OK, some really good news, currently in week 11 of discovery/recovery and WW spoke w/ SH this morning, first let me say that I have no expectations about the outcome, good or bad.
BUT IT WAS GOOD!!.<p>I picked her and S on and we went to the park and we all played for about an hour, first time since Dday that we really all were just laughing and having a good time together. [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] Then she had her call w/ Steve which last about an hour, after wards I was taking her home and she said that she is not wanting to consider DV, she thinks that their are other ways to deal w/ our situation, now I don't know what it means and I didnt ask! I was really shocked to hear her say it, but I replied that I agreed, and that it was how I have always felt. <p>I did not ask her any questions about her talk w/ Steve, I just let her say what she wanted. <p>I wanted to add something here in the end to all BSs who are still wondering about all the Plan A stuff, if you really commit yourself to this you will see results, and this is coming from someone who really did not think that this would be possible. Focus on yourself and start spending 15 hours a week on self improvemnet, that way when you and your WS are able to start recovery you will already have the required 15 hours a week min that Steve recomends. This is my advice to you, I am not a professional but this is what my commitment to ME has been, and I feel so much more positive about my life overall.<p>Thanks for everyones support here, I know I would not be where I am today w/ out all of the great ppl here. [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img]