Dying, god dang it, listen to Pepperband.
And listen to me.
I spent two hours tonight arguing with my attorney over strategies. And then I told her I needed ten more minutes and I told her about you. (And at $300 an hour, ten minutes is not insignificant...)
She started looking worried about your daughter before I'd gotten three sentences in, and this is someone who deals with GODAWFUL things that happen to children. It takes a lot for her to worry.
So she said, basically, the same thing as everyone else. You need to have an order for sole physical and legal custody (probably awarded on an emergency basis) BEFORE you go to VA to pick up your daughter. Once you have that, you can have the authorities accompany you. Which, given that this guy has made threats against you, sounds like one damned fine idea.
Now. How do you get there? It varies tremendously in each jurisdiction. She says:
- Call your county bar association and ask for their pro bono services.
- Call your state bar association and ask for their pro bono services.
- Go to your local courthouse and ask to speak to the duty judge and see if you can get some help there.
- Call Child Protective Services
- Call the police
Now, I've taken that info and compiled a list for you. PLEASE USE THESE SERVICES.
But first, here are a few of the definitions of child abuse, from the Texas Code. If you do not act aren't YOU guilty of some of these?
261.001. Definitions
In this chapter:
(1) "Abuse" includes the following acts or omissions by a person:
(D) failure to make a reasonable effort to prevent an action by another person that results in physical injury that results in substantial harm to the child;
(4) "Neglect" includes:
(A) the leaving of a child in a situation where the child would be exposed to a substantial risk of physical or mental harm, without arranging for necessary care for the child, and the demonstration of an intent not to return by a parent, guardian, or managing or possessory conservator of the child;
(B) the following acts or omissions by a person:
(i) placing a child in or failing to remove a child from a situation that a reasonable person would realize requires judgment or actions beyond the child's level of maturity, physical condition, or mental abilities and that results in bodily injury or a substantial risk of immediate harm to the child;
(iv) placing a child in or failing to remove the child from a situation in which the child would be exposed to a substantial risk of sexual conduct harmful to the child; ...
Are you worried yet? You should be. So, here are the resources I found. Please, please use them.
State Bar of Texas
North Dallas Bar Association
http://www.attorneys-dallas.com/north_dallas_bar_assoc.htmDallas Child and Family Law Attorneys
http://www.attorneys-dallas.com/child_custody.htmhttp://www.attorneys-dallas.com/family_law.htmTexas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services Child Protective Services Program
http://www.tdprs.state.tx.us/Child_Protection/About_Child_Protective_Services/default.asphttp://www.tdprs.state.tx.us/About_PRS/Regional_Information/region3/contact.aspTo report an emergency, call 911.
To report child or elderly abuse or neglect, call 1-800-252-5400.
Now will you please start taking action??