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Every Wed. we pray and fast for one another for resolution to our marriages and our lives. Every Wed. we can check in and let our fellow prayer warriors know we have prayed for the group. Prayer does mighty things and group prayer is even better. "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." Matt 18:20. I will be entering the prayer post on Sundays so everyone has an opportunity to check in and to add their own personal prayer request if they want to/need to. Then on Wed. we can check in, hit the "Post Reply" button, and enter "Amen". I think it will be great to see how God works in our lives and heals our marriages and us. If you want to pray with us I will be more than happy to add your name to the list below. Prayer Warriors who are praying and being prayed for: -.{186 Prayer Warriors and counting} cajunky . Ezra . Willgetthruthis . Godisincontrol . Natasha79 . JohnC . NMWBTWBD (Not My Will, But Thy Will Be Done) . Wallace . relady . steadfast and committed . morriggs . lupolady . stillwaiting . Broken Hearted . PasDeDeux . hopeful_person . GinnyF . justpeachy . cry2much . SNL . LostAgain (Dave&April) . Dodger (Rtron) . gloriachu . LoveNcare . JMF . WEN . NiteHawk . Absurd . LetSTry . AgainsttheWind . cemmerson . getting better . kellidiane . Terrified . BeeLee . idostylin . Resilient . thiscantbehappening . day by day . Jloves . broken x3 . Sue with Hope . sunrise1 . shepette . Malc . Faithfulwife . timbo-e . Angelia . FeelingAllAlone . broken_joe . dopey . awake . trulyafriend . Is it to late? . stilltryingtosaveit . landslide . GODBLESSU . vega . LoyalWarrior . janna-m-r . ferbie . EpiphOny . Simmy . cajeanie . d_rose . lost_lonely . briank4775 . mayflower . Caged_Bird . LunaDove . goldilocks109 . darwud . Mrs. Darwud . Zuzus_Petals . adamv . Army Hubby . Gail (mojodiva) & Shane . bonnie five & H . TryingToKeepHope . Hopeful98 . Ighoping . SoTired (Mike & Trish) . evega . Douglas and Kirsi Nielson . Jessicafl27 . kimmy2 . auntielala . weezy8550 . miserynmissouri . STBXWife . sealfan . Jen Brown . SMIAJ . Cinderella . GreggC . trying_to_accept . solon . serenitydipity . ilia . lonejrock . anchorhugger . Prayer & Patience . Chikar . Alex6 . Hopeforamiracle . fishlady . rookie . Made A Mess of Things . *DeepSigh* . boden . new comittment . deeplyhurting . jeff15679 . Bob Castaldi . k57mo . skottyjay (Scott & Melody) . TROD (Tony and Julie) . thisso . ladysheep . hurtmorethanheknows . singleguy . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage . Keesley . recovering_dad . Terrianna . javaContour . BH . Cheryls . cherry log . AD. . Suebee . REJECTED . LoveMyEx . LostHusband . kings kid . kwhittle . vividwhisper . imready2try . staeryn . JoeCM . mike729 . Ridingtherollercoaster . DREslinger . ecpsap . Mr.Miew . StandingTogether . Alcoholic’s Wife . gentle . Stung by a Bee . maximus1 . Blended family girl . Diamonzzz . sctaylor . RichardF . bygraceamfree . butterflie . FinallyLearning . angielt . luke parrish . sadmama . Timeheals . OuchThisHurts . mojo95 . Cherylpa . nvrgvup . Titleist . auto009988 . Hope92 . JLight . Culprit007 and hubby . ddc03 . new_beginning . Waiting On My Change . allmyloveforever . jamesp . wontgiveupyet . gzangel . wahoodee . sad and tired . ruffled . Shul . Learning Lots . prayingforchange . ChangingMan . rosj . txsunnyblueskies . roughroad . Prayers Answered/God's Gifts to Us: Hopeful98 (H went to church and was able to smile and say hello to him) . Shul (H wants to turn back to God) . RichardF (expecting a little blessing from God - baby!) . Shul (had opportunity to show love and friendship to H) . Lupolady (H continues to make contact each week) . StandingTogether (H has agreed to read The Five Love Languages together) . Titleist (W moved back home) . hopeful98 (H went to church again) . LunaDove (God kept her out of trouble) . hopeful98 (H commented to MIL's H that he was not interested in checking the D status - doesn't care about it anyways) . LunaDove (received a pay raise and is getting a good tax return - God is taking care of her and son) . Hopeful_person (remarried her H in Jan. PTL!) . ItsInHisHandsNow (had a 3 hr conversation with wife) . LunaDove (God answered her question) . hopeful98 (H went to church) . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (made a promise to God to give me a headache when I am not living His Word – boy does my head hurt ;-) . lupolady ( was a Witness and Testimony to her faith to a woman in the vet’s office) . Steadfastandcommitted (W told OM she would soon be leaving her job, he replied that he guesses he’ll have to start dating) . RichardF (W and him went to a 'marriage weekend' together and have started communicating again) . TTSMM (stood by D in church when she did her first reading ever during her "First Penance" ceremony) . Standing_For_M (H is talking about MC; H is spending nights at the house; received $$ to payoff outstanding bills and bank the remainder) . adamv (talked and prayed the prayer of salvation with his 8yr old son) . finallylearning (has broken ties with the OM) . Steadfast and Committed (MIL left the hospital; his dog was found by the Humane Society) . Standing_For_M (H stayed over for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day; rec'd Christmas gifts for her and her kids and food/groceries from her mom and her job; had great talk with H on phone; H said he told a co-worker a story about when they first dated) . lupolady (broken arm is healed; bought herself a new car) . staeryn (H moving back temporarily to help with their new baby) . sadmama (H is ending A and coming home; her D's pray for the Prayer Warriors) . hopeful98 (R&R in Mexico) . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (at Mass, a child was being baptized and my D said, "Look Daddy, another member has just joined God's family; D is doing a reading at her "First Sacrament of Reconciliation" service this Saturday) . Standing_For_M (her & H attended S' holiday concert and had a good time) . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (kids were playing very loudly while W was baking and she didn't lose it, she let them have fun) . hopeful98 (had a nice conversation with her H) . Standing_for_M (had a five hour talk with H, some flirting with him as well) . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (in my D's public school, they discussed things pertaining to the winter season, she said "God's Birthday") . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (I struck up a conversation with a former Catholic-Christian and shared my life, experiences and "The Purpose Driven Life" with him. first time I ever shared my faith with a stranger) . Blended faily girl (found a job within a Christian environment and received a raise) . Blended faily girl (the Lord placed a strong Christian woman in her life for a "Purpose") . Blended faily girl (four hour Bible study with sister on phone) . Standing_for_M (her H stayed the night, on the sofa, after visiting her and the children) . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (a wonderful Thanksgiving with my wife and children - no fighting or talk of divorce) . Standing_for_M (her H's heart is softening by his actions towards her and their children) . LoveNcare (her son returns to his wife after 14 months) . lupolady (hard cast taken off her arm) . kings kid (good news about her biopsy) . Terrianna (daughter not moving away) . Steadfastandcommitted (wife is back and we are planning to renew our wedding vows in our church) . tryingTOsaveMYmarraige (D is interested in the Christian music I am listening to and asks a lot about God) . hopeful_person (H seemed more willing to consider a reconciliation) . GreggC (wife's heart is softening a bit and son asking about things in the Bible and believes in it) . WGTT (WH coming home) . d_rose (got a ways to go but we are going there together.) . Faithfulwife (GOT A JOB, Found a house, D is final and got a puppy that “just LOVES me”) . tsc (marriage being restored) . janna-m-r (Husband came home and wants to try to restore marriage even though he is the BS) . Steadfastandcommitted (wife gave up other man) . Stillwaiting (Got to see her husband for 2 hours and his heart seems to have softened) . Stillwaiting (neice is o.k.) . cajunky (wife not engaged & did something with family, told me she loved me) . Free (Marriage Restoration begun ) . Againstthewind (Got job) . betrayed and desparate (sucessful cancer surgery) . WGTT (accepted into mentor program) . Movingonwithlife (Wife coming home) . cry2much(sucessful surgery) . Steadfastandcommitted (first string again) . Lupolady (air conditioner) . <small>[ June 30, 2004, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: hopeful98 ]</small>
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The Power of a Praying Wife
Chapter Twenty-Eight – His Self-Image
Why do some very capable and talented men consistently find doors of opportunity and acceptance closed to them, while others with equal or less ability have seemingly unlimited opportunities and success in every area of their lives? It doesn’t seem fair. Timing, of course, has something to do with it. God has a time for everything and he works in us what needs to be done to prepare us for what is ahead. Having a sense of God’s timing brings the peace to wait on the Lord for it.
There can be another important reason for the struggle, however, and that is a man’s perception of himself. If he has a poor self-image, he will have doubts about his value that creep into everything he does – even into his relationships. People who are uncomfortable with his insecurity may avoid him, and this will in turn affect how he relates to his family, friends, coworkers and even strangers. Expecting to be rejected, he will be.
