Hi everyone,<P>I lurk a lot, empathize with your emotions, and feel a lot of support from you all, in spite of my silence.<P>I just received an e-mail today from my H in response to a minor bit of financial business. (We are living together, work at the same company, but often communicate at work via e-mail.)<P>His e-mail made me cry. Big old tears of happiness right here at my desk. Sure makes me remember why I married him.<P> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>You know Robin, with your font changed (Word as editor) it does not seem like you... seems like you are smaller and farther away... makes me want to go over and give you a hug just to keep you close... <P>The other thing I want to say, is I am appreciative of your patience in the past week or so... I remember last time this happened (work in upheaval, potential lay-offs), I was so stressed that I really turned and acted out... same was true when OLD COMPANY acquired OTHER COMPANY ... This time, it is different... some of the ACA (Adult Child of Alcoholic) awareness is paying off... I have to admit I have been tempted to just 'check out' and go spend my time on IRC... but I know that does not solve the problem... matter of fact it would likely just re-open old wounds... I do not want to do that... I know that behavior is self defeating ... I need to stay in the hear and now instead... and to that end, I give my thanks to the people I love and care about and consider their future... and the most important person in my life is you... and to that simple end I give you my thanks and love... <P>Will<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>sniff, sniff....<P><BR>Now, to keep loving him through his stresses of managing the crises at work; and him to keep loving me through my nicotine abstinence.
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<P>My love to all you wonderful folks at MB,<P>------------------<BR>RobinAnn<P>*********<P>Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape!<BR>