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Every Wed. we are to pray and fast for one another. Every Weds we can check in and let everyone know we have prayed for the group. Prayer does mighty things and group prayer is even better.
Right now I am doing "Experiencing God Day by Day" and Lupolady is doing "Power of a Praying Wife" for the ladies. You can use this as your prayer or have your own or combine them.
I think it will be great to see how God works in our lives and heals our marriages and us.
If you want to pray with us I will be more than happy to add your name to the list below.
Prayer Warriors who are praying and being prayed for: cajunky,Ezra, Willgetthruthis, Godisincontrol, Natasha79, JohnC, c++_guy, Wallace, relady, steadfast and committed, morriggs,lupolady, stillwaiting, Broken Hearted, PasDeDeux, hopeful_person,GinnyF, Not peachy in Ga, cry2much,SNL,LostAgain(Dave&April), Dodger, gloriachu, LoveNcare,JMF,WEN, NiteHawk, Absurd, LetSTry,AgainsttheWind,cemmerson, getting better,kellidiane,Terrified, BeeLee,idostylin, Resilient, thiscantbehappening, day by day, Jloves, broken x3, Sue with Hope, sunrise1, shepette, Malc, Faithfulwife, timbo-e,Angelia,FeelingAllAlone,broken_joe,dopey,awake,truly a friend, Is it to late, stilltryingtosaveit, landslide,GODBLESSU,vega,LoyalWarrior,janna-m-r,ferbie,epiphOny,simmy
Prayers Answered: Lupolady(air conditioner),Steadfastandcommitted(first string again),cry2much(sucessful surgery), Movingonwithlife(Wife coming home),WGTT(accepted into mentor program), betrayed and desparate (sucessful cancer surgery),Againstthewind(Got job), Free ( Marriage Restoration begun ), cajunky (wife not engaged & did something with family, told me she loved me), Stillwaiting(neice is o.k.), Stillwaiting(Got to see her husband for 2 hours and his heart seems to have softened), Steadfastandcommitted (wife gave up other man and said steadfast is stuck with her. God showed her the change was for real in steadfast),janna-m-r (Husband came home and wants to try to restore marriage even though he is the BS), tsc (marriage being restored)
Love in Christ Cajunky <small>[ March 27, 2003, 04:52 AM: Message edited by: cajunky ]</small>
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Ok....I have a few minutes now.....lol. I haven't minded at all not being able to get on this week. I have been praying for God to help me build a relationship with my kids and this week God blessed me with that. God is blessing me with a lot of things this week. I will share some of them as they become reality.
Steadfast......I am sorry for the set back but I have told you before that I have such a feeling that your marriage is going to be restored soon. I was sad for you and I have been having a pity party for myself this week to. Then I read lupolady & faithfulwifes responses and I realized that we can use even the set backs to become closer to God. Like we have been talking about so many times on this thread we have to have complete trust in God, complete faith in God, and perseverence to endure the valleys because we know God in going to pull us through them. We have to realize that there is nothing we can do but leave it totally in Gods hands. That has been really, really hard for me to do and to completely comprehend but I am learning like everyone else.What the true meaning of that is. Don't give up and if you need to vent by all means do it here so you won't LB to your wife.
Faith4me.......thanks for the report on how God worked on your friend. I for one need those to keep me knowing that God can do anything. We are all put here to help others with things that we have experienced and I think that is how God is using your mother right now.
Notmywill......WOW....that proves the point of the scripture that says God knows just how much we can bare then he will take the burden off our shoulders. I was overjoyed that your wife lent you the money. Just keep praying that her heart will continue to be softened and opened to what God is delivering to her. I know we are praying for her real hard so God must be putting real convictions on her.
OK I just have to share a possible praise report with you all. I just can't keep it in till it becomes reality. My wife lives 45 minutes away and kids go to school there. I live with my Mom and Dad for now until we could sell our house here (I gave all the furniture to wife and kids so they would be comfortable and not be put out on anything. I can't aford new furniture right now so house was vacant). There was a house vacant before christmas that is about 10 miles from where wife and kids live and it is perfect location for work. A very christian man owns it(It was his grandmothers and she had just died) but he wasn't ready to rent it out or do anything with it yet so he told me to call after christmas. I wasn't ready either since I had to sell my house. I knew God would sell my house in his perfect timing and the timing was great for many reasons. We close March 31 and I called the owner of the rental house and he wants to rent it to me so me and the kids are going to look at it next Saturday and I think if I do some needed work to it I can negotiate for reduced rent for several months. You don't know what this means to me in the big picture of things.
