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cajunky Offline OP
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Every Wed. we are to pray and fast for one another. Every Weds we can check in and let everyone know we have prayed for the group. Prayer does mighty things and group prayer is even better.

Right now I am doing "Experiencing God Day by Day" and Lupolady is doing "Power of a Praying Wife" for the ladies. You can use this as your prayer or have your own or combine them.

I think it will be great to see how God works in our lives and heals our marriages and us.

If you want to pray with us I will be more than happy to add your name to the list below.

Prayer Warriors who are praying and being prayed for: cajunky,Ezra, Willgetthruthis, Godisincontrol, Natasha79, JohnC, c++_guy, Wallace, relady, steadfast and committed, morriggs,lupolady, stillwaiting, Broken Hearted, PasDeDeux, hopeful_person,GinnyF, Not peachy in Ga, cry2much,SNL,LostAgain(Dave&April), Dodger, gloriachu, LoveNcare,JMF,WEN, NiteHawk, Absurd, LetSTry,AgainsttheWind,cemmerson, getting better,kellidiane,Terrified, BeeLee,idostylin, Resilient, thiscantbehappening, day by day, Jloves, broken x3, Sue with Hope, sunrise1, shepette, Malc, Faithfulwife, timbo-e,Angelia,FeelingAllAlone,broken_joe,dopey,awake,truly a friend, Is it to late, stilltryingtosaveit, landslide,GODBLESSU,vega,LoyalWarrior,janna-m-r,ferbie,epiphOny,simmy,cajeanie,d_rose,lost_lonely

Prayers Answered: Lupolady(air conditioner),Steadfastandcommitted(first string again),cry2much(sucessful surgery), Movingonwithlife(Wife coming home),WGTT(accepted into mentor program), betrayed and desparate (sucessful cancer surgery),Againstthewind(Got job), Free ( Marriage Restoration begun ), cajunky (wife not engaged & did something with family, told me she loved me), Stillwaiting(neice is o.k.), Stillwaiting(Got to see her husband for 2 hours and his heart seems to have softened), Steadfastandcommitted (wife gave up other man and said steadfast is stuck with her. God showed her the change was for real in steadfast),janna-m-r (Husband came home and wants to try to restore marriage even though he is the BS), tsc (marriage being restored)

Love in Christ

<small>[ April 08, 2003, 10:36 PM: Message edited by: cajunky ]</small>

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"><strong>
A man's walk is the way he journeys through life...his direction, his focus, the steps he takes.

The Bible reveals much about the kind of walk we should have. We are to walk with moral correctness because "no good thing will He withhold from those who walk unrightly" (Psalm 84:11). We are walk without fault because "whoever walks blameslessly will be saved" (Proverbs 28:18). We are to walk with godly advisors because "Blessed is the man who walks not in the cousel of the ungodly" (Psalm 1:1). We are to walk in obedience because "blessed is every one who fears the Lord, who walks in His way" (Psalm 128:1).

Jesus said there is only on eway to get on the right path, one door through which to enter, "I am the way" He says (John 14:6). The way that leads to destruction is wide and broad and many choose to go that route. But "narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it" (Matt. 7:14). Pray for your H to find it. Pray that he is guided by God's Holy Spirit. Pray that he stays on the path by having faith in God's Word, a heart for obedience, and deep repentance for any actions he makes that are not God's will for his life. Faith and obedience will get him on the Highway of Holiness, walking in the Spirit, and not in the flesh, will keep him there.
</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">[b]
O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself, it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps" (Jeremiah 10:23). Therefore, Lord, I pray that You would direct my H's steps. Lead him in Your light, teach him Your way, so he will walk in Your truth. I pray that he would have a deeper walk with You and an ever progressing hunger for Your Word. May Your presence be like a delicacy he never ceases to crave. Lead him on Your path and make him quick to confess when he strays from it. Reveal to him any hidden sin that would hinder him from walking rightly before You. May he experience deep repentance when he doesn't live in obedience to Your laws. Create in him a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within him. Don't cast him away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from him (Psalm 51:10,11).

