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Oh, for those who want to know how I found it,

in Myspace search the e-mail address. I could not find a way to get directly to the search I want, but I put it in the search box, it brings you to a different search and you can search by e-mail address

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Me again, I know, I could edit a post but I'll just put in a new one

I probably should start another thread elsewhere, but this is where I'm known to be found by those who who remember me.

Job is going well, still put in long hours, but not as long as I use to. I love this job most of the time, but when the long days drag on, then I start getting frustrated.

Kids are doing well, boys are still in hockey, girl does dance. She wants figure skating this year. Might let her.

H works 1.5 hrs away, so he stays at his dad's and comes home on weekends, and during the week when somethign special is going on.

I know, "RED" flag, but he needed the work and it is the one that came up. We were barely paying bills, and with school starting and hockey and dance fees, we needed him to take the job. I know, we could have not put the boys in hockey, and girl in dance, but it is not an option for us. I would have not paid other stuff to pay this for them, and yes, get further behind. But they love it and it is not a sacrfice I would ask them to make

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Lexxy - nice to see you again. Sorry I was being rude and did not say that.

I know I've been gone a long while. I needed a break

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I understand -- I have a hockey player too.
Mine's a second year pee-wee this year.

How old are your boys?

I created a myspace just so I could spy on my 17 year old daughter and her friends. Its simple to do, and you don't really have to do anything with your page -- it just gets you in.

If he's working that far away, I'm guessing he has too much free time on his hands, hence messing around on the computer. Is he listing himself on any dating sites?

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My oldest is 12 almost 13, he is a second year pee-wee - goalie

my middle one is a 1st year pee-wee, defense
How old is your pee-wee, and what position does he play?

Lexxy do you sew? I made a garment bag to resemble the jersey, for MS to keep his game jerseys in. I'm working on one for OS now. It was not that hard to do

I have not found him on any date sites yet, but I do look

I'm not sure how much free time he has, when he is at his dad's he is taking care of him, his dad's health is very poor, and he is almost blind. He says he is tired from the work and long drive. Assuming he is telling the truth, (like that makes sense, what website am I on?) He says he goes to bed early. He calls more than he use too.

Thanks for the tip on myspace I will have to do that

Last edited by SwH; 08/17/06 11:39 PM.

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YES!!! Bust him! This myspace thing is outta control, I can't stand myspace.

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Found out H has myspace page, he says he is single, no kids, does not want kid. What a fool, like I would not find that.

I think that would be enough for me all by it's self.

You sound (other wise) happy, and well adjusted.

You want to discuss plans?

I can't figure out what he gets out of it. Having a wife who loves him and wants to be with him makes more sense.

It's hard to be nice to him sometimes, isn't it?


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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In general I am happy. I don't let his actions or lack of judgement or stupidity (call it what you want)bother me. Well, I guess we can say he is not the brightest bulb out there.

Plans, well, I plan to stay at my job about 1 more year, maybe more. If my time does not improve, then I will take my experience and look elsewhere. I do love the job and who I work with.

Marriage, I don't think about it much. My decision is made for my kids, and I don't want her anywhere near my kids and the only way to make sure that happens is to stay married. My choice, my decision and yes, it is one I can live with. I don't need a man to make me feel complete. Yes, a good companion would be nice, but not a requirement in life.

I'm civil to him, If you have no expectations, you cannot get hurt. So, I have no expectations from him.

Which reminds me, I should check out the guest registries and see if they have marriage plans again.

Hockey registration for this winter is coming up, dance starts for my daughter and me, I have a new sewing machine. I love it. I have to figure some stuff out on it. I'm pricing sheet rock and tile, etc to fix up the house, if H won't help me, I will figure it out myself with family and friends.

Well, gotta go, have to get kids ready for bed, morning comes early

I took 2 days off of work next week

maybe this weekend I will try to figure out myspace

Last edited by SwH; 08/22/06 09:10 PM.

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I'm civil to him, If you have no expectations, you cannot get hurt. So, I have no expectations from him.

It would hurt me. I could hide it well, but it would hurt.

I was remembering.....................

You didn't use to be able to compartmentalize so well.

On another subject - What a good job you have done. Putting yourself through school, holding things together. Taking care of your kids, fixing up the house.

They used to use "shock" therapy years ago. It might work on him if you use it carefully.

Get him to take you away for a wild weekend.
Do you still do wild? (grin)

Anyway, I have a lot of respect for what you have acomplished. Did you ever hear from Ginger?


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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Sue --
talk about small world -- mines a goalie too.
they will probably play each other this year....we live pretty close together if I remember right...

I wish wish wish I could sew. I used to make some attempts. Now I stick to decorating -- bought a new townhouse a couple years ago, so I'm doing lots of painting and finishing.

Give me your email again...maybe we could get together some time!

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I thought we lived near each other, maybe they will play against each other.

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If I have time, and I see his Jersey, maybe I could come up with something

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It turns out that myspace SILENTLY fills in the 'single, dont want kids, dont have kids' information, without even asking you. You have to explicitly go back and dig through your profile and find that section, and update it.

Your husband may have no idea that is on his profile.

