I have tried posting but I guess I have had bad timing and I was told you are very busy. Others told me to contact you.
I am married to serial cheater who thinks he is in love this time. He met her while away on 9 month military deployment. I knew something was going on, but was positive when she sent me pictures of them together. I am trying to plan a big time. He is unsure as to whether he will stay or leave. Has said both. I have told him that if he leaves I will not stand in his way and will not pursue, that his behavior is hurting me but that when he is ready to commit then I am also. He has not had contact with ow since Tuesday when he told her he was going on a trip to give time to think. He has told me that he loves this one and thinks she can make him happy. He wants to be with her. Thinks that life with me is not fun. (In our 7 years together, we have had one major catastrophe after another. No fun time. Just lots and lots of fixing things (that he has caused). She lives about four hours away. He has no ties to our home or town, no job yet, and would take 2oc (who consider me mommy) with him. I am 6 1/2 months pregnant, but will not use that to keep him. He was brought up by alcholic mother who constantly put him down and he now feels like he is a failure in everything. This week he has done A LOT of drinking, and I have not said a word. I know he is trying to escape from real world using it and that it is not something that will last. In his 31 years, I am wife #4; he is my first hubby. I have considered plan b, but I really believe that he needs the unconditional love with limits. I think he expects me to ask him to leave, would be relieved that the ordeal was over, and believes he deserves that. I don't think it would make him think or miss me at all. So, I am trying to plan a in a huge way because I think it does surprise him.