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Every Wed. we are to pray and fast for one another. Every Weds we can check in and let everyone know we have prayed for the group. Prayer does mighty things and group prayer is even better.

I think it will be great to see how God works in our lives and heals our marriages and us. If you want to pray with us I will be more than happy to add your name to the list below.

Prayer Warriors who are praying and being prayed for: cajunky,Ezra, Willgetthruthis, Godisincontrol, Natasha79, JohnC, c++_guy, Wallace, relady, steadfast and committed, morriggs,lupolady, stillwaiting, Broken Hearted, PasDeDeux, hopeful_person,GinnyF, Not peachy in Ga, cry2much,SNL,LostAgain(Dave&April), Dodger, gloriachu, LoveNcare,JMF,WEN, NiteHawk, Absurd, LetSTry,AgainsttheWind,cemmerson, getting better,kellidiane,Terrified, BeeLee,idostylin, Resilient, thiscantbehappening, day by day, Jloves, broken x3, Sue with Hope, sunrise1, shepette, Malc, Faithfulwife, timbo-e, Angelia, FeelingAllAlone, broken_joe, dopey, awake, truly a friend, Is it to late, stilltryingtosaveit, landslide, GODBLESSU, vega, LoyalWarrior, janna-m-r, ferbie, epiphOny, simmy, cajeanie, d_rose, lost_lonely, briank4775, mayflower, Caged_Bird, LunaDove, goldielocks109, darwud, Mrs. darwud, adamv, Army Hubby, Gail (mojodiva)& Shane, bonnie five & H, TryingToKeepHope, sorto98, lghoping, ToTired2000

Prayers Answered: Lupolady(air conditioner), Steadfastandcommitted(first string again), cry2much(sucessful surgery), Movingonwithlife(Wife coming home), WGTT(accepted into mentor program), betrayed and desparate (sucessful cancer surgery), Againstthewind(Got job), Free (Marriage Restoration begun ), cajunky (wife not engaged & did something with family, told me she loved me), Stillwaiting (neice is o.k.), Stillwaiting(Got to see her husband for 2 hours and his heart seems to have softened), Steadfastandcommitted (wife gave up other man), janna-m-r (Husband came home and wants to try to restore marriage even though he is the BS), tsc (marriage being restored), Faithfulwife (GOT A JOB, Found a house, D is final and got a puppy that “just LOVES me”),

Thank you everyone that prayed with us and also all of you that gave a praise report. Like many of you all, I like to see the praises to answered prayer. It is a blessing to hear how God is working and helping people get through tough times.

<small>[ June 09, 2003, 01:29 PM: Message edited by: steadfast and committed ]</small>

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From last week's thread.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Somehow I am doing great financiallY!! God has blessed me immensely, cleared up all the credit issues created with this undertaking (the house renovations), and I have money in the bank!! PTL.</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I know how you feel. Sometimes I thought my W and I were the poster children God blessing finacially when everything didn't add up. 15 years ago my W and I qualified to buy a home shortly after I was unemployed for more than a year. My Lord has never let us down in the area of finances.

Hope things are better for you this week?

Bless you.


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To Heal Damaged Relationships From Miracle Moments by Linda Schubert

Lord Jesus, we come to You in humble trust.

Thank You for pouring Your love and healing into our damaged relationships.

Thank You for enabling us to reconize our weaknesses and repent of sinful behavior.

Thank You for releasing Your anointing of repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation.

We take authority over any evil influences, everything destructiove in these relationships, and command them to be gone.

Holy Spirit, thank You for filling those areas with a fresh experience of Your presence.

Thank You for encircling all of our relationships and drawing them into Your active care.

Thank Your for untangling our mess!

Thank You for being our peace that destroys the barrier and brings down the dividing wall.

Thank You for giving us wisdom and understanding.

Thank You for enabling us to see from Your point of view and through Your eyes of love.

