Okay so where do i start ....how many of you have ever been in a intimate situation where you had a wierd feeling hes been elswhere with someone else? and how do you know if it a womans intuition or the devil getting the best of ya ? this has happened to me a few times and it really scared me i feel like i felt it at the bottom of my stomach. heres a bit of history on us :
met at age 18 he had 3 kids me = none, lied about his 3rd child and where he lived and with whom got past the drama and bot married 4 yrs later, we have sole custody of his kids and now have 3 of our own been a bumpy ride, 2 seperations keep trying to work it all out ...

thats a very very vauge history no cheating that i haev ever caught him in but with every seperation came about 6 new female frenz out of nowhere of course i was told they were just frenz but he has theese spurts of going out last minute and if i dare say anything he throws the i never do anything but work speech. when we were seperating he went into this major role of hell die w/out me but he wasnt to upset to go to the bar or strip club.. i dunno i dont want to think hed ever cheat on me but i just feel like with all the problems weve had and things i have noticed i just dont believe hes so innocent. i mean there have been red flags since day 1 but at the time i was young and very rebellious so i wasnt thinkin and now almost 8 yrs later there are so many issues and i seem to be the only one willing to do the footwork for a better future!
i know i went way off topic i just wondered about those wierd feelings and if i should pay any attention to them. my husband appears to desire me thats not it but after years of verbal abuse and unresolved probs i just dont desire him the way i used to . i love him still its just different.