Since we started going out, my boyfriend and I have been discussing the idea of living together before marriage. Our main difficulty is that we don't live in the same country. I'm a college senior and we've decided that after graduation, I would either look for a job or a postgraduate study opportunity in his country.
<br>The dilemma is that I want to be with him after 2 years apart, however, I was brought up to believe that couples do not shack up before marriage. He lives in a culture where it is normal to live together for several years before marriage (if at all). He feels that he is compromising by offering to reduce our 'trial period' to a year.
<br>My boyfriend presents some very convincing arguments such as saving money on rent and testing compatibility, but in my mind, the statistics speak for themselves.
<br>Is there a way to live together and buck the trend? Or should we have his and her homes til we tie the knot?
<br> <p>[This message has been edited by Anise.]