outstanding bills and bank the remainder) . adamv (talked and prayed the prayer of salvation with his 8yr old son) . finallylearning (has broken ties with the OM) . Steadfast and Committed (MIL left the hospital; his dog was found by the Humane Society) . Standing_For_M (H stayed over for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day; rec'd Christmas gifts for her and her kids and food/groceries from her mom and her job; had great talk with H on phone; H said he told a co-worker a story about when they first dated) . lupolady (broken arm is healed; bought herself a new car) . staeryn (H moving back temporarily to help with their new baby) . sadmama (H is ending A and coming home; her D's pray for the Prayer Warriors) . hopeful98 (R&R in Mexico) . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (at Mass, a child was being baptized and my D said, "Look Daddy, another member has just joined God's family; D is doing a reading at her "First Sacrament of Reconciliation" service this Saturday) . Standing_For_M (her & H attended S' holiday concert and had a good time) . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (kids were playing very loudly while W was baking and she didn't lose it, she let them have fun) . hopeful98 (had a nice conversation with her H) . Standing_for_M (had a five hour talk with H, some flirting with him as well) . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (in my D's public school, they discussed things pertaining to the winter season, she said "God's Birthday") . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (I struck up a conversation with a former Catholic-Christian and shared my life, experiences and "The Purpose Driven Life" with him. first time I ever shared my faith with a stranger) . Blended faily girl (found a job within a Christian environment and received a raise) . Blended faily girl (the Lord placed a strong Christian woman in her life for a "Purpose") . Blended faily girl (four hour Bible study with sister on phone) . Standing_for_M (her H stayed the night, on the sofa, after visiting her and the children) . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (a wonderful Thanksgiving with my wife and children - no fighting or talk of divorce) . Standing_for_M (her H's heart is softening by his actions towards her and their children) . LoveNcare (her son returns to his wife after 14 months) . lupolady (hard cast taken off her arm) . kings kid (good news about her biopsy) . Terrianna (daughter not moving away) . Steadfastandcommitted (wife is back and we are planning to renew our wedding vows in our church) . tryingTOsaveMYmarraige (D is interested in the Christian music I am listening to and asks a lot about God) . hopeful_person (H seemed more willing to consider a reconciliation) . GreggC (wife's heart is softening a bit and son asking about things in the Bible and believes in it) . WGTT (WH coming home) . d_rose (got a ways to go but we are going there together.) . Faithfulwife (GOT A JOB, Found a house, D is final and got a puppy that “just LOVES me”) . tsc (marriage being restored) . janna-m-r (Husband came home and wants to try to restore marriage even though he is the BS) . Steadfastandcommitted (wife gave up other man) . Stillwaiting (Got to see her husband for 2 hours and his heart seems to have softened) . Stillwaiting (neice is o.k.) . cajunky (wife not engaged & did something with family, told me she loved me) . Free (Marriage Restoration begun ) . Againstthewind (Got job) . betrayed and desparate (sucessful cancer surgery) . WGTT (accepted into mentor program) . Movingonwithlife (Wife coming home) . cry2much(sucessful surgery) . Steadfastandcommitted (first string again) . Lupolady (air conditioner) .
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Joined: Jun 2003
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The Power of a Praying Wife
Chapter Twenty – His Attitude
No one wants to be around a person with a bad attitude. Life is hard enough without listening to someone constantly complaining in your ear. I know a man who is so in the habit of being angry and miserable that it is his first reaction to everything – even good news. When great things happen, he finds something to be upset about. Unfortunately, this was modeled to him as a child, so it was probably a learned response. Perhaps no one ever showed him how to enjoy life. But allowing the past to control today is still a choice he makes. Because of that, not only will he never be happy, but neither will those around him. We don’t want to be that kind of person, nor do we want to live with one.
An angry, dour, unforgiving, negative person can get that way for various reasons. He stays that way because of a stubborn will that refuses to receive God’s love. The Bible says we have a choice as to what we will allow into our heart (Psalm 101:4), and whether we will harden it to the love of God or not (Proverbs 28:14). We choose our attitude. We choose to receive the love of the Lord. We permit an attitude of thankfulness to rise in us.
If your husband allows himself to wallow in a consistently bad attitude, it will make a good marriage miserable, and a shaky marriage intolerable. A habit of responding negatively will adversely affect every aspect of his life. Or course you can’t rule over your husband’s will, but you can pray that his will lines up with God’s. Pray that his heart becomes pure, because the Bible promises a person who has a pure heart will see God (Matthew 5:8) and a cheerful countenance (Proverbs 15:13). (Who doesn’t wish her husband could see God and have a cheerful countenance?) Pray for his heart to be filled with praise, thanksgiving, love and joy, because “a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things” (Matthew 12:35). Even if there are major changes immediately, he is certain to be softened by your prayers. And that, at least, can give you a better attitude while you wait for his to improve.
Lord, fill (husband’s name) with Your love and peace today. May there be a calmness, serenity, and sense of well-being established in him because of his God-controlled, rather than flesh-controlled. Enable him to walk in his house with a clean and perfect heart before You (Psalm 101:2). Shine the light of Your Spirit upon him and fill him with Your Love.
I pray that he will be kind and patient, not selfish or easily provoked. Enable him to bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, and endure all things (1 Corinthians 13:7). Release him from anger, unrest, anxiety, concerns, inner turmoil, strife, and pressure. May he not be broken in spirit because of sorrow (Proverbs 15:13), but enjoy the continual feast of a merry heart (Proverbs 15:15). Give him a spirit of joy and keep him from growing into a grumpy old man. Help him to be anxious for nothing, but give thanks in all things so he can know the peace that passes all understanding. May he come to the point of saying, “I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content” (Philippians 4:11). I say to (husband’s name) this day, “The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26). AMEN!
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Fellow Prayer Warriors,
Today has been far from easy. The dark one is at work again - my wife does not believe that I can be in a meeting at work for over an hour (as happened this morning).
Help all prayer warriors in this group. May they grow in understanding of your path for their lives. May they learn to trust, where trust is appropriate.
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Just checking in. I've been feeling down today. I'll be praying for you all. Lunadove
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I too will be praying for all of you. I purchased and read the entire "Power of a Praying Husband" last night and would highly recommend it. May God bless all of you and heal your hearts.
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Teach us to pray. Teach us to know what to pray.
Teach us to hear Your Voice and follow You. Teach us to walk in YOUR Spirit. Teach us to listen for that still, small voice.
Give us YOUR Mind. Give us an extra anointing of Your love. Teach us Your Perfect Love, and how to be an example of it in our everyday lives.
Father God, help us grow in grace and knowledge of Your Word. Let us be living, breathing, walking examples of Your Living Word everywhere we go this week.
Praise You, Father, for Your love to us. Praise You for loving us and giving Your Son for us.
We seek to love You back. We are weak, we fall short, we fail You. But we want to Please You, and we want to become more Christlike. Help us, Father.
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Checking in and praying for you all today.
God Bless!!!
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Just want to let everyone know that I am still praying for everyone! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
Things are going pretty good right now. Not exactly everything I want, but enough for me to still hang on. What I wouldn't do to be openly affectionate with my husband. I would love to be able to kiss him whenever he comes home or leaves, or just tell him I love him. I still feel like just a roomate! <img border="0" alt="[Teary]" title="" src="graemlins/teary.gif" />
I am scared, so I can only give it to God and let him take care of it.
I thank God for everything that I do have though, and will continue working on the marriage God wants me to have. Surely this won't last forever! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" /> I guess I am just afraid of the rejection or I'd try it!
Who knew saying ILY would eventually become so hard to do!
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