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#695577 07/07/01 12:03 AM
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It's Friday and it's payday, so I have decided to throw a pity party. Everyone is invited!! If you feel like wallowing in it for a little while, join the party, and if you don't but you love a party, join the party!<P>Now, will someone help me with the decorations? How does one properly decorate for a pity party? I was thinking of a big mud pit (for wallowing--haha), and a huge bonfire to burn sacred items. I was thinking of black balloons and dead roses...any other ideas?<P>What does one wear to a pity party? Is funeral attire the most proper, or shall I break free of my sorrow and wear red? What do you think you will wear to my pity party?<P>I'm still considering what to serve, but for me, alcohol is out! I'd love to dull the pain, but I WON'T go there! Won't do it! So, I was thinking of chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. Maybe a pity party chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.<P>Well, everyone is invited. Partying starts as soon as you'all arrive. Pity-pity-pity.<P><BR>CJ<P><P>------------------<BR>Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

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<BR>A peanut butter cup the size of a PIE. That will do for me thanks. ;)<P>And my weekend attire consists of a bikini top and cut-off jean shorts. Just try and get me into anything else. :P

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hmmmm, I'm thinking shorts & a tank top for me.<P>So, what will we do at CJ's pity party to cheer her up? I'm thinking a bunch of B-52s. Sort of like Hersheys kisses with a payload. We'd better whistle up an Alpha strike [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P>Then.... dare I say it... <dare, dare...> <I><B>TWISTER!!!</I></B><P>{{{{{CJ}}}}}<P>------------------<BR>nick<P>it's only time that heals the pain <BR>and makes the sun come out again

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Believe it or not... I'm having a bit of a party myself today... <P>So...<P>I like the bikini-top and cut-off's idea, but I don't want to scare the children [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] so I'll stick with my jeans, t-shirts, and sandles.<P>Remember, I am a salt-binger, so I want pizza with as much processed meat as I can cram on it.<P>...and potato chips, Lays Plain... and dip... yeah... that's the ticket!<BR>

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Sometimes for my personal pity parties, I like to wear sweats and a t-shirt and lay on the couch with a pillow and a blanket and watch <I>sporting events</I> or movies.<P>Sometimes, for pity parties, I get a cleaned up and go to the bookstore.<P>But I like chocolate for the main source of nutrition.

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Pity Party! After yesterday, count me in! (But I'm a little more into the "angry" side rather than pity...so maybe I should manage the efigy (sp?) burnings [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]))<P>Hmmm...what to wear...let's see...checking my closet for clothes the ex hated...yep, that's what I'm wearing [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P><BR>Food/beverages...Chocolate, yep! PIZZA [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] definitely...serious comfort food [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P>Games...hmmm....Pin the blame on the ex? Hide and go seek a lawyer? Trivial Pursuit of a bimbo? Red Rover...okay, this is far too easy...<P>Lisa<P><P>------------------<BR>I am woman...hear me roar...okay - meow...okay - purr? Hey, I'm working on it.

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Yaaaaaaaaay! Sounds like we got us a party!!<P>T-L-C, I have special ordered a special peanut butter pie for you directly from Reese's. It should be arriving right after the showing of the tear-jerker movie. <P>c00ker, I LIKE your idea of twister, yet I know your warped little mind too well. So, how do we play PITY TWISTER? Right hand--no money/ Left foot--hole in shoe? [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] Maybe we should leave this game to the end of the party, when we are feeling better and less pitiful. OR maybe we should play MUDPIT TWISTER!! YEAH!! While we wallow in it, we can also get all muddy!<P><BR>Nyneve, for you I have about a ton of salted peanuts, potato chips, processed pizza, and beef jerky right over here. When you get thirsty, here are the drinks. I like the idea of cut off shorts and a cute top for pity party attire. When I feel bummed out, I like to wear "comfort clothes" like soft shorts, a t-shirt, and bare feet. <P>BARE FEET EVERYONE!!<P>Your royal highness, I am honored that you would attend my shindig! Hugs and stuff. Know what I like to do when I feel pitiful? I have a great big teddy bear the size of a pillow that I hug. Like you, I like to curl up with a blanket usually, but lately it has been boiling hot here in Colorado, so I'm avoiding the blankies. How about if I hug my knees instead?<P>BTW, everyone, there are kleenexes all over--some over there, some in that corner, some by the mud pit, some by the food and some more by the game area. Cry all you want!<P>On My Own, welcome to the party. We will be having a huge bon fire a little later this evening, and I was hoping you would be in charge of the burning of sacred items. Here are some gunny sacks and things to make an effigy of the offending party--now according to voodoo law, you must add your own personal items such as a tie, a shirt or maybe stinky old holey underwear (haha). If you would help coordinate the effigy crafts area, I would really appreciate it. <P>WEEEEEE--it's a party!<P>CJ<P>------------------<BR>Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

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I'm not hungry. But whatever you serve, make sure you provide plenty of water or sports drinks in order to prevent dehydration after shedding buckets of bitter tears.<P>I've got the music:<P> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR><I>Torn</I>, by Anne Previn, Phil Thornalley, and Scott Cutler:<P>I thought I saw a man brought to life.<BR>He was warm, he came around like he was dignified.<BR>He showed me what it was to cry.<BR>Well, you couldn't be that man I adored.<BR>You don't seem to know, seem to care, what your heart is for.<BR>But I don't know him anymore,<BR>There's nothing where he used to lie.<BR>My conversation has run dry.<BR>That's what's goin' on.<P>Nothing's fine, I'm torn.<BR>I'm all out of faith.<BR>This is how I feel:<BR>I'm cold and I am shamed, lying naked on the floor.<BR>Illusion never changed into something real.<BR>I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn.<BR>You're a little late, I'm already torn...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>For naked hurt, clothing seems inappropriate...<BR><p>[This message has been edited by GnomeDePlume (edited July 06, 2001).]

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Darn it. I was trying to be playfully pitiful and now Gnome de Plume has me crying! I hate that.<P>Waaaaah!<P>(wiping eyes with lotion kleenex and blowing nose)<P><BR>GDP, I don't know what to say. Powerful song and thought. The only thing is...well, I know you're just trying to get some gratuitious nudity, so I think maybe we still ought to wear clothes to my pity party. <P><BR>(long sigh) Ask Bumper--he knows what that means now.<P>CJ<P>------------------<BR>Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

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I've been lurking for some time and thought I'd join in if I could. My idea of a pity party involves ice cream sundaes with lots of chocolate topping with whipped cream. <P>My best parties also include a tear jearker movie like Steel Magnolias or Beaches.<P>Kate

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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FaithfulWife:<BR><B>Darn it. I was trying to be playfully pitiful and now Gnome de Plume has me crying! I hate that.</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>So sorry. [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] One of the "features" of my personality is a tendency to take things literally...<P> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR><B>GDP, I don't know what to say. Powerful song and thought. The only thing is...well, I know you're just trying to get some gratuitious nudity, so I think maybe we still ought to wear clothes to my pity party.</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Alas, if only a quest for gratuitous nudity <I>were</I> my motivation! But my mood has been more melancholy than usual lately, and I'm not sure I could muster an appropriate appreciation of the opportunity.<P>Either way though, I have never been a stickler for appropriateness, and I have no problem acceding to your dress code...<P> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR><B>(long sigh) Ask Bumper--he knows what that means now.</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Are you sure? A quick check of your recently-posted lexicon turns up references to "loud sighs" and "soft sighs", but not "long sighs".<BR>

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Melancholy, huh? <P>Well, then it sounds like you should definately join the pity party. I'm sorry, like I said, I was trying to stay a little bit upbeat, because I hate getting sucked into the quicksand of self-pity, but the fact of the matter is, I'm feeling blueish too. <P>Okay, maybe we just need a rousing game of mud pit twister. Anyone wallowing in the pity pit feel like playing twister? Right hand-mud/left foot gooshy mud? I don't think it matters whether we wear clothes in the mud pit or not--either way we are covered in it.<P> [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P>CJ<P>------------------<BR>Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

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It's a drag when a girl has to work and can't join in the pity party, hosted by CJ soon enough! I've been trying to get a post in on yall's PITTY PARTY and these co-workers seem think I need to do something around here to get paid!?!?<P>Count me in too!!!!! I think the "official" full moon last night has something to do with this party needn' started!<P>Ragamuffin<P>GDP......having a bad week? Hope things get better after this party we're having!

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Could it be PMS season? <P>Could the guys be going through their own hormonal monthly imbalance?<P><BR><P>------------------<BR>Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FaithfulWife:<BR><B>Could it be PMS season? </B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>You know what they say about women who spend alot of time together don't you? Their cycles start to synchronize! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] Do you think that might be happening among the frequent female posters of the MB board? Oh My!<P>Either way, I vote for chocolate ice cream on the menu. It's good for pity and/or PMS. [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]

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Good suggestion, AVA!<P>Chocolate ice cream--some plain chocolate, and some Rocky Road or an obscure and ridiculously chocolatey Ben and Jerry's flavor. Naturally, we will have to add whip cream, lots of chocolate sauce, and perhaps a couple marachino cherries. <P>Yup, ice cream is good for pity.<P>------------------<BR>Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

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{{{{{FW}}}}}<BR>Oye vey! (sorry, Gentile spelling, but sufficient phlegm was used!)<P>Can I join in? I'll bring my own ice cream, and sit in the corner....puh-leeeze!

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(Wiping the flung phlem from my eyes). Nice execution!<P>Waiting-for-her, of course you can join us. Weeping and wailing is over there in that corner, and over here we have sitting in the dark. Which would you prefer?<P>I myself am feeling a monumental loneliness coming over me. I think my soul is just weary and I need a little time walking with loneliness. Anyone want to walk with loneliness with me (haha)? Can someone take charge of the loneliness hike over here? <P>I think the people wallowing in the mud pit are getting out of hand. I don't think they were supposed to bring beer in there, but I smell hops and barley. Jayhawk, is that you over there with one of your expensive beers?<P><BR>CJ<P>------------------<BR>Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

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I know what I'm going to do - throw a Pity Party for the Ex-Hubster!!! I'm sure by now he could really use one!! I don't want him to feel sorry for me - he needs to feel sorry for himself - that would really serve him right!! He and OW/(so-called)Wife could roll in the mud together with their "twisted" relationship. I think a large mud pit would look quite nice in their front yard!! Plus, I wouldn't even charge them for planning and setting up the party. The only problem is, they would be the only ones there, because no one else would bother to come!! Hehehe!!!

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I was all ready to sit home in the dark, on a friday night, turning 50 in a month, alone, rejected, dejected, but your party sounds too good to pass up! Personally, eating has not been my friend since this whole thing started,but I could probably choke down some dark chocolate truffles...<P>I also kind of like Lady M's idea... my H and his OW would look really good wallowing in that mud pit too. No one would come to their party either, so maybe we could introduce them and they could make it a foursome. Do your H and his OW like to drink? Drugs are okay too if they don't drink. Anything goes...group sex, sure, the more the merrier. Anyone else with some pitiful, mistreated WS's and OW's to wallow in the mud pit?

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