hi hurtin, hi ginger, its me billibones, I'm really feelin down, a freind of mine, found out the hard way, that his wife was having an affair ,she had to tell him because she contracted an std, which she passed to him, little to say, he is divorcing her. I'm glad I did'nt find out this way or I would of divorced her imediatly, my wife admitted she had unprotected sex with other man, I asked her so what you use a rubber a couple of time and then well he must be ok hello your usind a rubber and even then u can still get aids rubbers are porous and can stop sperm, but the aids virus is smaller than sperm, and can get thru, this man is cheating on his wife with u, and probably others which since then I have proven to my wife. he likes using the best western ,he used with her, and I took her to a parking lot next door, where she could see him, she seen him go there with 3 different women, thats when she made the comment Ive seen enough and then made the comment I thought I was the only 1 he was screwing, silly me, I've been thinking alot about divorcing her, I dont believe anything she says, when she cries
I dont know if there real, or fake, she was able to lie so easy, and cry tring to make me believe it didnt happen,when it did, she didn't admit to it the whole time I was confronting her, liing and cring the whole time ,she didn't admit to it untill I told her the divorce papers where already done up, all they needed was my signiture, someone at my work said to my boss cause I said, I dont need to get drunk because I might do something I'd be sorry for, like going and killing other man, and she said or go screw someone else, and the other person said, dont give him bad ideas, hes a happily married man, and I said well you got the married part right but I havent been happy for awhile, she still has wendays alone, thanksgiving has come and gone, and I didnt feel I had much to be thankfull for except my 3 sons, and christmas is just around the corner, and I just can't get in the holiday mood ,normally by now I'd have the tree up, and decorated ,and lites galore up outside, but everythings still up in the attic, and I dont care, they can stay there as far as im concerned,I keep asking myself, why do I keep coming home, its because I love her, but I'm beginning to think that that is'nt enough, I've had people tell me to stay for the kids, but I know that is'nt enough I would'ntstay and be misserable just for the kids, the antidepressants the doc put me on seem to be working good, maybe to good, well I hope u 2 had a great thanksgiving, and I hope you have a great christmas, and a wonderfull new year. your freind billibones <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />