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Beware! This thread is meant in fun and is for informational purposes only. Please do not let it degenerate into D/D depravity!<P>In another thread, someone asked what do girls look at first on a guy, and I thought it might be educational for all you single guys out there to hear, directly from the horses mouth (so to speak), what girls look at first. Listen and learn.<P>I will start. On a purely physical level, I look at a guy's eyes first, because you can tell a lot about a person from their eyes. I look of gentle, happy, lively eyes--and this extends to the face too. Next I look at the (ahem) rear view. Hey, I'm being honest here! I prefer either a square, firm rear view or a round, perfectly formed rear view. <P>The thing I must tell all you poor fellas out there, though, is that I rarely just go "guy looking." Usually, I know a person a little--like joking around with him at work or something. Then I start to like him a little because he's fun. Then I check him out, after I already like him a little. <P>So girls, will you join me in educating these poor fellas who have no clue what makes us look? Send in your responses, keep it clean, and let's help these lonely gentleman. <P>CJ<P>------------------<BR>Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

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CJ,<P>I will help ya out and add to this. [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P>I find that a great smile goes a long way!<BR>The eyes of course are another biggie.<P>But for me it is not so much even his looks,as it is his personality.<P>Having a great sence of humor and likes to have fun.That is the ticket for me.<P>Gina [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P><P>------------------<BR>"If we deny love that is given to us,if we refuse to give love because we fear pain or loss,then our lives will be empty,our loss greater!"-----Anonymous----

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Okay, I will play on this one..... If it is a first sighting thing before I can get to know his personality, then the eyes are <B>ALWAYS</B> first!! I have always thought that you could see a persons heart and soul when looking into their eyes. You can see if they are kind or hateful. Things like that. After the eyes, the smile. I will admit that I prefer a man who takes care of himself. It is not that I would not like a person who was overweight, it is just that it shows that he has a respect for himself when he takes care of his body. I am not saying a workout guru or anything like that, but trying to eat decent and be able to do things like maybe take a walk in the mountains or something more energetic than that even.<P>I will admit though, that I have been finding it so much more exciting to get to know someone even before looks come into the picture. The personality is so much the turn on even before looks become involved.<P>Hope that helps.<P>~Java

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So...let me get this straight...<P>How would...steel blue eyes that smile...a fairly desent bumm...kinda skrawny arms...and a certain quite shyness go over with yas??<P>It is nice to know that you won't be scoping my "package" [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P><BR>Bill<p>[This message has been edited by WilliamJ (edited January 12, 2001).]

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Question for the guys now.... KNOWING that you guys will be reading this.... What do you look for in a woman?<p>[This message has been edited by JavaAllNightLong (edited January 12, 2001).]

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I confess. I would be scoping the package if it was something I could make out in an easily concealable glance. Since men's "packages" aren't on display like women's breasts are (unless the guy lives in the gay community), we can only guess! Although, one sure indicator is a guy who wears trousers with no pleats and it is (ahem) flat in the front. Hey. I'm sneaky. All my professors are men. I get to check out the male students when they give presentations. The room is dark. I could be looking at almost anything, right? Don't worry, though. There aren't alot of buff male engineering students. <P>Of course, if I were looking for a partner (not just eye candy), none of that stuff would matter. Personality comes first. My first husband was a body-double for Dolph Lundgren (the Russian boxer on one of the "Rocky" movies) and his face looked like Billy Idol. Blonde, blue eyes. It is not too big of a surprise how he managed to get 20 women in his bed in a year. Women would take pictures of him in the grocery store and hit on him right in my face. So, gorgeous is OUT with me.<P>I'd prefer a guy who takes care of himself and a heart of gold anyday. Not that I'm looking. Just trying to help you guys!!

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TheStudent, how SHOCKING!!<P>LOL LOL LOL

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Just as long as he doesn't have a mouthful of skoal and doesn't go around with unpopped zits.<P>I think Billy Idol was a cutie, too. He needs to go to the gym, though.<P>Does anyone else think that kilts are sexy?

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okay - I'll dance - I notice first how a man wears his clothes... (not his size or value) how he wears them... I like a guy who wears his clothing to fit well, comfy, with just a bit of room [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] , and and I want him to be wearing HIS clothes - not them wearing him... if I'm really interested in a guy though - his clothes make NO difference whatsoever. My H wears the same kinds of clothes everyday, changes color but not style... and has for his entire life.

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Ok... I'll play on this one too.<P>Physically, well, it depends on which direction I'm approaching from [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]... but the most important thing is the eyes. Then the smile. The best thing is if the eyes and smile work together. <P>Now, if I'm approaching from the rear, well, that's what get's my attention first. [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] Especially if it's in wranglers.<P>Over all though, given the opportunity to explore the mind and get to know someone, that is by far the most attractive thing. <P>Ok, ok, I'll admit I've also been known to allow my gaze to roam below eye level from time to time too... but geezzz at least I don't talk to the belt buckle. [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P>Flutterby

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Well, that decides it. I'm definitely going to rent "Buns of Steel" [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] <P>Seriously, you girls sound awfully easy to please. I was expecting something more difficult like maybe washboard abs or Brad Pitt looks. Whew, I may not have as much work to do as I thought [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P>Now in answer Javas question. I like cute, in good physical condition and a warm smile. I really like it when I see a girl/woman/lady looking at me in the grocery store or wherever. I always try to smile, just to see if I get one back. <P>Absolutely nothing like the ones in Playboy, etc. If it looks like she spent all morning getting ready, I'm not interested.<P>------------------<BR>nick<P>it's only time that heals the pain <BR>and makes the sun come out again

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A girl not spend all morning getting ready? Gosh, and I just spent an hour putting on makeup, curling my hair and trying to find stockings without a run just so I can drop my car off at the mech's!!!! All for nothin!

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Oh, that's how you do it. Now I know why my truck didn't pass inspection [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P>------------------<BR>nick<P>it's only time that heals the pain <BR>and makes the sun come out again

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Naw, I've never gotten a traffic ticket, either. Tears and running mascara work wonders--try it!!

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1) Eyes. Esp. when they smile & twinkle.<BR>2) Smile. Love shy, boyish smiles & big grins both...<BR>3) Tie btwn shoulders & butt. Butt prob. wins, but by a narrow margin...<P>If the first 2 (eyse & smile) click, tho, I have a pretty wide range of acceptability for the bod.

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Eyes and smiles, huh ladies? WooHoo! I've got those two wrapped up. Now if I just work on my bod a little, I should be the hottest 5'6" guy around [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P>BTW, I try never to wear any clothes that would accentuate my <ahem> package. Some things are best left to the imagination!<P>Come on Spring, Jayhawk needs to ride the bike!<P>And in answer to Java's question, I look at all parts of a woman, but I am a sucker for beautiful eyes and long hair.<P>cOOker, I know what you mean about the eye-candy. Women like that look great, but it comes with a price. Trust me on this one, I know it all too well! <p>[This message has been edited by Jayhawk 93 (edited January 13, 2001).]

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Jayhawk,<P>Don't tell me you're one of those fair weather only cyclists [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] Seriously, you might want to look at a trainer. On days that it's below 40, I ride the trainer & watch the news. Kind of boring, but at least it keeps me spinning.<P>I like beautiful women and all, but I'm not interested in any high maintenance girl. Besides, the gorgeous ones probably don't notice me anyway. I want a girl who works hard, plays harder and doesn't mind getting dirty or coming back from a vacation slightly injured once in awhile [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P>OK, now here's a question. Where do all these available, longing women hang out? [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] I've been told the grocery store and the coffee shop at Barnes & Noble, but I was wondering just exactly where the <ahem> target rich environment is. And then once deployed to that particular theater of operations, what signs do you make to show that you find a guy attractive or interesting. From a purely academic perspective, of course [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P><P>------------------<BR>nick<P>it's only time that heals the pain <BR>and makes the sun come out again

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Well as far as Java's question...<P>I will readily admitt to enjoying the eye candy aspect of lovely women...<P>As far as a particular size...well let's just say my eye is drawn to a nice figure...<P>I like the granola type girl...ya know...wholesome...minimal make-up...looks like she isn't affraid to get her hair wet...<P>I look at lips first...then eyes...body size isn't too awfully important...hair style doesn't matter either...<P>It is all about attitude in their looks...<P>I like to look at all sorts of girls...<P>Remember the oldies song..I'm A Girl Watcher...I can be guilty as charged at times...<P>However, if I'm with my special lady, my attention is on her... [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P>Bill

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I'm so upset. I had several good posts yesterday - had to go to the office to work on my references for my interview. Had to see what was going on here. Anyway the computer was in the retarded mode and wouldn't take my posts. Took too long to transmit and they went to nowhere land.<P>What I Look For When Initially Looking At A Man<P> By Princess Cinderella<P>Eyes are very important. Not being interested in 25-y-o men any more, I like a few laugh lines. Not Crevices. But nice lines. If you reach 30-35 they're already showing up. You know those lines right at the outer corner of the eyes. If you don't have them, you don't smile enough.<P>Next, smile. Must have a nice smile. Important in this is occlusion and alignment of the teeth. Crooked teeth are a turn off for me because I needed braces so badly and didn't get them till I was 16. Then they could fix my teeth cosmetically but I had a structural problem with my mouth. A vertically open bite - not an overbite or underbite. Took braces and maxillofacial surgery as an adult to fix. (I should have known guy I dated last summer wasn't the one. His teeth were way too crooked.) Folks, poor alignment of your teeth can become an oral health problem If you can't get to them to clean them, they won't last as long. If you can find a way to do braces and you need them, do it. Don't think you are too old. (No, I do not work in the dental field.)<P>Next, the overall body. Don't want the Sta-Puf marshmallow man and don't want Mr. Universe. Want a guy with moderate to nice body. Too buffed and they know they look good. Too plump is too plump. A body which shows normal maturation is ok. Let's face it, we all know where men carry their weight. Well, I can handle some maturation but no Dunlap Disease (where the belly laps over the belt) or Furniture Disease (where the chest falls down into the drawers). This is only fair as I don't have Calista Flockhart's hips and thighs.<P>Next, posture. Your posture says a lot about your self-image. (X is prime example of how to convey negative self-image.) Guys, this affects how your clothes look on you and it affects how fat we think you are. Do you want to wad yourslf up? X didn't look good in most of his clothes because he didn't stand straight - well, he probably didn't look so good out of his clothes but he didn't give me many chances to observe this. Had a blind date over the summer and when I arrived, I saw the likely candidate from 1/2 block away. I thought "Please don't let that be him." but it was. I think it was a posture thing. Had on nice clothes but didn't wear them well because he slouched. Had a miserable time. Didn't hear from him but once after that. Thankfully no more date requests.<P>Now, those are the 4 initial things that will turn me off or on. Height, hair color (except red like x), eye color, that stuff doesn't matter. For me it boils down to:<P>eyes<BR>smile (including teeth)<BR>reasonable body<BR>posture <P><BR> The End<BR>

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A couple of questions first: 1. How does a guy wear clothes verse them wearing him? 2. Why don't women approach men?<P>Otherwise it is nice to know that a guy doesn't have to be 6"2" blonde and blue eyed and 195. <P>Although how does one show personality when you don't even have time to meet women?<P>Of course, my ex says I don't have a personality! Maybe we found the problem!<P>

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