God is Good and he knows how to take care of things.
Love in Christ cajunky
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please add me to the list. I would like everyone to pray for my journey to healing and for God to show me what He wants me to do now. Also pray for my family's well being and for my stbxh to find the Lord again. Thank you.
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This is an article I found that I wish my "former" wife would read. She is engaged to an unbeliever. All I can do is pray for a miracle again that God will work for us in putting our family back. http://www.growthtrac.com/artman/publish/article_107.phpLove in Christ cajunky
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This was an encouragement for me today..... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">
The key principles for standing for the healing of one's marriage can be summed up in the following scripture verses...
"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love." 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Do you know the enemy you are fighting? The key in fighting any battle begins with understanding your enemy.
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12
Satan is your enemy. Your spouse has been taken captive by Satan to do his evil will. Satan is defeated by the blood of Jesus Christ sacrif- iced for all sinners when He was nailed to a rough-hewn cross on Cal- vary. Jesus died for your sins and for the sins of your spouse. Your first line of defense against Satan is praying the Word of God over your wife and marriage.
"He too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might de- stroy him who holds the power of death - that is, the devil - and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham's de- scendants. For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted." Hebrews 2:14-18
Since Jesus became man, He was tempted by Satan just as we are tempt- ed. Pray that Jesus will help your spouse see the error of their ways, softening and turning their hearts towards home.
Faith is comprised of two components: 1) Believing that God is who He says He is and 2) Believing God will do what He says He will do. When we believe that God will fulfill His promises, even when we do not see a physical manifestation of these promises in our lives, we are oper- ating in faith.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." Hebrews 11:1,6
"Jesus replied, 'I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt...you can say to this mountain, "Go, throw yourself into the sea," and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.'" Matthew 21:21-22
"We live by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7
Prayer is the physical demonstration of our faith that God exists, that He hears our prayers and that He will deliver on His promises. Faith means resting in what Christ has done for us in the past, but also means trusting Him for what He will do for us in the future.
It takes courage to stand for a broken marriage. The world bombards us with quick solutions and admonitions to "get on with your life." It takes real guts to be obedient to God by standing for your marriage vows. God is on your side. He will never leave you. Be strengthened in your faith, knowing that Jesus is with you every step of the way through the trial of separation and divorce.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6
"But Jesus immediately said to them: 'Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid.'" Matthew 14:27
May you find encouragement in knowing that the loving Father, in union with His Son and by the power of the Holy Spirit, is waging war against Satan and his minions for the salvation of your home and family.
An important part of standing for the healing of one's marriage is realizing that we are powerless to change our spouses. Only God can change a hardened heart. Our strength is not in our own efforts but through humbling submitting our life and our families to God's loving care.
"The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him." Exodus 15:2 "It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect." 2 Samuel 22:33
"That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in in- sults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10
"I can do all things though him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13
Trust God to strengthen you for the battle. Depend on Him for your every need. Believe in the power of the cross and the blood shed by Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. God does not want any of His children to perish. Be strengthened in your faith to stand firm with Jesus Christ for the healing of your home.
The hardest part of standing for the healing of one's marriage is giving up the right to be angry and bitter towards the spouse that has left you. God commands us to do everything in love. Everything? Always? Who can live up to such a demand? Much of what we do is done in anger, pride, or out of a desire to make our spouses feel some of the pain that we are feeling. Held up to the scrutiny of this verse, most of us would have to confess that we seldom live up to it. But through the mercy of God (who does all things in love for us), there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Dare to examine your faults and ask God for His help in being more loving towards your spouse. He gives abundantly to those who ask. And He will do it!
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear...we love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:18-19
We can love our spouses because Christ first loved us. He is our model of perfect love, giving His life as a sacrifice for many. Can you love your wife with the love of Christ? Are you willing to die for her? Your wife will be saved through your unconditional love for her.
