Not happy
I often voice an opinion on subjects like this because of my own struggle with porn. I didn't have a problem with the specific stuff you refer to but the nature of the problem is the same.
If you want to help your husband, I believe there are many things you need to know. DO NOT freak out emotionally in front of H with respect to this problem. For me, when W found me with online porn she flipped out and I started to hide it with ever increasing skill. Cry on your own, confide in a friend, etc, but present a strong and supportive face to your husband. Porn thrives on the secret and shame which keep people isolated and overwhelmed with the problem. IMHO, you can't fight it on your own. I found it very liberating to confess my problem to several of my Christian friends. Is it scary, you bet. But I had to release my pride before any healing could happen for me. I had to look them in the eyes and tell them I looked at porn. This began the process to learn why I wanted to look at it. Several people told me it was no big deal but it is and one of the bigger reasons (among many) that W had an A and that we are headed for Dv.
Also, know that your H is likely trapped. While he wants to do "good", will power alone is NOT enough. There is some evidence that brain chemistry is changed by orgasming to porn. Porn site designers are also very skilled at building sites that draw you in and establish a rock solid connection between emotions, visual images, and porn. For more info on this check out: Best wishes
ps. Let him be the one to disconnect from the internet. It will be the best for both of you.
<small>[ March 31, 2004, 12:10 PM: Message edited by: Ridingtherollercoaster ]</small>