Always Hopeful,<BR>I understand your frustration, my situation is much the same, but complicated by pregnancy. I did Plan A until it was just too painful knowing that my W was still in contact with OM. I have had three sessions with Jenn and she and I agreed that it was time for Plan B. So, as of Christmas Day of all days I started Plan B. Actually I gave the letter to W the week before, but allowed her to have Christmas with us as a family, but have not had contact with her since 12/25. Make no mistake, Plan B is hard and don't enter into it half heartedly. I didn't realize it, but Jenn pointed out that when you aren't meeting your W's needs..she's not meeting yours either. I have really had a hard time not talking to my W, just because I have talked to her almost everyday for 10 years, and now I just stop cold turkey!? My situation is different, but there were too many withdrawals too often from my love bank account and I had to stop the downward spiral before I lost too much love. It was a real turning point for me when I realized how much pain my W was causing me and that I had to take control of the situation or I could see that I could quickly come to hate my W. At that point, I made an appointment with Jenn and she agreed that it was Plan B time. NSR has pointed it out to me that Plan B is to help you become acclimated to the possibility that your W may not respond and may not desire to come back to you and helps you to become more independent. It's really scary for me, but I know it's necessary for me to keep on keeping on. Someone in the Pregnancy/Child forum told me that I had to accept the fact that right now, my W loves the OM more than me. That was a hard pill to swallow, but it's true. It doesn't have to stay that way, but you can't change your W's mind, but you can change yourself and be the person your W fell in love with. The A and B Plans are designed to help you be who you need to be to your W, while protecting your love for your her in case she doesn't respond in a timely manner. I hope this helps, but just hang in there, hopefully your W will start coming out of the "fog" soon and see that you are willing to work on your marriage.<BR>God bless you.<BR>Floored