"All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 2 Corinthians 4:15-17
Your decision today to love your spouse unconditionally will echo through all eternity. Future generations will be spared the pain of divorce. Stand firm in the faith. Be strong in the Lord. Do not give up. The future of your children and your children's children depend on your decision to love without counting the cost. God will bless your obedience in this, now and forever more.
"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands." Deuteronomy 7:5
May the Lord bless you and give you the desires of your heart.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Love in Christ cajunky
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With great faith and humility i ask to join your prayer group. our 34y marriage is suffering due to H's first A. may issues enabled A. 3 mos post Dday on 4/03/03. Have been praying for God's help in softening H's heart and attitude towards me. H has started to make some progress, talks, comes home, is more accountable for time, and most positive...he has maintained NC for 5 mos. BUT he holds me at arms length and remains distant and unsure if he can ever reestablish intimate relationship b/c he "broke our sacred wedding vows." I understand rebuilding is a long and difficult journey, but I BELIEVE WITH GOD'S HELP IT WILL BE DONE B/C WHAT GOD HAS JOINED TOGETHER NO MAN(WOMAN) SHALL PUT ASUNDER. I join with you in prayer in asking God to continue healing H's heart, his soul of this sin, and restoring him to me as my husband, changed forever as we will be, but together.
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Hello from a stranger of late! I havent been on here since I got the new job in December. It was very stressful & their expectations were too much, so last month they switched me to a different job. I feel that it is going well, but am on tiptoe until they say something to me one way or another. Pray I get to keep my job & figure out how to be more financially secure. The big D is finally final since last week!! I dont feel any different. DOnt know what to think or what I should be doing. AARGH! I still miss him & long for the old person he used to be. But I cant trust him. He will not tell me where he lives in town still, which makes me believe he must have something to hide still. Though, he calls me or comes by at least once a week still, to ask me how Im doing AARGH. The roller coaster never really ends does it? ANyway I wanted to mention something to you guys. I have lost most faith. I do not see any signs or answers if they are there, and the words in the bible do not offer me much solace. I have been told so many times by so many that God must have something special planned for me & that its in his hands. But I have felt more like I have been punished though I did nothing wrong. WAH! Help!! Anyway, thru work, someome introduced me to a video series about divorce called Divorce Care. It is a series of about 12 videos, about meeting another - when is the right time? how to behave & be a role model for your kids, dealing with lonliness, finances etc. After they video they break into groups & do some talking/sharing. I went, even though its in mid stream. I liked the people alot & we went to lunch afterwards. This program is generally held at a church & does have a non-demoninational christian slant to it, but not too much so that I am comfortable with it. I plan to do the whole series. Maybe even slightly think of the singles group. I have no intention of meeting any man for romance ( Right now thats a big UGH! I still love my now ex-husband). But I am so alone & sad & feel so abandoned that I would love the additional support & to go do some fun things as a group. My own small group of friends are married & often busy with spouse & kids. Their activities are fun & I am thinking of that one. Anyway, I know some of you have strong faith & think this would be a great program for you to check into. To find out if there is a program being led (usually thru a church) in your area, log onto www.divorcecare.orgMy prayer request is that I keep my job & improve my skills. But also that I find what Im looking for. There is a huge hole in my heart. The Divorce Care workbook talks about finding God in the beginning (before the videos start). Talks about the sun & moon revolving around the earth & what would be left if a planet were to disappear. What does your life revolve around? Spouse? Kids? Health? Finances? If all that were to be taken away, whats left for you to revolve around? God. Also in the book after the video there is some questions & study about the video you saw, for the next 6 days until the next video/group. It refers you to certain passages/stories in the bible on what that person experience was? What was Jesus response? What can we learn from this? etc. But you do all this at home by yourself. THere really is no religious pressure to watching the videos & meeting the group. You dont have to talk if you dont want to, can just listen to others. I feel good on Sundays now & maybe someday I will edge my way into maybe going to a service. My problem is with the resounding faith part. Yes, I know the footsteps poem- when only 1 set I was carried etc. But I dont FEEL that. I dont feel like I see/hear any answers to my attempt at prayers. I dont feel as many that a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Yes, I know many things are not within my control, only God's. But I dont have faith that the outcome will be positive. I feel I am being punished. ANd I've heard the "there's a lesson to be learned" speech, but I dont know WHAT IS THAT LESSON?? Answers, dogone it, I need answers!! SO help me on this one!! That I will be clear on what to say, or what do do for all circumstances that arise. I want to know my "path" and havent got a clue!! ANyhow, check out www.divorcecare.org Hopefully, there is a DivorceCare in your town. Many things I've heard, I heard here first!! The principles are the same! Work on yourself, heal before a new relationship, pray etc!! Thinking of you all. CLG.
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From "Experiencing God Day by Day" by Henry Blackaby.
2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> If your heart is loyal to God, you do not have to look for Him, He is already looking for you! God told King Asa that He continuously watches for those who are steadfast in their commitment to Him. When He finds them, He makes His Presence powerfully evident to them. King Asa had experienced God's awesome power when he faced a menacing army from Ethiopia ( 2 Chron. 14:9). God gave Asa victory, despite the overwhelming odds he faced. In spite of this miracle, the next tome Asa faced an enemy he failed to trust God. Even though the army Asa faced was much smaller than the one God had previously defeated, Asa's fatih in God faltered. God encouraged Asa to take courage in knowing that God never rests or sleeps. he os never distracted, but diligently seeks individuals whose hearts are completely committed to Him.
Life's challenges sometimes seem impossible. Do you feel you are too weak to fight the battle? Don't give up! Keep your heart loyal to God, for He constantly watches over you, and He desires to demonstrate His strength in your life. God is willing and just as capable of giving you victory in your current challenge as he was with those in times past. The question is not whether God is looking for His people, but whether His people are seeking Him. Take comfort in God's promise that he watches over you and wants to give you victory. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">All I can say is WOW. I love doing these every week. It lifts me up so much when I am down.
Remember to pray for your marriage as well as everyone elses.
Love in Christ cajunky
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I do have something that I want to share that happened to me yesterday. I was really down yesterday. All I could think about was what I had done and what a mess I had made of my marriage. I have never forgiven myself nor do I think I ever will. My mom was talking to my 13 year old the other day and she told him that God has forgiven me but that I was going to have to forgive myself. My 13 year old said " MiMi I don't think dad will ever forgive himself". I was sitting in the chiropractors office having thoughts of wishing I was dead and thinking other stupid things. I then prayed for God to give me a sign that day of what he would do with my wife and I. When I got done and got in my car I prayed the same thing again. WELL.....on the way home I passed a restaurant and on the sign there was the scripture.... Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.
The guy that owns this place is a christian but this is the first time ever I have seen scriprure on the sign. I thanked God for it and realized I just have to be still and let God be God.
Love in Christ cajunky
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Howdy, folks,
No big words from God yet this week; I think after that big Joshua/Caleb thing He got tired! Heehee <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" /> Nope, I haven't received any big messages, but I will say this...He has a WICKED sense of humor (yes...God...wicked...heehee). I had a HECK of a week last week, and God in His infinite wisdom decided to back up ALL the toilets in the house at once. Well, at first, it was hard to give thanks for THAT--plus the plumbing bill required a second mortgage on the house! However, since I am obedient I was praying to God: "Thank you for backing up my toilets. The sewage was a humbling experience. Thank you for skillful plumbers who could fix it and were willing to come. Thank you for clogged sewer lines (you get the drift, right?)." Well eventually, after a day or two went by, I started thinking--it was actually pretty funny as in haha funny. What a picture!! What a stinky metaphor for what is happening in my life!!
Okay, first there were the jokes, like "I had a sh*tty day" or "That stank!" <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> Then there is the symbolism: if the main line is clogged and filled with garbage, all the other lines fill with sewage--if my connection to God is full of garbage and unattended to (the main line) then all the other connections get full of cr*p too! Oy! How funny! Good one!! Then there are the plumbers, who are skillful and can help (counselors, wise-people of godly ways)--but they have to have the right tools and they have to know where to do the work! Finally, the lines CAN be cleared and the sewage CAN drain away, but it's not easy--it can take a long time--and some things could be damaged or dirtied in the process (in other words, their not shiny and new anymore but rather a little ding and dent here and there).
