hey what do you guys think about this post I saw on another msgbrd, unrelated to infidelity, but msg caught my attention, and was wondering if I should bring the possiblity of an A to her attention, is this an oversight on my part?<p>Some of you may already know that my dh and I have been arguing ALOT lately and that he has been depressed for quite sometime! Well...after our fight last week, when he decided to tell me he was leaving and not coming back and even kissed the kids goodbye...he came back within an hour and admitted HE was the problem and also asked me to make an appt with my dr for depression! Well...I got him an appt on Saturday...he went in and told the dr what was going on and came home with no antidepressants! I was sooo confused, he's REALLY depressed to say that the dr gave him NOTHING! He did have a ton of bloodwork done to rule out other health problems that could cause depression! I went out Saturday night and came home at 11:30 to find him on the phone with his mom, which is RARE! He claimed he had been talking to her for 2 hrs by that point and didnt end up getting off the phone with her until 1am (so a total of about 4 hrs). Last night, it all came out...the dr thinks my dh is suffering from Kidney Failure (he has all the symptoms) and my dh called to tell his mom, but decided not to tell me because of all the problems we've been having! I am a total wreck! He told the dr not to disclose anything to his mom or I, so I cant call and get information or anything! Im totally at a lose for what to do and to make matters worse he didnt come home until 11:30 last night and had been drinking! He claimed he had tried calling me 3 times and the phone was screwed up but yet I had talked to 3-4 people that night and he was not on the Caller ID either! I dont think I can take much more of this! Please say a prayer, between our fighting and now his health I dont know what to do! I just saw my dr last night, before he broke the news to me and have been put on two more meds! Im on a total of 5 meds now! [img]images/icons/frown.gif" border="0[/img]