ISAIAH 33:15,16
PSALM 15:1,2

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Please add me to your prayer list. I will pray on Wed. for everyone else. I am new to this forum, but so thankful I finally found this place. Every one else has give up on my situation and thinks I am even crazy for wanting to save my marriage after my husband's behavior. He left me 8 months ago for someone he met at work by just coming home one night and taking all his clothes. I am trying to use Plan B, I had to move away since I had been a house wife. We were married 16 years and he isn't calling or contacting except occasionally. I am still believeing that this marriage can be restored, so please pray for us on Wed. I will be praying for all of you. Maybe if I had found Dr. Harley's book sooner and this site, things would be different. Thanks.

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Welcome to MB but sorry for the circumstances that brought you here.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Maybe if I had found Dr. Harley's book sooner and this site, things would be different.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I bet just about all of us have said that at one time or another. The important thing is that you are here now. We will certainly pray for your situation. There is a website for standers - rejoiceministries - I am not sure of the exact address but someone will probably be along to post it. If not, I get an email from them daily so will post in the morning.



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I would like to also be added to the prayer group. After I found out about my my lovely wife's A's...devestation. long story short, I had a brief PA.(read my myriad of posts). recently my wife asked me about this, I confessed, she said go.

I Have been praying for the people here on this site and I know that there are a few saying prayers for me. I would like to rebuild this marriage. I have been committed to this the 6 months prior to my A and the three months since. I pray for healing in our marriage for us and are wonderful daughter(6).

thank you,

in His grip and holding on

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Hi Cajunky and friends, sorry I haven't been around for a while, I've been really busy, and this next month will probably be the same, but I still pray for the folks on this link. I read the last two weeks prayer requests this morning and thought I would just encourage all of you that are standing for your marriages. God is in control, He will stand with you, don't give up. No matter how bad the circumstance look, God is able to do anything, for nothing is impossible for God.

Please pray for my husband's heart to be moved when he reads the letter I sent him last week. A good friend of ours, and our neighbor have both been diagnosed with cancer, I wrote H to tell him that. The friend and my WH have not been in contact, because my friend was also a victim to my WH's antics. I am praying that my WH will be convicted, and realize how short life is, and that he will contact this friend. I see that God could very well use this to bring some senses back to my H. I also believe that one day, my H and I, and this friend and his W will be in ministry together, my friend has just renewed his commitment to the Lord after years of running from Him, he is now quoting scripture, and it is awesome to hear him speak of the Lord! He really wants to see prodigals come home! Praise God.

Please pray for these two men with cancer, Paul and Dan, both in their early 50's, God is in control, and I believe He will heal them, your prayers will be much apprectiated regarding this healing.

Thankyou for your prayers, and please know that even if I am not posting, I am still praying.
God Bless, SW

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cajunky Offline OP
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From "Experiencing God Day by Day" by Henry Blackaby.


Luke 1:37 - For with God nothing will be impossible.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">The angel Gabriel told Mary that God was planning to do something humanly impossble. All human logic would agree that a virgin could not give birht to a child. It was impossible. yet this is exactly what was to happen. When God speaks of doing the impossible, it is no longer absurd. When was the last time God did the impossible in your life? When was the last time God spoke to you about what he wanted to do and you were scared to death by its magnitude?

God still does the impossoble! Too often we acknowledge our belief that God can do whatever He wants, then we add a safety clause: "but I just don't think God will do that with me!" We become practical atheist, believing that God can perform miracles but ever expecting a miracle in our own lives.

God wanted to bring salvation to all of humanity. It is critical that Mary not only believed God could perform a miracle but also adjusted her life to the awesome work he planned to do thorugh her. The difference between a Christian and a moral person is the divine. The difference between a church and a social club is the miraculous. Some can duplicate the morality of a Christian, but no one can reproduce the miraculous that should be a part of the Christian experience. Do you believe nothing is impossble with God. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Remember to pray for your own marriages as well as everyone elses.

Love in Christ

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To Cajunky and the rest of you, a big thanks. When I read the reply to my first post, it was as if God opened a window, smacked me right in the chest with his awesome presence and for the first time in a long time, I took a deep breath and tears rolled down my cheeks. But they were not tears of sadness, but tears of joy and hope, knowing that there are others out there who will stand with me and will pray for me, my WH, and our marriage. Please remember to pray for us tomorrow. I will will be praying for you all. God Bless You.

