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Joined: Jun 2003
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Joined: Jun 2003
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Every Wed. we pray and fast for one another for resolution to our marriages and our lives. Every Wed. we can check in and let our fellow prayer warriors know we have prayed for the group. Prayer does mighty things and group prayer is even better. "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." Matt 18:20.

I will be entering the prayer post on Sundays so everyone has an opportunity to check in and to add their own personal prayer request if they want to/need to. Then on Wed. we can check in, hit the "Post Reply" button, and enter "Amen".

I think it will be great to see how God works in our lives and heals our marriages and us. If you want to pray with us I will be more than happy to add your name to the list below.

Prayer Warriors who are praying and being prayed for: -.{196 Prayer Warriors and counting}
cajunky . Ezra . Willgetthruthis . Godisincontrol . Natasha79 . JohnC . NMWBTWBD (Not My Will, But Thy Will Be Done) . Wallace . relady . steadfast and committed . morriggs . lupolady . stillwaiting . Broken Hearted . PasDeDeux . hopeful_person . GinnyF . justpeachy . cry2much . SNL . LostAgain (Dave&April) . Dodger (Rtron) . gloriachu . LoveNcare . JMF . WEN . NiteHawk . Absurd . LetSTry . AgainsttheWind . cemmerson . getting better . kellidiane . Terrified . BeeLee . idostylin . Resilient . thiscantbehappening . day by day . Jloves . broken x3 . Sue with Hope . sunrise1 . shepette . Malc . Faithfulwife . timbo-e . Angelia . FeelingAllAlone . broken_joe .

dopey . awake . trulyafriend . Is it to late? . stilltryingtosaveit . landslide . GODBLESSU . vega . LoyalWarrior . janna-m-r . ferbie . EpiphOny . Simmy . cajeanie . d_rose . lost_lonely . briank4775 . mayflower . Caged_Bird . LunaDove . goldilocks109 . darwud . Mrs. Darwud . Zuzus_Petals . adamv . Army Hubby . Gail (mojodiva) & Shane . bonnie five & H . TryingToKeepHope . Hopeful98 . Ighoping . SoTired (Mike & Trish) . evega . Douglas and Kirsi Nielson . Jessicafl27 . kimmy2 . auntielala . weezy8550 . miserynmissouri .STBXWife . sealfan . Jen Brown . SMIAJ . Cinderella . GreggC . trying_to_accept . solon . serenitydipity . ilia . lonelyjrock .

anchorhugger . Prayer & Patience . Chikar . Alex6 . Hopeforamiracle . fishlady . rookie . Made A Mess of Things . *DeepSigh* . l/m . new comittment . deeplyhurting . jeff15679 . Bob Castaldi . k57mo . skottyjay (Scott & Melody) . TROD (Tony and Julie) . thisso . ladysheep . hurtmorethanheknows . singleguy . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage . Keesley . recovering_dad . Terrianna . javaContour . BH . Cheryls . cherry log . AD. . Suebee . REJECTED . LoveMyEx . LostHusband . kings kid . kwhittle . vividwhisper . imready2try . staeryn . JoeCM . mike729 . Ridingtherollercoaster . DREslinger . ecpsap . Mr.Miew . StandingTogether . Alcoholic's Wife . gentle . Stung by a Bee . maximus1 . Blended family girl . Diamonzzz . sctaylor . RichardF . bygraceamfree . butterflie . FinallyLearning . angielt . luke parrish . sadmama . Timeheals . OuchThisHurts . mojo95 . Cherylpa . nvrgvup . Titleist . auto009988 . Hope92 . JLight . Culprit007 and hubby . ddc03 . new_beginning . Waiting On My Change . allmyloveforever . jamesp . wontgiveupyet . gzangel . wahoodee . sad and tired . ruffled . Shul . Learning Lots . prayingforchange . ChangingMan . rosj . txsunnyblueskies . roughroad . sprezzatura . SurvivingInNC . angels9 . Deja Vu . tanelornpete . cuteIShot . GWK . Mschluter . nvrnding . Silent Cries .

Prayers Answered/God's Gifts to Us:

Lupolady (has RECONCILED with H!! Doing better and better each day. PTL!) . Richard F (able to spend the day of 1st d-day anniv w/wife) . GWK (went away for the weekend w/ wife, she has agreed on MC) . Hopeful98 (H went to church and was able to smile and say hello to him) . Shul (H wants to turn back to God) . RichardF (expecting a little blessing from God - baby!) . Shul (had opportunity to show love and friendship to H) . Lupolady (H continues to make contact each week) . StandingTogether (H has agreed to read The Five Love Languages together) . Titleist (W moved back home) . hopeful98 (H went to church again) . LunaDove (God kept her out of trouble) . hopeful98 (H commented to MIL's H that he was not interested in checking the D status - doesn't care about it anyways) . LunaDove (received a pay raise and is getting a good tax return - God is taking care of her and son) . Hopeful_person (remarried her H in Jan. PTL!) . ItsInHisHandsNow (had a 3 hr conversation with wife) . LunaDove (God answered her question) . hopeful98 (H went to church) . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (made a promise to God to give me a headache when I am not living His Word ? boy does my head hurt ;-) . lupolady ( was a Witness and Testimony to her faith to a woman in the vet?s office) . Steadfastandcommitted (W told OM she would soon be leaving her job, he replied that he guesses he?ll have to start dating) . RichardF (W and him went to a 'marriage weekend' together and have started communicating again) . TTSMM (stood by D in church when she did her first reading ever during her "First Penance" ceremony) . Standing_For_M (H is talking about MC; H is spending nights at the house; received $$ to payoff outstanding bills and bank the remainder) . adamv (talked and prayed the prayer of salvation with his 8yr old son) . finallylearning (has broken ties with the OM) . Steadfast and Committed (MIL left the hospital; his dog was found by the Humane Society) . Standing_For_M (H stayed over for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day; rec'd Christmas gifts for her and her kids and food/groceries from her mom and her job; had great talk with H on phone; H said he told a co-worker a story about when they first dated) . lupolady (broken arm is healed; bought herself a new car) . staeryn (H moving back temporarily to help with their new baby) . sadmama (H is ending A and coming home; her D's pray for the Prayer Warriors) . hopeful98 (R&R in Mexico) . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (at Mass, a child was being baptized and my D said, "Look Daddy, another member has just joined God's family; D is doing a reading at her "First Sacrament of Reconciliation" service this Saturday) . Standing_For_M (her & H attended S' holiday concert and had a good time) . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (kids were playing very loudly while W was baking and she didn't lose it, she let them have fun) . hopeful98 (had a nice conversation with her H) . Standing_for_M (had a five hour talk with H, some flirting with him as well) . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (in my D's public school, they discussed things pertaining to the winter season, she said "God's Birthday") . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (I struck up a conversation with a former Catholic-Christian and shared my life, experiences and "The Purpose Driven Life" with him. first time I ever shared my faith with a stranger) . Blended faily girl (found a job within a Christian environment and received a raise) . Blended faily girl (the Lord placed a strong Christian woman in her life for a "Purpose") . Blended faily girl (four hour Bible study with sister on phone) . Standing_for_M (her H stayed the night, on the sofa, after visiting her and the children) . tryingTOsaveMYmarriage (a wonderful Thanksgiving with my wife and children - no fighting or talk of divorce) . Standing_for_M (her H's heart is softening by his actions towards her and their children) . LoveNcare (her son returns to his wife after 14 months) . lupolady (hard cast taken off her arm) . kings kid (good news about her biopsy) . Terrianna (daughter not moving away) . Steadfastandcommitted (wife is back and we are planning to renew our wedding vows in our church) . tryingTOsaveMYmarraige (D is interested in the Christian music I am listening to and asks a lot about God) . hopeful_person (H seemed more willing to consider a reconciliation) . GreggC (wife's heart is softening a bit and son asking about things in the Bible and believes in it) . WGTT (WH coming home) . d_rose (got a ways to go but we are going there together.) . Faithfulwife (GOT A JOB, Found a house, D is final and got a puppy that ?just LOVES me?) . tsc (marriage being restored) . janna-m-r (Husband came home and wants to try to restore marriage even though he is the BS) . Steadfastandcommitted (wife gave up other man) . Stillwaiting (Got to see her husband for 2 hours and his heart seems to have softened) . Stillwaiting (neice is o.k.) . cajunky (wife not engaged & did something with family, told me she loved me) . Free (Marriage Restoration begun ) . Againstthewind (Got job) . betrayed and desparate (sucessful cancer surgery) . WGTT (accepted into mentor program) . Movingonwithlife (Wife coming home) . cry2much(sucessful surgery) . Steadfastandcommitted (first string again) . Lupolady (air conditioner) .

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Hopeful....where's the prayer? I do this weekly and miss it!

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The Power of a Praying Wife

Chapter Twenty-Two � His Emotions

Don used anger to control his family. Each family member was so concerned about his temper that they lived their lives on tiptoe, doing his bidding out of fear rather than love. When his wife, Jenny, learned she not only didn�t have to tolerate his anger, but going along with it was disobedient to God, things began to change: �Make no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man do not go, lest you learn his ways and set a snare for your soul� (Proverbs 22:24, 25).

