Dear Bridie,
Every day my love for you grows more. I fall in love over and over again. My only thoughts are of what I can do to make you happy, to allay your fears and restore your faith and love and trust in me and for me. The more I love you though the more I fear losing you. I have no idea the thoughts, feelings and memories that haunt you and keep you from loving me the way that I want and need you to. I only know that what ever it is that effects you so deeply must be real and profound and that only you can work through what is confusing you so. But know that I am here for you a new and changed man ready to give you everything I have in my heart and soul to help you.
I only hope and pray that the journey you are on of self discovery includes me when you reach the end of that journey. The last five weeks have been a time of self discovery for me too. I have looked inside myself to see who I am, what I want and what kind of future that I want ... I am Richard, Bridie's husband, a man who adores and worships her, a man who loves her unconditionally, who respects her and only wants the best from himself for her and only wants the best that life has to offer for her. I am a man who thinks his wife is the most beautiful, sexy and desirable women and a man who wants no other women other than his wife. I am a step father of her children. I am a step-father who wants to teach his sons what he has learned about respect, love, honor and above all else appreciation of and for a women that they will love. I am a Step-father whose wife and children are the most important things in his life and will never do anything to jeopardize that. What this man wants is a family that enjoys doing things together, finds joy with each other and learns from each other. I am a man who wants a wife who feels the same way and looks at me adoringly and who I can arouse the same passion for me in her as she does for me. I am a man who wants to work hand in hand and heart to heart with his wife to have a future where each day is better than the day before. I am a man who wants to know his wife's interests, fears, passions, wants needs and desires so I may help her realize them or support her in her pursuit of them.
That is who I am and what I want - no money, no big house, no cool job, just those things. These are what truly matter to me now.
Bridie, I know you have been disappointed by so many, taken advantage of by people you trusted. I know you have been belittled and minimized. I know you have been what others have wanted you to be and that you lost yourself even before you even knew who you were. I am so sorry that those things happened to you and I regret and accept my part in some of those things. But I will spend the rest of my life making up to you for that transgression.
I wish I could offer you promises. I wish I could paint a future with no uncertainties. But I have none to offer. I have no idea what the future holds for us. I just know I want us to experience it together. I think it will be an adventure. Even as I write the word adventure I know what it means. We have shared so many, and they have never had to be earth shaking. They are the little ones that have climbed into our hearts and found a home. They are the kind that have created the sweetest memories. They are the kind that only you and I can share and appreciate. That's where my love for you comes from. That and hoping so many new memories await.
Bridie, sometimes the thought of you takes my breath away with passion, sometimes I think of you and it's like the cleanest breath I have ever experienced, it calms and soothes me. Sometimes, it's like not breathing at all, it's like a long exhale and that's when I'm so sure of our love. That's when I'm sure it's true and lasting. And it's not even when I think of you, it's when I think of us. But it's really not a thought either it's a presence, it's a sureness.
I don't know how we are going to work through our problems - I mean the mechanics of it, but I want you to know I am here for the long haul. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want yours to be the first face I see when I awake and the last when I close my eyes to sleep. The last to hold my hand when I die.
I have never doubted my love for you, and have never doubted the love you have for me. How do you think I have survived the last 5 weeks? When you told me to leave and when you said you didn’t want to fight for our marriage, I felt like I was dieing inside. Your love has filled me with such warmth, such light, and to not be able to truly experience it are the darkest hours of my life.
I need you. I need to feel you in my arms. You don't know how hard this is to admit to you. For I haven't admitted needing anyone in so long. Especially not to myself. It really makes me feel vulnerable. Maybe with your help I wont have to feel this way any longer. I do need you Bridie, as surely as I need to take my next breath.
I need us to hold hands and laugh together, love together, and also to cry together. My life is joined with yoursprincess. Not for the present but for the past and the future. Especially for the future. We are separated by so much distance but, Bridie, my love, you live in my heart. You are never far. All I have to do is think of you and you are here.
I know this isn’t easy for you or for me. Life seems to be full of trails of this type which test our inner strength, and more importantly, our devotion and love for one another. After all, it is said that "True Love" is boundless and immeasurable and overcomes all forms of adversity. In truth, if it is genuine, it will grow stronger with each assault upon its existence.
Bridie, our love has been assaulted many times, and I am convinced that it is true because the longer I am away from you, the greater is my yearning to be with you again. You are my enchanted Princess, and I am your devoted prince. I cherish any thought of you, prize any memory of you that rises from the depths of my mind, and live for the day when our physical separation will no longer be.
My heart still beats, but it beats with no purpose, no meaning. It beats with an empty rhythm. Only you Bridie can fill my heart again and makes it beat with love, with hope, with eternal being, Princess my heart needs you.
Our love started with so much hope, so many dreams. It was a fairy tale that took us both by surprise. It blossomed into a love that was bonded and true. My Princess, my heart and soul belong to you. My destiny belongs in your hands.