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Please add me to your list:
My husband has said he doesn't love me anymore, says he wants to divorce. Found out he has been having an affair for about 8 weeks. We had started counseling before I found out about the affair, but he was just going through the motions. Now that I know about it he seems to feel bad... I love him, have 3 children 8, 2 and 8 months. This would have been our 10th wedding anniversary. Please pray for me as I will see him after I discovered the affair for the first time this thursday. This has broken my very soul, it has been the most devastating thing in my life. Pray that somehow he will turn his heart towards me and leave this woman. Pray for my children that they don't turn into one more statistic. I will fast and pray for you tomorrow.

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Hello everyone,

I heard a story recently that seemed to relate to our prayers for marriage restoration.

(This is greatly paraphrased)

When Moses and the people wandered the desert, they cried out for water. So Moses went off to pray and told them that there would be water.

It did rain but what Moses found when he got back to the people were NO DITCHES In other words, there was nothing to hold the water. Moses asked them about it. Didn't you believe?

So, are you digging ditches? Are you expectant that God will answer our prayers and doing the things that a person REALY believing that thier M would be restored do?

That is a question that I must ask myself as well. Am I digging ditches?



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Here's an update:

WH is selling off the things in his apartment and closing down the bisoness that is 1200 miles from home. He is talking about comming home but has only talked about the business dissapointment so far. BIL and friend have tried to do an intervention on him, but he says he is fine. I will do one when he gets here. (Whenever that may be)

WH will be working with OS for a few weeks about 4 hours from where the kids and I live. After that WH will go back to Penna to close up.

WH and OW2 are having thier problems. Credit cards have been run up and she is upset. The last phone call I got from one of her friends told me to "leave the man alone so he can be with his woman"

WH has run into 2 very strong Christians. A prayer warrier friend of mine was elated as that is one of the things that she is praying for WH.


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Praise report -

A friend of mine (yes she's an OW) has moved back to where her EX lives and daughter. She said she is still talking to MM, but is now 900 miles away. To me this is a good sign.

She told me that she had never really turned her life over to God but she is now. I can see God working on her. AMEN



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Hi everyone,

Okay. I haven’t posted for a while but I have been lurking and following some people’s stories. But this is an update on my situation.

I met with my MC on March 18th. It was prompted by my daily scripture reading. A while back I was reading Dan 9:24. For some reason I counted seventy weeks from d-day. The seventy weeks ended March 19th. The first day I went in for MC (Dec. '01), my counselor gave me Joshua 3:3-5 to read. Basically it says; let the ark of the convenant go out ahead of you and follow it, for you have not traveled this road before. Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.

Well, on March 19th, my scripture reading for the day was Joshua chapter 3. During my session she confirmed things that I thought the Lord was putting on my heart. Which was, I had come as far as I could and done everything I could do to save my M. We agreed that I needed to talk to my W and tell her that she needed to make up her mind that I wasn’t going to share her with OM. And if it came down to it I would need to have her leave the house until she decided.

The following night was when I decided to talk to her. When I got home, of course I looked as if I had something on my mind, so my W asks me what is wrong. I take her into the bedroom and tell her I will not share her with OM any more (not these exact words). She asks me if there is anything else. I told her I was concerned about the fact that she stopped reading her Bible again and the she seemed like she was struggling when she prayed. She says; “So what you are saying is that you want me to quit my job, read the Bible more and pray better”. I just reminded her about how I felt about her and OM working together, especially now that it seems like he will become her supervisor and how I was concerned about her walk with God. She asks if there is anything else. So I reminded her that just a few months ago she would tell me days she had a good day trying to distance herself from OM. Then she says, “You know what? I’m getting a little overwhelmed here. You want me to; quit my job, read more, pray better and give you daily reports”. She then said, “Ok I’ll finish my resume tomorrow (which she promised, for the third time, and was supposed to have had done and turned in a week earlier). So I thought I ‘d wait till the weekend to follow up on.

