Well first you should understand that you don t have to file for divorce, if you dont want to [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] and if you dont have to worry about your children if you have any. <p>Were you trying to do Plan A when she came home and admited the A? I too was worried about her living w/ OM and not being able to meet any of her ENs, but the reality is that she does not want you to, because then she would start feeling guilty, at least thats how I have seen it to be. <p>An important lesson here is that there is nothing you can do to change her mind about OM any more than you can stop a raging bull in a china shop, this is very important, the harder you try and pursuade her the harder she will push you away and hold on to OM.<p>It is however unfortunate that no matter how many people tell you that, you will not understand what it really means until you have stopped hurting some, I am in week 6 of discovery/recovery and have just learned this lesson, even thou people had been telling me this all along. <p>Plan A is about looking at yourself in the mirror and realizing that you, yes you, have to make changes in your behavior. <p>My situation the only EN that my WW is allowing me to meet is her $$. Thats ok, its a pretty big deal, and even thou it allows her to do what she wants she knows that is something she needs, I am not saying I m rich, its something the OM does not have. By continuing to meet this EN she will see that I am serious about wanting to reconcile, and it gives us a reason to talk. Thats the positive side to this, believe me I only saw it as negative at first, but its not.<p>One last thing I wanted to share with you was something someone posted here, and that is she may have broken the vow of fidelity, but what vows have you broken? honor, respect, love, careing, its just something to think about.<p>Hang in there and try to schedule an appt with Steve Harley, he has so much to offer you. Take care it will get better.