GENE ELLERBEE HAD NEVER met a Christian businessman. His wife believed in Jesus and prayed for him regularly, but he viewed her faith as a "woman's" issue. He didn't know that she was praying for godly Christian businessmen to cross her husbands path.<BR> On a trip to Breckenridge, Colorado, Gene was reunited with a friend who was a former football player and fighter pilot. He and Gene were out splitting logs when the man said, "Something has happened to me since I saw you last." He went on to explain that he had become a born-again Christian. Gene was uncomfortable, so he was glad when his friend left for home.<BR> Another newly converted friend arrived from Denver in his four-wheel-drive truck, proclaiming that Gene needed Jesus Christ in his life. More uncomfortable than ever, Gene got on a plane for home, relieved to be away from his suddenly "fanatical" friends.<BR> A stranger sat down next to him on the plane. The man said, "I just got back from the Vatican." But he didn't want to talk about the pope. "Either you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior," he told Gene, "and have everlasting life with Him, or you reject Him." <BR> By that time. Gene had seen more than enough real men who believed in Christ. When he got home, he humbled himself, prayed with his wife, and invited Jesus into his heart.<BR> <BR>POWER QUOTE<BR>Bowing the knee to God is a humbling act, but it introduces great power and potential into our lives.<BR> <BR>SCRIPTURE<BR>Proverbs 16:7 "When we please the LORD, even our enemies make friends with us."