I was driving home from work early on the 21st (turning in my stuff to get our taxes done) and my W calls me and tells me that our dog isn’t doing well. I get home and find he is in bad shape. I took him to the vet who saw him and started to treat him told us to call him by 7pm if we didn’t hear from him sooner. He called two hours later and told me that my best friend of 11 years had died. I didn’t take it very well. I was in my living room crying with my W next to me and I yelled at God and told him that I wasn’t strong enough to handle all the stuff I’m going through. She left the room to call her mom and tell her about the dog (my MIL really like him too). When she got back she asked me why I yelled at God. I told her “My relationship with my son isn’t very good, the situation with you and OM and now God takes the one thing I could always count on to when I‘m down (the one thing other than God himself of course).

My W, then sits down at my feet lays her head on my lap of a couple of seconds, looks up at me and says; “I’m not going anywhere, I will stay with you as long as you will have me”. She comforts me the whole weekend (actually we comfort each other). Then Sunday night she tells me that she is sorry, because she forgot to turn in her resume do to our dog dying. I tell her not to worry and I understand. She did turn it in the following day and let me know as soon as I got home from work. She met with a woman she’s been talking to and keeping her accountable the following day and we meet with our pastor the next day, just to chit chat.

During our “chit chat”, my wife tells the pastor about her A. We just started attending this church 6 months ago so he wasn’t aware of the A. He was very warm and compassionate and understanding; asked me a few questions then asked my W if she loved me. She said yes. To my knowledge she hasn’t told anyone else that she loved me for a long time. He asked her if I was more important to her than OM she said “Yes he is more important than OM”. He asked her if she really wanted to work on the M and she said “Yes”. Then he asked her how she saw the M. She told him that it was like a house after a tornado had hit it. Nothing much left. Then she told him that the foundation was still there and that we can rebuild it anyway we want to.

We’ve been meeting with the pastor every Wed .since and I must say it sure feels good to know she is eager to go. She has been reading the Bible every morning, her prayers are better than they ever have been and the other day she looked real sad before she left for work. I asked her what was wrong. She said, “What if I don’t get any calls from my resume?” You want me to leave, but if I don’t get any calls… I stopped her and told her that when she submitted her resume she was no longer keeping God from working on it. If you don’t get any calls, then we are to assume that God wants you there and he has a greater plan than either of us can see. The biggest thing was her obedience to Him.

We have had a few more good talks and I think I can say that we are really into recovery, (even though she still works with OM).

I hope this encourages all of you. I sure feel good about it.

I want to thank everyone that has lifted us up in prayer (please don’t stop). I wanted to post this earlier, but I have been staying away (except for Wed. when I pray with you all) cause sometimes it gets a little depressing here and I wanted to focus as much energy as possible on my M. You all have been instrumental in the progress we have made. May God bless you and give everyone of you the desires of your heart. I also want to remind you that God’s word is alive and pertains to each and everyone of you. Stay connected to Him, trust Him and let Him lead you.

Just one more thing to show you how alive God’s word is; exactly on the one year anniversary, 1 Co. 8:10 was in my daily reading.

Love you all and continue to pray for each of you. Sorry this is so long.


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First things first. S&C, praise God. PRAISE GOD!!! Okay, she may not be filled to the brim with enthusiastic, gooey feelings of love for you (yet) but God is DEFINITELY working in her heart, and (PRAISE GOD) she is listening! Trust me when I say that just the fact that she is LISTENING to God is a miracle unto itself. I can not speak for everyone, but I know that there are many here who would willing give their all for their spouses to hear the voice of God in their hearts. I would.

<img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> Keep on letting God do His thing!!

Second, I got a good word today that I wanted to share with you. It starts in II Chronicles 20:12 (that's the Old Testament, for you folks who don't read the old stuff--heehee): "O our God, won't You stop the? We have no way to protect ourselves agains this mighty aremy. We don't know what to do, and we are looking to you."

How many of you have ever felt like praying to God and saying, "Good heavens, God...why don't you stop our spouses from making these horrible choices and wrecking lives and marriages?? The armies of the enemy are like SURROUNDING US here, and God...where are You?? Aren't you going to DO something??" Boy!! I can honestly say that I've prayed a prayer like that a time or two (hundred)! But this verse that I've quoted to you showed me THREE THINGS.