Thank You for being our bridge of understanding so we can connect with each other again.

Thank You for enabling us to see that only in You can true peace be established. Only in You can a foundation of trust be established.

Holy Spirit, than You for enabling us to speak to each other in healing ways.

Thank You for the spirit of unity.

Thank You for the grace to let go and forget.

Thank You for doing what we are not able to do, so that our Father will be glorified in this situation. In these circumstances, we are growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank You for releasing and anointing of healing relationships. Let if flow, Jesus. We love you, Jesus. Amen.

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HI all,
Just wanted to give an update. Husband is still doing great. He is the person he was when I first met him. He is very thankful, as was I, that even tho I had given up and had NO feelings left for him, I left room for God to give us another chance.

It took me a long time to trust my feelings with him and to regain any feelings for him. He has worked on rebuilding relationships with our children. I should say building because they never really had any. He tells them he loves them and hugs them and they tell him. It took us all a long time to open up but things are really good now. He is very sincere, makes no demands on us and never raises his voice. He treats me like a queen. I waited for this for 20+ years and did everything I could to make things better so he wouldn't be so abusive. He has shown no signs of abusive behavior at all.

It took giving up to get it back. Even tho at the time I finally gave up, I didn't want it back. I very reluctantly told God I would remain open to work on it if that's the way it should be. H is a very happy person now and it's not anything I'm doing or not doing. The happiness had to come from within himself in finally getting the help he needed. Nothing is ever one sided, and nothing will ever work till both work on it. You cannot demand it, wish it, or manipulate it into happening if both people don't truly want it. On the other hand, if both truly want it, nothing can overcome it. In the traditional wedding vows where it says, "Let no man put assunder" it's talking to the ones taking the vows, not everyone else.

Having said that, I'm not saying my life has been easy or great. We have had many tragedies and disappointments since we began our new committment.It's just so much easier when you have support of each other to get through it.

Miracles do happen...we are proof.My counselor told me she would have NEVER thought I would try again or that it could work. I haven't seen her for 2 months now. I wonder what she is thinking, she is the one who told me to leave and why I should. I don't dissagree with her because I don't think anyone whould stay in the same house with an abusive person. I gave him some pretty stiff stipulations with no room for error. Told him that is the only way it would work. I really didn't think he could or would do it and frankly didn't care. It sounds controling but it was the only way I could give him the chance. If he wanted it bad enough he would pay the price. He must have wanted it...

Just wanted to add, I don't feel like I won, was right, better or knew more. I just knew what I was willing to live with and could not live with. In the end, we both won and nobody lost.

<small>[ June 02, 2003, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: Free ]</small>

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Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for all of you here. Please pray for me this week, as I am implementing a Plan B (going dark) with my WH. I am not feeling completely confident about this, so I could use your prayers for me this week. Thanks. Cajeanie

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Please pray for me, I'm in a huge struggle on letting the women I love so much go to do her own thing right now and hope she finds her way back to me. Please pray for me to have patience.

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Just wondering if I can be added to the prayer list as well. Please pray for God to give me direction in what to do next and also prayers for my wife and daughter.

If anyone is interested, my story is here.

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Hi, Cajeanie,
I just wondered why you made your decision to "go dark" on your H now?

You must implement a "good, solid Plan A" before going to Plan B, or it might not have the desired result....

Have you considered and done this?

God Bless,

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Hi, S&C,

Yes, I am doing better!

I want to thank eveyrone here so much for their added prayers!

Between the stress of "end of the year" obligations at school (Don't EVER believe teaching is a stress-less profession!), and "Trigger-weeks" at home, I was pretty fried.

I heard three sermons all in the space of two days about satan LYING to us, and how he sends his thoughts into our minds to LIE to us about how much God loves us and wants to do for us! I KNEW God had sent those messages

I KNOW God has me in His hands, and always has, expecially through this "Wilderness experience," so I just needed to be reminded of it.

Poor WH, he is so lost, and floundering around without the Love of CHrist or the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help him.....I feel so bad for him!! He is an "unhappy" person anyway, so the extra guilt, added to running further and further from God, must be a heavy burden.

My dear friends, here is a quote from an MB'er that I read just now over in Recovery, and LOVED IT! SOOOO, I STOLE it, and copied it here for all of us.

This was written by Way2:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">
I prayed and asked . . . Why me? Why couldn't we have corrected this before?"

Then a small voice said to me the other day "because you were the only one who could handle it. A pain this great -- you were the only one who would fight and not let go -- that if this was the only way to save your marriage, hit the "restart" and "clear" button, then it had to be the person with more strength and staying power -- and right here, right now, at this time, to save your marriage, that is YOU."

It was solace and comfort -- it let me know that I could handle it, that I was strong enough to handle this .. that this is "why me"

It gave me strength.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">God Bless you all.

<small>[ June 03, 2003, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: lupolady ]</small>

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Cajunky: Have you looked into the DivorceCare program sponsored by churches? Its a series of 12 videos on a variety of topics (lonliness, kids, finances etc. Meet in groups to discuss afterward. Voluntary homework in workbook. I cut & pasted a link to the DivorceCare website where it discusses "KidCare". After you read Chpt 10 go back & read Chpt 9. Lots of bible references, since you seem to be a religious person. I am glad you are finding some happiness. Take it slow, dont force anything & be truthful with your friend.

Me too! Those darm triggers. I was getting by okay until this last weekend. I have a poster on my bedroom wall that I ordered & my ex-H had it custom framed for one of our anniversaries. It is a heart of flowers with words To have & to hold, To love & to cherish etc. with his & my names & the date we were married. . . May 17th.

I did not think of it on May 17th & just realized this weekend it would have been our 11th Anniversary. (Divorce final March 10th). I have some gifts/trinkets he brought back for me from out of town work trips & the things were so cute & how he had thought of me back then. Then I wanted to go to the movies all of a sudden. We always did that together. I have not been to a theater in almost 3 yrs. We used to go Friday nights. But I did not want to go alone, and all my friends have toddlers under the age of 5 & couldnt go with me. I broke down & sobbed all weekend. On top of that, I am sick with allergies all of a sudden and am now officially UNEMPLOYED as of Friday. Its been a rotten few days.

My job situation is looking very bleak. There are so many freezes on hiring and "internal only" jobs. I only face MORE rejection. (as if losing my 10 yr marriage wasnt enough). AARGH.

I continue to ask for your prayers for my job situation. I wish for a decent paying job with good benefits & less stress. If only I could find my niche! No bachelors. Lots of clerical experience with special skills in customer service or medical terminology. I am at my wits end. Please pray for me.


<small>[ June 03, 2003, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: AgainstTheWind ]</small>

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TryingToKeepHope, sorto98 and lghoping, you have been added to the list. Thank you for joining us.

Here's Chapter 3 in Stormie Omartian's "Book Power of a Praying Husband"

Thornedrose started a thread asking who's read this book. If anyone has read it and tried the things Stormie has written about please comment over there.


"Her Emotions"

Your wifes emotions can be compared to a finely crafted violin. Because the violin is so delicate and highly sensitive to its surroundings, it doesn't take much for it to be affected dramatically. Any change in temperature, humidity, or altitude - a change so subtle that it may be imperceptible to you- can send it horrifyingly off pitch.

When God is in charge, her emotions are an asset and the end result is soothing.

The best way to approach the matter of your wifes emotions is to ask God to give you insight into what your wife is feeling and show you how to pray accordingly. (James 1 :5). Much of what happens in a womans emotions begins in her mind. The enemy of her soul will feed her thoughts that make her feel depressed, sad, angry, bitter, anxious, fearful, lonely, or full of self-doubt. He will make her think that such thoughts are reality, or that God is giving her revelation for life.