Oh, see what I mean? Isn't God funny? He's using my SEWER to show me what my life will be filled with if I don't keep my line to HIM clear! I love Him!
This leads me to a question I would like you'all to ponder and give me a word on: Like WGTT, it is becoming clearer and clearer that my marriage will not be restored because my H chooses not to recover. Yep, it's sad, but right now he just would rather embrace his sexual addiction and ignore his mental illnesses. Soooo...since my marriage is not going to be restored right now, what do I pray for regarding my marriage?? I'm kinda lost here. Ummmm...I don't think it's wise to pray for restoration because for his own sake, he really needs to hit bottom on his own and WANT to recover. So, maybe do I just pray that God continue to work in his heart and life and in my heart and life?? See what I mean?? I'm stuck.
So help me out, family! Thanks for your prayers. The kids and I are doing pretty well, except for occasional pouts of loneliness, but who doesn't have that?? Heck, I had that when I was married! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by cajunky: <strong>I do have something that I want to share that happened to me yesterday. I was really down yesterday. All I could think about was what I had done and what a mess I had made of my marriage. I have never forgiven myself nor do I think I ever will. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Cajunky, my brother, I need to have a kind word with you! Psalm 103:3 says "Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;" Cajunky--our God is that God who has forgiven you AND is working to heal you of the disease of sexual addiction. Now I suspect you KNOW this...and I suspect you realize that God has forgiven you...but you aren't forgiving yourself, right?? Oh, cajunky, if God is perfect and loves you enough to forgive you--then who are you to not forgive yourself?? Are you more perfect than God? Do you love yourself more than God loves you? I DON'T THINK SO! In fact, if I were to guess (just a longshot here) you have lost track of just how valuable, precious, and LOVED you are.
Claim these promises--but this time not GOD forgiving you, but YOU forgiving you:
Matt. 6:14 "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." You are a MAN right?? If you forgive other men (and women), forgive yourself!
I John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Have you confessed your sins to God?? Yep. Have you confessed your sins to yourself? If so, then it says right here that God is FAITHFUL (which is devoted, unswerving, unwavering, reliable, dependable, trustworthy, constant, resolute, steadfast, unchanging and precise) and JUST (which is impartial, equitable, upright, lawful, appropriate, deserved, honest, virtuous and honorable) to forgive us. But wait..that's not all! He will also cleanse us of all unrighteousness! Oh, you missed that part didn't you?? You are CLEANSED buddy, which means you are the righteousness of GOD!! Refined, purged and RESTORED. So, you just stop moping around and letting the enemy have a place in your mind. You ARE forgiven and you are RESTORED!!
Finally Eph. 4:32 "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." Okay--dude, this applies to YOU. Be KIND to yourself...tenderhearted toward yourself...forgiving yourself and those around you, because God found you valuable enough to forgive you for Christ's sake. Oh, that may come out sounding wrong! How about this: For the sake of His dear, beloved, only son, God found you valuable enough to forgive you--now go do likewise in your own life!
My brother, making amends to yourself is one of the hardest things for me to do. I hold myself to such high, impossible standards sometimes that when I do slip or fail, I am SO unforgiving! But I must remember that I am dearly beloved so I have a duty to myself to learn from my mistake, pay the consequences, and FORGIVE MYSELF--and by that I mean release myself from my own chains and turn myself over to God.
See, in a weird way, by not forgiving yourself you are NOT turning your will and life over to God. You're holding on to some of it and keeping some of God's stuff in your "In Basket". Cajunky, let it go. Release it. Release yourself and give it ALL to God.
Oh, and BTW, lest you think I'm writing this to you, I think you should know that I'm writing about 99% of this exact same note to ME. Yes, me (the sewage lady!) heehee. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />
Okay--now look these verses up on your own and write back and tell me what you learned:
Psalm 86:5, Matt. 11:25, 2 Cor. 2:7, 2 Cor. 12:13, Col 3:3 (I tried to put them in order for ya). Write back HERE because I think there are a bunch of us here that need to hear this. What did the verse say? What did that mean to you? Pick ONE important word and define it. What changes are you going to make now based on this verse?
Your sis,
CJ <small>[ March 25, 2003, 11:33 AM: Message edited by: FaithfulWife ]</small>
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You've got me ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!
But I agree. I think our Lord has a VERY WICKED sense of humor!
Now to address your ? to us....concerning the restoration of your M. WHAT makes you think God is NOT going to restore it??? Just the fact that it hasn't happened yet?!?!?!?!
Surely you know that our God doesn't work on OUR time-table....that NO ONE in the Bible who was given a promise by God to do a BIG thing in their life saw it happen instantaneously. In fact, in most cases, it took years and years and YEARS. Like in 20, 40, 80 or more years!! I've been struggling with this lately myself. I "feel" like God isn't "doing anything" for me, with regard to my M. I "feel" like God isn't working on it!! Then I panic. "Do I have to wait 10, 20 years or more?!?!?!?"
Then I read about Moses, Abraham, Isreal - you get the picture. ALL these great men of ancient Israel who were to fulfill some aspect of God's perfect plan, but who were made to WAIT sometimes for what would be considered today MORE THAN a lifetime..........but the outcome and results were very worth the wait.
"God's time-table is NOT our time-table."
Having said that, I guess my (long-winded) point to you is that Just because you DON"T SEE anything happening with your ex doesn't mean God is not working/not able to make it happen, again, IN HIS TIME.
The key to this whole thing is to pray, to KNOW what God plans to do, what He tells you He wants for you, and what He has promised to do.
The only way that happens is to spend time ALONE with Him and ask! Then believe on what He tells you.
Simple enough.
God Bless you, dear sister. I will pray God will make His plan for you/your M very, very clear to you this week.
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My favorite story about God's sense of humor is the one were the Hittites or Philistines or some group of enemies of His people had stolen the ark. They had carried it away. And God 'smote' them with hemorroids. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
CJ - on this prayer thing. Who knows what miracles God will work for you. I think I would be praying, if I were you, for peace and healing for myself and for stbx. That we may both grow toward health and wellness. If that healing brings you back together, excellent. And if it brings you only to the point were you deal better with each other as parents to the children, excellent. But, at this point, personal healing is most needed - I think. But, I'm only a Princess. I don't have to be brilliant. Just beautiful. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
Peace to you all! <small>[ March 25, 2003, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: cinderella ]</small>
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CJ </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> what do I pray for regarding my marriage?? I'm kinda lost here. Ummmm...I don't think it's wise to pray for restoration because for his own sake, he really needs to hit bottom on his own and WANT to recover. So, maybe do I just pray that God continue to work in his heart and life and in my heart and life?? See what I mean?? I'm stuck.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">God would not RESTORE your marriage without RESTORING your husband to Christ, otherwise there would not be a restoration. So, you can pray for restoration knowing that God is good and will take care of the rest.
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cajunky God has already thrown your "stuff" into the sea of forgetfullnes, now He wants you to leave it there.
God is and will continue to use you so that your greatest liability will become your greatest strength. There will be others who are helped because of what you have gone thru.
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> Member Member # 24559
posted February 19, 2003 11:22 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can not tell you how crushed my spirit is. I came to the divorce board because i am really wanting one. Or do I??? My WH has broken something in me. So many lies. He has finally come clean and wants to re-build. I just want to make him go away. We have two little girls. I don't want this. I am so afraid. help me.pray for me. tra
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">GOD IS GOOD!!!! ALL THE TIME!!!
i only posted here once. I have had others praying for me/us/husband for a year. I have thought i was dying! You all can see/hear how desparate I was last month. UPDATE!! Husband has completely ended affair. Sought out Christian MC. Appoligized to both me, AND the OW husband!!!! And We are now meeting with our Pastor. We have a long way to go, but we will get there. We love each other. Just because God said we COULD have a divorce because of adultry....does not mean we MUST !! Praise God! tra <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
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HI Letstry, I posted this under last weeks thread by mistake, but I hope you read it where ever it is! One of the most beautiful traits of God is that He is so awesome at changing people. Leaving your WH in His hands will do marvelous things. Although you don't love him anymore, God will give you the love you need when the time is right. Giving yourself and your WH over to the Lord is the best thing you can do, Let Him do the work in both of you that is needed. It is amazing when we "let go and let God" the results that can happen. God is faithful, and if you are faithful in standing for your marriage, no matter how bad the situation has been in the past and looks now, God is the worker of miracles! When the time is His, God can restore your marriage with a brand new man in your now WH. And He is apt to change you as well, if you let Him. He has done some marvelous things in my own life, and I so look forward to who He wants me to be, and the man He is preparing my husband to be. God will be glorified when the restoration comes, we will both be totally new people, compared to who we were when we married! If you have never checked this site out, web page[/URL] Rejoice Ministries give it a try, it is very encouraging! In the mean time, keep looking to the one who loves you and your WH more than you could even imagine! God Bless keep you strong! Love in Christ, SW
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This has become a ritual for me every Wednesday: I read this thread and print out the "Experiencing God Day By Day" quote and the list of "Prayer warriors who are praying and being prayed for." When I sit down to do my Bible reading and praying for the day, I include that which I printed out from this thread. I haven't posted my story, but I wanted to report an answer to prayer! Our situation seems unusual, in that I am the WW and upon his discovery of my affairs (2) I repented, immediately started counseling, and vowed to do everything possible to restore our marriage. As the BS, he left the house and said that I had effectively ended our marriage, and that he wanted nothing more to do with me. After MUCH prayer, and seeing this as a unique if somewhat painful opportunity to grow in my (and our) walk with God, I am happy to report that my H has returned home of his own accord. Please pray for his mind- the greatest obstacle at the moment is the mental images of me with the other men. These thoughts torment him constantly.
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This seemed like a good thing to share with several of us seeming like our situation is so hopeless. God can do anything.
I got this from rejoice ministries the other day and it seemed very appropriate right now.
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> NOTHING IS TOO HARD
"Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah: "I am the Lord,the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?" Jeremiah 32:26-27
Nothing is too hard for God! I pray that this scripture will penetrate your being, so you may believe. You and I need to get to the point in our own personal walk and relationship with our Lord God that we know for certain that He can do anything. If He does not answer our prayers, or fix our problems immediately, we need to wait on the Lord for His timing and His directions. Your Lord God will not forget your heart's desires, but He can change you and your spouse's heart to seek to do His will and His way. Following your Lord's directions will save you much heartache.
Your spouse and sometimes even you have been deceived or blinded by the enemy. Continue to grow in the Lord daily. Make time to read or listen to the Word. Be sure to put on the Armor of God, putting the hedge of protection around you and the Blood of Jesus over you and your loved ones daily. Each day I talk to people, even restored marriages, that have stopped praying the personal prayers for themselves and their spouse. The enemy is waiting on the sideline for you to become lax and then he comes in like a flood. Afterwards, the person cannot believe that they allowed the enemy back into their home. Your spouse needs to be delivered from the evil one, but until you see your spouse saved, sanctified, living a life of holiness, maturing in the Lord, never stop praying for them. They still have one foot in each of the worlds. Pray that all bondages will be broken, smashed, crushed and destroyed. Pray that you and your spouse will desire and have the mind of Christ. I believe in my heart that I will always pray for Bob and my family, I don't trust the enemy tricks or schemes.
"Save us and help us with your right hand, that those you love may be delivered." Psalm 108:6
Learn to love the Word of God. I pray that you will seek to know the power of the Word asking the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart through reading the Word of God. You and I need to trust the Lord every day, knowing that He is in control of our lives. Do not question your Heavenly Father's plans, but know that He knows what is the very best for you. May we praise the Lord even in the midst of our circumstances, knowing He can turn any problem around to good. He will also guide your every step, leading you on the right road, not on a detour road or even a dead end. Always seek to be obedient by searching and striving for righteousness and holiness living. Nothing is too hard for your Lord God!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Love in Christ cajunky
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Faithfulwife......Thanks so much for the homework. Before I read any of yours I read Psalm 38. I feel exactly how David felt at the time. His words convey so much how I feel.