ME: H, 35, married 9 years. 3 young sons W:32, series of online "friendships" 1st D-day: some time 2004 (online EA) OM broke off, NC june 2005, but no recovery plan 2nd D-day: june 20th, 2006("ILY" to "friend"). W moved out next day. Oct 2006, starts being around a 3rd guy instead. Mar 2007, stopped? Current status: Separated. W filed D. in July 2006, served Dec 11th, my response filed Jan 8th Most recent thread
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Techie, thanks for that update, I did not know that.

Lexxy - did you try to e-mail me at yahoo? I'd like to talk more hockey talk

My Goalie made the C team, H is upset because he should have been at least B. Son does not care, he justs wants to play. Okay, he is a little dissapointed, especially when the kids he played with in showcase, all thought he would be A or B. My other son has clinics and tryouts this week. (our goalie is playing for a different city, because we had too many goalies, when most areas have troubles getting kids to play goalie, we have too many.

How is it in your area?

Does your PeeWee usually make A, B or C? It does not really matter, some kids are good enough for the level they are at, and some make it d/t politics.

our daughter starts hockey tomorrow. Busy schedule, 3 all on different teams

Last edited by SwH; 09/30/06 09:17 PM.

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We just finished tryouts this weekend.
My son should have made A -- but will be on B1.
VERY disappointed. He was in tears last night.

They better not say a WORD to him at school -- or I'll be calling people tonight!!!

This is the second year in a row he's gotten ripped off.
I think I've finally talked him into switching cities.
He'll finish out this year -- then come play in my city next year. Enough with the crappy politics!

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I'm sorry he did not make the level he should, I know it is tough on them. Expecailly when they know they are good enough. My nephew last year did not make varsity becuase of politics. There was at least 4 other kids who tried out that was better than the kid who made it, the kid who made it got on all becuase dad was so and so with the community.

For my oldest alot of the parents on the B team are not happy that they have a C squirt on the B peewee team. (Yes you heard me C squirt is the second goalie. The C teams each have one goalie and both of them are better than the C squirt. I don't know if he will tryout for that city next year or not. He might decide to stay where we are. Keep in mind, from what I've been told, alot of kids drop out at the Bantam level, so, maybe he will get where he should next year. They get tired of the pressure to keep doing good, and it takes the fun out of the sport. My son wanted to make the B, but is okay with the C, as he puts it, it is fun on the C

Oh, did you try to e-mail me at Yahoo?

Last edited by SwH; 10/03/06 09:20 PM.

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FBOW said to tell you hello. W and I visited her late Sept. She asked about you, and wanted to know how you are. She is D'vd now, and seems to be doing well. Both her daughters are getting very high grades in school, and I was impressed with how good she is doing for for all that has happened. Anyway, she asked us to say hi, so HI !

If you want to update her, I'll pass it on.

Wishing you well, I haven't heard from Ginger lately, but she is still in school and doing well. I told her to mail you also.

Don't know much about Hocky. We don't play it here. We can play baseball year round though, and golf - but I have never tried it.


I think sometimes about all the pain in the world. I hope we can ease that here, even if only a little bit.
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Tell FBOW hi You can update her on anything you want. I spoke with Ginger not too long ago, she was quite stressed out because of school, otherwise she is doing well.

I've been very busy with work, kids, hockey, dance, cheerleading and kids school. My oldest who use to think girls were YUK!!!!!!, now thinks they are okay for a friend. So, we know what that means. My middle son, who never though girls were Yuk, is starting to like them. So, soon there will be girls around, something I am not looking forward to. WH, or H, not sure, had surgery recently on his knee.

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I forgot to mention, my oldest we were having some problems at the beginning of school, nothing with bad behavior, but more along the lines of not turning in homework, he is failing in most of his classes, he does the work, does not turn it in, or he just does not care about the work. But since I told H about it, and H has made more of an effort to spend time with him, and help him with homework, he has tried some. It might have helped when we took him to counseling and H actually showed up. I was surprised too, because when I told him about it, he really did not want to go and tried to avoid the subject. We still have a ways to go, but he is trying harder.

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Lexxy - well finaly one of the boys my H coached as a squirt made the B team, he was always good enough, and every year he would be on the A/B tryout and get cut to the C team. This year he finally made the B, he is a very nice boy and he deserved the B team.

I overheard some of the other parents talking, we have 2 c teams), the were saying they are so glad they are on the fun team. My son, is on the other team, and the drills, well lets put it this way, both teams were out there and the drills our coach had them do, the a couple of kids commented that he is trying to turn them into ballerina's. It will be a long year. The city we live in did not ask my H to coach, but the team our goalie is on, did ask him. (our goalie plays for a different city). Our middle son was hoping he would have been on the ohter team, most of his friends are on that team, and well, lets face it, all the fun parents are there too. I guess I will have to wait and see how this year turns out. The kids looked so bored on the ice, and kept looking at the other end where the other kids were and watching their drills, teh fun drills. I asked my son how he felt practice went and he said, I'm not a figure skater and that is what he is trying to have us do. Boy, is it fun being known as the boring team. Oh yeah. Well, fun is what you make it.

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