Yes... I remember the story well. I can only pray that he will check himself into a mental facility...that's HIS only hope of ever changing his warped thinking. I'm glad his wife is no longer "under his control". <p>I pray she has the sense, strength, and love for her children that she STAYS away from him. I'm afraid that once he realizes that she is no longer "brainwashed" that he may try to hurt her.<p>Perhaps after intensive counceling she will gain custody of her children... but as long as he is around...I don't see that happening... he already kidnapped them once!!! <p>Liittle David has suffered so much already at his hand...he'll probably always have the scars from his ordeal the rest of his life. Who knows what effects that the severe malnurishment he suffered will bring later in life. My heart goes out to him... <p>CHRIS FINK... PLEASE LEAVE THEM ALONE! PLEASE!!!<p>This poem was written during the <a href="">search for baby David</a>...<p><br>~*~ Friends of Baby David ~*~*~<p> Precious baby David, not quite the age of two.<br> I know God hears all of the prayers being said for you.<br> Praying your frail little body can survive the awful abuse.<br> Caused by your own parents, using religion as an excuse. They claim to keep your body pure, but can't they see it fading?<br> Your tiny bones show through your skin, your muscle tone degrading.<br> Can't they look into your teary eyes and hear your labored crying?<br> What kind of God could they possibly serve to justify your dying?<p> If they believe that God approves of what they're doing to you. Then they don't know him at all because Gods love is true.<br> Don't they know that every tear shed by you in pain.<br> Cannot possibly be of God, or are they just insane?<br> Where ever you are sweet little one, you are not alone.<br> There are angels all around you, praying as you moan.<br> Warming you with their angelic wings and whispering in your ear.<br> Comforting you with loving words, trying to ease your fear.<br> Hearts are breaking all over the world to know how much you suffer.<br> Hoping that you are found soon before things get any rougher.<br> A collective prayer is being said that soon this ordeal ends.<br> Take comfort in that sweet baby David, you have many, many friends!<p><br>