Here's a little background on the story: this is the prayer of one of the High Priests of people of Judah--after Joshua took the land of Israel, and after the time of the Kings of Israel. So word came to this priest that this huge army (the united nations of three kings) had declared war against the people of Judah, and the priest was scared. So what do scared priests do?? He went to pray about it. In verses 6 thru 9, the priest basically starts his prayer by praising God and saying, "I remember when You did THIS for us...and hey, remember when You did THAT for us too?" Good start! We could learn a lot just from this start. Then in verse 10, the priest starts to state his problem...he says, "Uh, God...don't you see what the big army is doing?? You told us not to attack them, and now look how they are repaying us!!" Sound familiar???

The three things that struck me about verse twelve is that the priest doesn't basically say, "Well, God, we have a pretty good army here and we don't really need You. We have a decent-ish battle plan and we can take care of it...just thought we'd get Your approval first." OH NO!!!! Nope, the priest wants God's help, and he HUMBLES HIMSELF. He's smart enough to realize that when a person prays, they do not come before God all filled with pride.

So, first the priest says: "We have no way to protect ourselves against this mighty army..." The proud person must first realize that WITHOUT GOD, (S)HE CAN DO NOTHING. Notice that the word "nothing" means NO THING. The proud person has to realize that they can not do it themselves and admit that they need help.

Second, the priest says: "...We don't know what to do..." OY! How often have I come to God and basically asked Him to do MY solution, rather than humbling myself and admitting that I do not know what HE knows! Yet still, I keep saying, "God do this" or "God do that"--when I have not one portion of the divine knowledge that God has. Like the priest, I must eliminate my pride and tell God that I do not know what to do AND HE DOES...and then give it to Him and let Him do HIS work.

Thirdly, the priest says: "...and we are looking to you..." The proud person needs to let go of the control and admit that someone else (God) needs to be in control. Ouch!! Look to God. Don't look to men, or look to circumstances, or look to anything else!! LOOK TO GOD. Keep your focus on Him, and search for Him.

Now, here's the best part of all. Look at II Chronicles 20:15 & 17 (you can look at verse 16 too but it's mostly about the particular battle, and I'm talking about the bigger battle): "Listen to me, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem, and you O king Jehoshaphat!...The Lord says Don't be afraid! For the battle is not YOURS, but GOD'S...you will not need to fight! Take your places; stand quietly and see the incredible deliverance the Lord will perform for you, O people of Judah and Jersalem! Don't be afraid or discouraged! Go out there tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!"

Let me translate that for you into modern, MB, Restoration of Marriages Prayer Group talk:

"Listen to me, all you men and women who's spouses have hurt you and betrayed you and left your marriages!...The Lord says Don't be afraid or fretful or stressed out or worried! For the battle between Satan and your spouse is not YOURS, but GOD'S...you will not need to fight! Take your places; STAND quietly (so you can hear God's voice) and see the incredible deliverance the Lord will perform for your marriages, O people of the Restoration of Marriages Prayer Group! Don't be afraid or weary or upset or sad or discouraged! Go out there tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!"



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Those verses where the subject at last week's Christian Business Networking Meeting!
I had summed it up very briefly -

Seek God first

Do it God's way (even if it doesn't seem right at the time)

Don't get complacent - keep seeking God and doing it His way



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WGTT....After reading your post I realized I may not be digging ditches. I need to get my shovel NOW.
Your husband seems so claose to me. The christian people in his life will make him see things in a different light.

Faithfulwife.....thanks so much for that post. I really needed to hear those words. I personally have to relize that this isn't my battle. I pray everyday that God will step in and do what he does best. It is far bigger than I can fight and only God can soften hearts and change circumstances.

S&C......WOW again. When I get to your name every week I picture God restoring your marriage specifically. You and your wife are making that committment that all of us here want to be able to make again one day soon. For her to be willing to go ahead and give her resume is a sign she is willing to do anything to restore. I am praying for you buddy.

Love in Christ

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