When the enemy screams lies and confusion at her, God will use your prayers to put an end to it and bring the silence, clarity, and peace she needs. Your prayers will clear her mind, calm her emotions, help her see the truth, and make her better able to hear from God.

Only God can heal damaged emotions, and he will do it from the inside out. But your prayers are crucial to keeping the devil at bay while that is being accomplished.

The best thing you can do is to assure her of your unconditional love by your words and actions. Tell her you are praying for her and will pray with her whenever she needs you to do so. Ask God to help you understand what she is feeling and how to respond in a positive way. Praying about your response to what she is feeling is as important as praying for God to heal her emotions.


LORD, I am so grateful that You have made (wifes name) to be a woman of deep thoughts and feelings. I know that you have intended this for good, but I also know that the enemy of her soul will try to use it for evil. Help me to discern when he is doing that and enable me to pray accordingly.

Thank You that You have given (wifes name) a sound mind(2Timothy 1 :7). Protect her from the author of lies and help her to cast down "every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5). Give her discernment about what she receives in her mind. I pray she will quickly identify lies about herself. help her to recognize when there is a battle going on in her mind and to be aware of the enemys tactics. Remind her to stick to the battle plan and rely on the sword of the Spirit, which is Your Word(ephesians 6:17). May she turn to You rather than give place to negative, upsetting, evil, or disturbing thoughts.

Keep me aware of when my wife is struggling so I can talk openly with her about what is on her mind and in her heart. Enable us to communicate clearly so that we don't allow the enemy to enter in with confusion or misinterpretation. Help me not to reat inappropriately or withdraw form my wife emotionally when I don't understand her. Give me patience and sensitivity, and my prayer be my first reaction to her emotions and not a last resort.

Although I am aware I cannot meet my wifes every emotional need, I know You can. I am not trying to absolve myself from meeting any of her needs, but I know that some of them are intended to be met by You alone. I pray that when certain negative emotions threaten her happiness, You will be the first one she runs to, because only You can deliver her form them. Help her to hide herself in "the secret place of your presence"(Psalms 31:20).

Lord I pray that you would restore her soul (Psalm 23:3), heal her brokenheartedness, and bind up her wounds(Psalm 147:3). Make her to be secure in Your love and Mine. Take away all fear, doubt, and discouragement, and give her clarity, joy and peace.

Don't forget to pray for yourselves and family as well.

Blessing to all of you.


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Thanks for the question. My WH moved out 7/03 right before his 50th birthday. He had already moved in with OW and I didn't even know he was having an A, I know this sounds impossible, but I trusted him completely. OW is younger/dv, and co-worker who adores and respects him (so he told me). At first I made all the typical mistakes, like begging and pleading, bartering, it only drove him further away. He refuses to go to MC or to talk about saving the M. Told all his friends that he had moved on and was really happy.
We have no C, but he raised both my S & D from previous M, and now says he disowns them - he has a new family with OW, she has a teen D.

I was in so much pain and depressed and assumed that he meant it so I moved away and in with my adult D and SIL and have remained here since with not physical contact with WH. I only found Dr. Harley's book at Christmas and this web site later. I tried for months to implement a Plan A long distance by writing letters, cards, etc. But WH has made it clear he does not want me to call him. I can only write to him at work.

WH calls about once a month to say hello and to "see how I am doing" but never wants to talk about relationship or anything personal. There have been two instances during this time where he has, once at Thanksgiving where he called and said he missed me so much and just needed to hear my voice, but quickly ended the call and more recently in Feb. after I had sent him a letter talking about some of the changes I had made in myself and apologizing for my part in our marriage that might have causes the A, he called and said that he had waited a long time to hear me say those things, and he felt it was a good beginning for me, and how much those letters mean to him, and that he has saved and read each card and letter, but again, he quickly ended the call when I tried to talk about it, and has been hostile and distant in the calls after that.