If your husband’s self-image needs a makeover, be patient. The answer won’t come over night when a long held pattern of thinking has to be broken But you can appropriate the power of God to fight the enemy that feeds him familiar lies, so he can be free to hear God’s truth. You’ll find that as you intercede, God will reveal glimpses of the key to unlocking the particular thing in your husband. In other words, as you pray he’ll show you how to pray.
I firmly believe that the tendency toward a midlife crisis can be hindered by praying along this same line. Any toxicity still in a man’s soul after he reaches his fifties will eventually pour out of him like a potion. It’s as if the invisible damn holding it back weakens with age. When it breaks, the flood can be strong enough to carry him away. Having his identity soundly established in the Lord will make a major difference in how he gets thru that time.
God says our first steps are to be toward Him: seeking His face, following His laws, putting Him first and self-centered pursuits last. When we line up with Him, He leads the way and all we have to do is follow. As we look to Him, the glory of His image gets imprinted on us. When our self-image gets so wrapped up in God that we lose ourselves in the process, we’re free. We want that liberty for our husband’s, as well as ourselves.
Your husband will never see who he really is until he sees who God really is. Pray that he finds his true identity.
Lord, I pray that (husband’s name) will find his identity in You. Help him to understand his worth thru Your eyes and by Your standards. May he recognize the unique qualities you’ve place in him and be able to appreciate them. Enable him to see himself the way You see him, understanding that “You have made him a little lower than the angles, and You crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet” (Psalms 8:4-6). Quiet the voices that tell him otherwise and give him ears to hear Your voice telling him that it will not be his perfection that gets him thru live successfully. It will be Yours.
Reveal to him that “he is the image and glory of God” (1 Corinthians 11:7), and he is “complete in Him, who is the head of all principalities” (Colossians 2:10). Give him the peace and security of knowing that he is accepted, not rejected by You. Free him from self-focus and self-consciousness that can imprison his soul. Help him to see who You really are so he’ll know who he really is. May his true self-image be the image of Christ stamped upon his soul. AMEN! <small>[ June 28, 2004, 01:33 AM: Message edited by: hopeful98 ]</small>
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I would definitely like to become an additional prayer warrior. I'm not exactly sure what to do here on this particular thread. I do pray daily for those on the MB forums but if I do more than I want to.
Recent answers to my prayers as well as those who have prayed for me is that I have officially moved into my own place this past weekend. God provided this place for me through someone at church and I also had several people from church help w/moving my things. I have also started praying a couple of months after dday and after i joined my church if he would show me where he would have me serve. i haven't been shown anything specifically (a specific burden on my heart) but that i am at the point where i need to start serving the Lord more and his cause on this earth. So last night i volunteered to help out in VBS in august which is something i've never done.
my prayer request now is that i will be leaving wednesday 6/30, after work and drive to my parents house (5 hours away) stay the night then leave the next day for florida (9hours) where my H is, our house, and dogs. i have not seen my H since march. i've already been told as much from my H that he doesn't want to talk about us and i know he will not be staying at the house while i'm there. so first for safe travel, that God's will be done in my H's life, and that my H's heart will be softened during this brief visit. I will be driving back straight from florida to illinois (12hours) on 7/5. i may or may not have the dogs w/me, that is something i would like to negotiate w/my H.
Thanks for this prayer forum and for the prayer offered above, i will print it out and start praying that for my H everyday. if there is anything else i need to specifically do, please let me know. thanks and God Bless, RR
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Great Job in keeping this going, I am back and need a special request this week.
Something is happening with my WH, and I would really appreciate some extra prayer this week for him. He is still living with OW, but I have continued Plan A'g, then a Plan B, and now another Plan A. He says he doesn't want a divorce that he still loves me, and I have received phone calls that are coming more and more frequently. We are separated by about 500 miles, and I had all but given up hope, but I even got a call this morning to wish me a Happy 4th. He told me that their relationship isn't going to work out, but he doesn't know what is going to happen - there are other things that are involved that would have to be worked out, so it isn't quite that easy.
Please, pray for him, and the OW to release him, and for the restoration of our Marriage. I am still standing and it has been 2 years, and I know God is doing something miraculous right now. So, please all pray in agreement with me that it will finally happen!
Thanks. Cajeanie
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Father God, you have heard these requests, and were moving to answer them before we spoke them. Thank you for being there. Amen.
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Hey Sis! Just wanted to let you know you're still on my list and i think about how you're doing.
You can e-mail anytime you want.
Prayers out to all of you! Bless you all.
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