I did the unthinkable, big time LB, back to square one. I found out more lies that my W was telling me, and i let it get to me. I need to print out WATs quick start guide and tape it to my forehead.<p>I cant believe it, its almost like an olympic event to try and control my emotions right now.
Big argument last nite with W and OM on the phone, i am weak.<p>Letter to W, almost seems more like Plan B
------------------------------------------------<p>WS,<p> <p>With all that has happened and the continued betrayal of trust I believe that it is in both of our interests to stop communicating. I can no longer tolerate the lies and the disrespect that you have shown me, and the same goes the other way, I have been very disrespectful towards you and OM, this is not a solution that I find attractive. I wish to find a common ground for us to be able to finish working out the issues we have at hand. I know what a great mother you are, and S knows it too, your interference by being with OM has robbed me of the time S and I could have spent together, this makes me very unhappy. Its unfortunate that this arrangement has to come to this point, I thought you really wanted to be friends at the very least. Your actions have shown otherwise, I do believe that in the future it may not be that difficult for us to become friends, just right now I have no desire to be angry. <p> <p>I am letting things go, and regardless of whether you stay with OM for the rest of your life or not its your choice. I hope that you would consider asking a 3rd party such as seeing a councilor for advice and consultation, if you would be willing I will make arrangements for you at no cost to you. I hope that you will see this as my way of saying I am sorry and I no longer wish to upset you or disrupt your life. <p> <p>I wish that this were easier, but I do still love you and its painful to see what your doing, not just to me but to S as well. I hope you find all your dreams being fulfilled in this new relationship, as I have always wanted you to be happy and that will not change.<p> <p>Love always<p>me<p>
sent this to OM too, just so maybe he would see what he is really doing. Probablly wont make a diffrence but who knows. . . .