I am confused about it, and with one year almost passed and me 500 miles away, and no signs of the A ending, I feel that I might need to protect myself from hating him. Trying to Plan A from so far away doesn't seem to be working, and I think I should have Plan B'd from the start, if I understand how all this works. Everyone is pressing me to D'v WH and move on with life.

I'm really tired of feeling that there isn't any hope and I don't really have any support in trying to save my M from family or friends.

I have had recurring thoughts lately about moving back to area where my WH is living. At first, I prayed about it, thinking that was the answer, but it would seem to go against everything that Dr. Harley advises, since the A is still going on. SO, it woud seem that if I am to have any hope of keeping whatever love alive that I have for my WH and for my M, I need to go to a Plan B.

But certainly, would apprciate anyone else's feedback on this. I know experience is a wonderful teacher. Anyone out there with a similar situation, and how did you handle it?

Thanks lady, and I hope you will pray for me, today. I'm feeling a little lost and you are a powerful prayer warrior.

God Bless you, and I am praying for you too.

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Wow, I can't believe how similar our stories are! My H is slightly older, but I still believe this is MAJOR MLC........
OW is 16 yrs. younger.......HAS BEEN M'd in the past, but was not when H went there. Her place is 200 miles away from here.

I heard all about how "happy" he was, how he was "getting help to get his life together" - <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" />

I do not have children, but we had H's children living w/us for many years (their teen years - no less).

When I "found" the divorce papers (they had arrived in the mail the day he moved out, so this was carefully planned and executed), and I read it over and reread it over and over again, especially the part where it said I could NOT HARRASS, CALL, BOTHER, BE IN CONTACT WITH H or any member of his family after this date..... I had NO IDEA this was standard operating procedure in Div papers! Soooooooo, I complied. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />

Looking back now, I suspect H took this as a "sign" from me that I DIDN"T CARE ABOUT HIM, OR OUR M, and so he was right, and justified in leaving! <img border="0" alt="[Teary]" title="" src="graemlins/teary.gif" />

A wonderful long-time MB'er named Lori had Plan A'd long distance with her H, so I took heart, and began to do it, too after 3 months. It seemed to be having some effect, at least we were communicating somewhat, he enjoyed recieving my letters (according to YSS), took my calls if I called HIM, but he never wavered. He wanted a Div. and although it took him a YEAR!! (I fought it all the way), he finally got it. It's been finalized almost one year now.....

The big difference is your WH calls you occasionally.....mine has only called once since Div is final....I wrote about it - about a month ago. No, I've never heard he 'misses me.'

At the very beginning, I had written a letter about the changes I was making....an apology for my part in the break down in our M. He never acknowledged he recieved it.

As I read my own post, I begin to wonder what the h#ll I'm thinking!! "He's NEVER coming home!!" Then I remember: GOD IS IN CONTROL not wh. ANother website I found after finding this one was:RestoreM.org
Another site of a couple whose M was wrecked by infidelity and div, and where God restored them!! PTL!!!
Big difference in how they believe you need to "act." They believe GOD CAN AND WILL RESTORE MARRIAGES!!! No need for a "plan" - or even contact with your spouse. They believe God will bring Prodigal back WHEN HE(GOD) IS READY. And when we are ready....that is...when God has made the changes in us He needs to make, and we are prepared to rebuild our M's, cause we have rebuilt our "houses" on a Solid Foundation.

THanks for the compliments on me being a "prayer warrior" but believe me, I NEED more prayers than I'm able to dish out on others' behalfs....sorry to burst your bubble. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

I WILL continue to pray for your M and WH, tho.

God Bless,

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I did plan A from a distance (1200 miles) and Steve Harley told me it was a good plan A considering the distance. WH had other issues it turns out, but he is making plans to come back home. So you never know.



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Thanks for the response and the prayers. I am truly sorry to hear about your WH, but I too believe that it is in God's hands what happens.
I will keep praying for you and for your WH. My D has friends of hers who D'vd and then later remarried. I have friends who were S for 1 1/2 yrs. and then worked things out.

I am so thankful that I found this site. I didn't find it until months after my H had moved out, so I wasn't implementing a Plan A or B, I was just in survivor mode, so to speak. Trying to hang on and not give up. Only my D was encouraging me to give it time and not file for Dv during this time. It was hard to know what to do - I didn't have a plan, we were so far away from each other, and he didn't want to communicate, except occasionally and always on his terms.

My D took me to a Christian book store in Dec. to buy some gifts and I found Dr. Harley's book on the shelf. I read the first part right there in the store, but since it was Christmas, and I didn't have much money, I left it there. I went back a month later, but it was gone. I did eventually buy a copy and read it. Then my D gave me an article she found in our local paper about Dr. Harley, this website, and A in general and how the new thinking is that many M's can be saved by following certain steps. It was right before our anniversay, Valentine's Day, and I was really in a low place. But it gave me encouragement, and I got a call from my WH, although not the kind I wanted, but I got one wishing me a Happy V'd, and anniversary. It made me crazy. How could he call to wish me that, and yet he is living there with her???

I decided right then, that there must be something left in his heart for me and our M. Although my friends and family said thaty he only did it out of guilt, I chose to believe that it wasn't only guilt. I tried to figure out how to do a Plan A from long distance, but that is where I am confused. I am not sure how you do that and where the boudaries are. How do you know if you are going too far? Do you write and say you love them or keep it impersonal? How can you fill their EN's through cards and letters?

I can't afford to contact Dr. Harley, so I have to try to figure this out. I am willing to try to do a Plan A for two more months, which would be one year we have been S, and about 6 months that I have been trying to Plan A, but I am becoming increasingly angry with my WH and don't know how much longer I can keep up a Plan A. I would appreciate some specific ideas on how to Plan A from long distance. How long is too long to Plan A?
Thanks for you prayers and your concern. It is a life saver to know that you are out there. I hope that we can give back to you as much as you are giving to us. God Bless you, Lupolady

Will Get Thru This:

If you read my post above, I would really appreciate any specifics that you could give me on Plan A long distance, or how long I should try it? I am so happy to hear that your H is coming home, and I will keep praying for you. Thank you so much for responding to me. I have been up and down a lot this past year, and recently feeling really down again, I think because it will soon be a year and I have just kept waiting for the A to end, but it hasn't, and everyone except for those of you at MB keeps telling me I am crazy to hang on or even want him back. So, I am encouraged to read your post about your H. Thanks, I really needed to hear that. My prayers and good wishes are with you.


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steadfast and committed,

While my prayer is for a woman I have yet to ask to marry me, up until these troubles, that is where we were headed. Now things aren't as clear and definite; as she has asked for a break to help her think things through. Because of fears I had, I ended up hurting her, which has now launched all kinds of fears in her.

She has a strong presence of God in her life and I know right now there are evil forces in her life which are exagerating all the negatives of "us" - for there really aren't many negatives at all (if any). We have both been divorced and hurt before - she more than me. And we also share such a strong belief in God. So I know the master of disception is using all his tools to plant negatives in her mind (I see how not too long ago he was doing it to me) - I know that he hates to see us together in God's name. But I also feel deep in my heart that we are meant to be together. Up until the past few months, she felt the same...

I have spoken(actually written) my feelings and love AND commitment for her. Now I can do nothing else but pray and leave it up to God. Please include me and Trish in your prayers - I am a big believer in the power of prayer. I pray that if it is God's will, that He open her heart to my love and help her to see through the fears, to a strong, loving man who wants to spend all his days bringing joy to her life.

I will be printing out this post and will pray for all those who are listed.


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Hi everyonI got this via email & thought it would be appropriate to post here. Every Sunday pray for ALL the prodigals !!! There is power in prayer!