Jenny realized she could still love the man but not approve of his sins, so she began praying fervently for him on a regular basis, both alone and with a group of prayer partners. She prayed he would stop being controlled by his emotions, and instead be controlled by the Holy Spirit. Her prayers not only helped to clear his mind enough for him to see how he had been acting, but they paved the way for him to find strength and courage to alter his behavior. �A gift in secret pacifies anger� (Proverbs 21:14). The best gift a wife can give in a secret to calm her husband�s anger is to pray for him.

Chad has been tormented for years by chronic depression. Although his wife, Marilyn, was an upbeat person, his negative emotions brought her down and made her feel hopeless and depressed just like he was. Then she read about King David�s experiences and recognized they described exactly what her husband had been feeling. �My soul is full of troubles, and my life draws near to the grave. I am counted with those who go down to the pit; I am like a man who has no strength� (Psalm 88:3,4). �I am troubled, I am bowed down greatly; I go mourning all the day long�� �I am feeble and severely broken; I groan because of the turmoil of my heart� (Psalm 38:6,8).

Marilyn saw that in spite of such deep despair, David found his hope in the Lord and rose above it. �O Lord, You have brought my soul up from the grave; You have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit� (Psalm 30:3). �I will be glad and rejoice in Your mercy, for You have considered my trouble; You have known my soul in adversities� (Psalm 31:7). �Draw near to my soul, and redeem it� (Psalm 69:18). She felt God surely had compassion for Chad and it sparked hope in her that prayer was the key to his freedom from the grips of depression.

She told Chad she had committed to pray for him every day and wanted him to keep her informed as to how he was feeling. From the first day, they both noticed that every time she prayed, his spirit lifted. Soon he could no longer deny the power of prayer and he began to pray along with her. He has been steadily improving ever since. His depressions are less frequent now and he is able to rise above them far more quickly. The two of them are committed to seek God for Chad�s total freedom.

Anger and depression are but two of the many negative emotions that can torment a man�s soul. Often they are only an habitual way of thinking that has been given place over time. Men tend to believe it�s part of their character that can�t be altered, but these patterns can be broken. Don�t stand by and watch your husband be manipulated by his emotions. Freedom may be just a prayer away.


Lord, You have said in Your Word that You redeem our souls when we put our trust in You (Psalm 34:22). I pray that (husband�s name) would have faith in You to redeem his soul from negative emotions. May he never be controlled by depression, anger, anxiety, jealousy, hopelessness, fear, or suicidal thoughts. Specifically I pray about (area of concern). Deliver him from this and all other controlling emotions (Psalm 40:17). I know that You can deliver and heal, but use me as Your instrument of restoration. Help me not to be pulled down with him when he struggles. Enable me instead to understand and have words to say that will bring life.

Free him to share his deepest feelings with me and others who can help. Liberate him to cry when he needs to and not bottle his emotions inside. At the same time, give him the gift of laughter and ability to find humor in every serious situations. Teach him to take his eyes off his circumstances and trust in You, regardless of how he is feeling. Give him patience to possess his soul and the ability to take charge of it (Luke 21:19). Anoint him with �the oil of joy� (Isaiah 61:3), refresh him with Your Spirit and set him free from negative emotions this day. AMEN!

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You are all in my prayers today.

God Bless!


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Amen, and a question.

Did we lose the Power of a Praying Husband information? I guess I've not been paying attention, but I now notice it's not here.


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Sorry Java. I was only copying them from old posts by ItsInHisHands, but for some reason he didn't post any past chapter 20. If anyone else can find some or post their own from the book, they are more than welcome.


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Chapter 20 is the last chapter of the book, FWIW.


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That explains! Thanks Java. I believe we still have 2 chapters left for the Wife's one.

If anyone has any suggestions for the next book or if you want to start these same ones again, please let me know.

Have a Blessed day!


Joined: Dec 2003
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Didn't get online yesterday, but was praying with you all.

My W and I had a bit of an argument this week. I think she's getting scared because our daughter is so close to being born (some time in the next 7 weeks - the Dr's would be very unlikely to let it go beyond that). I suggested counseling again (as the priests at our church have been suggesting), and her response was "Why? So they can take your side again and tell me I have to forgive you?". I only hope (and pray) that I am doing the right thing by a) staying, and b) trying not to upset things further by going to conseling on my own (for my SA problem), or trying to force my W to go with me.

Anyway, I hope today finds you well, and that 2005 is a happier year for you than any that has gone before.

God Bless,

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Thanks in advance for everything. Please pray for me. I found out my wife was having an affair on the day after Christmas. The "other" was a visiting sailor from another country who is now gone. She say's she loves me but doesn't know what she wants to do, I've told her I love her and asked her for counseling, but she refuses, but say's she loves me. Now she doesn't even want me mentioning marriage counseling or anything of the like, she wants to keep things on "a neutral friendly basis". I am praying constantly and am so afraid that I've lost my wife. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again,

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