In a response to zgeoffey's tread on GQII I wrote this that I will share also with you in this board:

I will refer you to :
Douglas E. Rosenau: "Extramarital Affairs: Therapeutic Understanding and Clinical Interventions", in Marriage & Family : A Christian Journal, vol. 1, Issue 4, 1998 p355-368.

It can be downloaded from

I will highly recommend you and others to read this. There are many interesting topics covered, but what I found most interesting was his arguments for why answering questions is important to the recovery.

"Methaphors for promoting confession and personal responsibility: Adultery is like a death: You need to view the body. Mates need a thorough, honest confession (viewing the body) to validate that a real loss has taken place; then they can slowly grieve and reclaim the marriage."

<small>[ October 27, 2003, 04:24 AM: Message edited by: Frank57 ]</small>