Our memories are filled with so much joy and so much pain. In my heart I know the joy outweighs the pain. I want to embrace the joy and hold it close to my heart where it can live forever. I want to remember the pain as a lesson, a lesson of how much we almost lost. A lesson of life to be lived with a memory of how not to be. You and I could once more open the door of conversation. Bridie, we can never hide from each other again. This journey I ask you to walk with me will be joyous at times and rough. I don't offer you perfection. I offer you me, a man who has weaknesses, just like anyone else. As long as we can share, and I can show you me, I feel strong.
You already know, Bridie, how deeply I love you with all my being, especially with all my heart. My love for you is so strong that it is impossible for me to express it without getting all emotional, which I am right now as I write this letter. Everything from my trembling fingers to my beating heart tells me that you are the only woman in the entire world for me to love forever. I don’t believe I can fully be who I am without your love.
When I see you across a room, or waiting for me at a meeting place or looking for me in a crowd, I feel myself breathing faster and faster and I want to hold you tightly in my arms, to feel your warmth and tenderness. When I see your radiant smile, hear your beautiful voice, touch your soft face, your silky hair and I feel your gentle hand in mine, I go wild with passion inside. All else is a blur as I concentrate on the wonder and joy of your presence.
Bridie, I am so fortunate and blessed to have you as my best friend, confidant and lover. You make me feel whole and mainly as you satisfy me with your beauty, affection, thoughtfulness and intelligence. I want to experience those magnificent, feminine qualities of yours over and over again because they make me feel so contented and close to you. Without them and you something is missing in my life; it can only be called fulfilment.
Princess, so much of what happens in life is pure chance, had I not gone into the waterfront that night I would of never met you, the light of my life , wouldn’t of met sweet natured, Tyler, I wouldn’t of met stubborn, strong willed, loving little boys Leon and Ryan. Your life and mine would be drastically different - maybe better, maybe worse. Think back to all the major things in your life, the drastic changes good and bad. If you follow them back to the source they were mostly pure chance that takes us down those paths. From the people we meet, the jobs that we take to the traffic light that holds us an extra five minutes and changes our day completely ... all chance, all luck.
But the decision that you will make regarding us is free will - not chance, not luck but a thought out decision that will have profound effects and changes on so many lives. We, going our separate ways, might work out for the better but it is still an unknown thought. Bridie, if we weather this together there is nothing that can ever break us apart. We will be so far down the road, more mature, more secure and more in love than ever before.
I want you to know that the Richard you fell in love with is still here inside of me but there is more, there is a mature man here now - a man who truly understands what love means, a man who now understands what honouring a woman he loves requires. A man who will spend his life showing and proving his love every day and a man who will put your happiness above his own because he loves you so much.
Your disappointment and fears that you feel resonate in me, I feel them and I hurt for you: for the hurt, uncertainty and fear that you are living with. It also scares me to think that the love I feel and the effort I am applying to prove my love and desire for you may not be enough to sooth and calm your hurt, fears and disappointments. If you let yourself, I believe you can find a life that satisfies you right here. I believe if you let go and let me in to your heart, that your desires and passions for me can be rekindled. I know that I love you enough to let you grow and blossom into the person you want to find and become. I believe that we can be closer than ever, learn more about each other and become one with each other. In other words I believe in us.
You only know the pain, hurt and neglect of this relationship. Your basis for comparison to what you imagine could be is skewed by the bad memories of the past. If you let me in, let me prove to you that my change and feelings are profound and real I believe we can make it through. The ember of love that is glowing that is trying to keep this relationship together can be fanned to roaring flame of passion and love.
For better for worse, in sickness and in health till death do us part, I believe in that, I am committed to that. I will honour it gladly, happily with love and passion. You are what I want - what I need. In my eyes the sun rises and sets with you, you colour my world and bring joy to me. Bridie - you can be what you need to be. Become who you are seeking to become or are destined to become. You are so much more than I ever gave you credit for. You are truly an exceptional and gifted woman who is capable of doing anything and I will never ever think anything less of you. I will always believe, respect and support you in anything you do. I will respect all your talent and skills, I will never disrespect you or think you not capable of anything because you have proved that you are an individual; whole person. A person with thoughts, feelings and opinions that have value and deserve honour and respect. You are a person that I am proud to call my wife, my lover and my best friend. What I did not give in the past will flow freely from my heart to you now.
Bridie, you are my world, I am lost without you, I am a rudderless ship floating on stormy seas without you in my life. I love you so, so very much. My desire and lust for you burns hotter than the fire of the sun. When I look at you I see so much beauty, natural beauty and sensuality. For me, that will never change - I promise. If you let me and teach me, I will be the lover that you deserve. I receive so much pleasure and satisfaction when I see you smile or when you're happy and I know I had something to do with that happiness. I will spend the rest of my life as the happiest man on earth - simply by making you happy. I love you always and forever.
Love always,
Forever, Infinity, Squared
Your Devoted Husband
Richard xxxxxxx