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Psa 38:1 O LORD, don't punish me in your anger! Psa 38:2 You have wounded me with your arrows; you have struck me down. Psa 38:3 Because of your anger, I am in great pain; my whole body is diseased because of my sins. Psa 38:4 I am drowning in the flood of my sins; they are a burden too heavy to bear. Psa 38:5 Because I have been foolish, my sores stink and rot. Psa 38:6 I am bent over, I am crushed; I mourn all day long. Psa 38:7 I am burning with fever and I am near death. Psa 38:8 I am worn out and utterly crushed; my heart is troubled, and I groan with pain. Psa 38:9 O Lord, you know what I long for; you hear all my groans. Psa 38:10 My heart is pounding, my strength is gone, and my eyes have lost their brightness. Psa 38:11 My friends and neighbors will not come near me, because of my sores; even my family keeps away from me. Psa 38:12 Those who want to kill me lay traps for me, and those who want to hurt me threaten to ruin me; they never stop plotting against me. Psa 38:13 I am like the deaf and cannot hear, like the dumb and cannot speak. Psa 38:14 I am like those who do not answer, because they cannot hear. Psa 38:15 But I trust in you, O LORD; and you, O Lord my God, will answer me. Psa 38:16 Don't let my enemies gloat over my distress; don't let them boast about my downfall! Psa 38:17 I am about to fall and am in constant pain. Psa 38:18 I confess my sins; they fill me with anxiety. Psa 38:19 My enemies are healthy and strong; there are many who hate me for no reason. Psa 38:20 Those who pay back evil for good are against me because I try to do right. Psa 38:21 Do not abandon me, O LORD; do not stay away, my God! Psa 38:22 Help me now, O Lord my savior! </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I know God has forgiven me. I really have joy when I think of that. In fact the one scripture I liked the most of the ones you gave me was Psalm 86:5
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call on you. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">When I sit and think about that I smile. When I was reading that scripture I looked at Psalm 85. The theme for this Psalm according to my bible is "From reverance to restoration. Reverance leads to forgiveness, restoring our love and joy for God. </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> Psa 85:1 LORD, you have been merciful to your land; you have made Israel prosperous again. Psa 85:2 You have forgiven your people's sins and pardoned all their wrongs. Psa 85:3 You stopped being angry with them and held back your furious rage. Psa 85:4 Bring us back, O God our savior, and stop being displeased with us! Psa 85:5 Will you be angry with us forever? Will your anger never cease? Psa 85:6 Make us strong again, and we, your people, will praise you. Psa 85:7 Show us your constant love, O LORD, and give us your saving help. Psa 85:8 I am listening to what the LORD God is saying; he promises peace to us, his own people, if we do not go back to our foolish ways. Psa 85:9 Surely he is ready to save those who honor him, and his saving presence will remain in our land. Psa 85:10 Love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will embrace. Psa 85:11 Human loyalty will reach up from the earth, and God's righteousness will look down from heaven. Psa 85:12 The LORD will make us prosperous, and our land will produce rich harvests. Psa 85:13 Righteousness will go before the LORD and prepare the path for him. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I sat and thought for a long time today why I haven't been able to forgive myself when I know God has forgiven me. One reason is I feel if I forgive myself then to me that is like me saying what I did was somehow OK. I guess I feel like if I carry this around as a constant reminder of what I did then I will never forget the hurt I put on my wife. It is like me feeling the pain for my wife. You see, I never want to forget the pain I caused my wife and family. So will I ever be able to truelly forgive myself? As I was thinking today I realized one thing. I know God has forgiven me and that makes me smile but the one person that I want to hear say "I forgive you" is my wife. Even if God restores my marriage and she forgives me I don't want to forget the hurt I caused her but at least then I think I will be able to completely smile.
We are similar in a lot of ways. We want the same thing but at different angles. I want my wife to be like you and say "I forgive you and I want our family back. No matter what has happened in the past lets build for the future". You want your husband to be like me and say "Forgive me. I have truelly changed and I will prove it through my actions. I want us to have a closer walk with God together". WGTT......You are so right. I know God has thrown everything out to sea. I read the other day in my daily reading. God has forgiven you but he doesn't always take away the worldly consequences of our sins.
Thanks for making me think and read scripture about how I am still loved by God and forgiven know matter what I do as long as seek him.
Love in Christ cajunky
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