"...We have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you
with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and
understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life
worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit
in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God."
Colossians 1:9-10

Pray that all prodigals will be obedient to the Lord's voice and
wooing as our Heavenly Father is speaking to them every day. Pray for
them to follow God's will. Pray for you and your spouse to be given
spiritual wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

This weekend pray for all standers to receive emotional healing as
many are hurting from being wounded, rejected and abandoned. Pray
for standers who are new Christians, and who weren wounded as a
child, or as a young adult, or possibly in a marriage, not knowing the
truth beforehand.

"My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6

May you and I pray scriptures like the one from Colossians for ourself
and our loved ones, knowing and doing God's will. God's best is for
one marriage for a lifetime. God created marriage to be permanent.
Adultery is a sin in the Old Testament and the New Testament. God can
rebuild, restore and walk you through repentance and forgiveness of
sins that you and your spouse both may have committed. God can restore
both you and your spouse for the healing of your marriage. Nothing is
too hard for the Lord to fix in your marriage. Our society has made
our marriages disposable, and because of many not speaking up against
divorce, now we are having spouses that have been married two to five
times, leaving many wounded children along the way.

May we, the church, be sensitive and love all sinners, but still
continue to teach and proclaim the Word of God and God's principles
of holiness and righteous living. May all churches be careful to know
the background of people who are in any position working in every area
of the church. We have many prodigals attending church and teaching
Sunday School who are also living in sin and blatantly committing
adultery at home. They are attending church without repenting and
turning from their sinful lifestyle. God help each of us to have
wisdom and discernment.

I pray as we minister hope and healing to couples around the world,
that you and I can teach other people, that God loves sinners, but He
wants us all to turn from our sinful nature and live a life of Christ

"It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a
certificate of divorce.' But I tell you that anyone who divorces
his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become
an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits
adultery." Matthew 5:31-32

Today, around the world, ask the Holy Spirit to speak to standers
giving them hope, healing and restoration of their body, soul and
spirit. Pray for prodigals around the world, who are living in a
counterfeit world of sin, saying that they have legalized it....
making it to be all right. What is God telling them as their spouse,
family and church are still praying for them to repent, coming back
to the Lord and back to their spouse and family? Regardless of society
in this modern world we live in, may we never water down the Word of
God to fit our own personal circumstances. God does forgive, but
remember also, what Jesus told the woman committing adultery and the
Pharisees wanting to stone the woman in John 8:

"...But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with
his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened
up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him
be the first to throw a stone at her."...At this, those who heard
began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only
Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus
straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no
one condemned you?" "No one Sir,"she said. "Then neither do I
condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."
John 8:6-11

May you and I always continue to pray for all prodigals every Sunday
to repent to come home to their Lord for their salvation. That every
prodigal will repent, leaving their life of sin, seeking to grow
close to their Lord, rebuilding their marriage as God can heal and
restore it regardless of any circumstance. One of the secrets is for
the stander to walk through the process of God's grace, of forgiving
their spouse, of loving their spouse unconditionally with their Lord
restoring and rebuilding their marriage on the solid rock of Jesus

Pray for this Sunday to be a day of brokenness, of repentance, of
godly sorrow, leading every sinner to becoming a new creature in
Christ and turning away from their ungodliness. Pray for everyone
will turn their hearts to their Lord, to their spouse, to their
family and to home. Prodigals Do Come Home!

God bless,
Charlyne Steinkamp
Rejoice Marriage Ministries
Post Office Box 10548
Pompano Beach, Florida 33061

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Somehow I missed your post and I just want to say "Praise God!" I guess great things can happen when you trust God. Sometimes the "experts" really don't get it to they?

Thanks for keeping us updated.

More blessing to you.


I've added your's and Trish's names to the list too.


<small>[ June 09, 2003, 01:30 PM: Message edited by: steadfast and committed ]</small>

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