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Well everyone... it seems that we have grown into a melancholy mood lately and I was thinking about what we could do to help each other out a bit.

Several months ago, we had this post going, and I thought that I would revisit it and see if we can get some good thoughts and experiences flowing again.

http://www.marriagebuilders.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=34;t=00761 6;p=3#000045

I categorically refuse to believe that there is ever a day that something 'good' doesn't happen to us in some fashion. I do think that we are often so caught up in our problems that we cannot see the good however. Therefore, what I ask is that we all post once again, and look for that little or big something that happens to us that we might have otherwise overlooked.

Think about the things that occur and see if you can help us by allowing us into your life a little bit. Help us, by giving us examples of things that you are thankful for that happen in your daily life that might also be happening in OUR lives, but we simply cannot see them.

I find that sometimes, I overlook the good in my day, because it is so common place, whereas others see it much more clearly than I am capable. So lets post... try for anything... lets keep this upbeat... there are plenty of flame and downtrodden posts to write on, but we need an uplifting post that will allow us to really start moving forward again.

<small>[ August 17, 2003, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: Formerly Confused ]</small>

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So... what am I thankful for today.

I get to take my boys to get their school supplies today. I have always loved doing this.

I am also thankful, because I am on call today and have a bit of work to do, but where I used to have to work several hours each weekend day I was on call, now I get to go in when I want, and it takes only about an hour or so and I am DONE!!!

Yes, it is FABULOUS to be completed with my formal education. heh heh heh...

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Great idea! of course I'm game. This time my list is longer -- but hey, what the heck, I'm chatty! :-)

I went back to school as an adult with my kids in school, going through the divorce (with him refusing to leave the house -- they court ordered him out) -- and my father was diagnosed with cancer. Looking back I wonder how I made it through that -- but I am thankful that I had my faith in God and some pretty terrific people supporting me through it all. I think because I had all that, I couldn't focus my fears and worries on one thing, I had to spread it all out and survive through it! Sometimes having a *lot* on your plate is a blessing in itself!

Now fast forward 4 years later -- and the job isn't the same as what I'm trained for. Heavens...being on the Dean's List when I graduated didn't help me land that *perfect* job. Out of desperation I took a job through a temporary firm....with a company that I would NEVER have applied to in a field that I NEVER would have considered! Now, I love getting up in the mornings and going to work. I love being there. I love the people and I miss not working on the weekends and I'm training in a field I would NEVER have thought about (and yes...the background education I have helped me immensely!) So being 44 and doing something totally different scares the crap ('scuse me!) outta me, but you know, opportunities are seldom labelled clearly for you!

Now...the blessings for the kids. I too have had my ups and downs, especially through the divorce, parental alienation, the "I hate you's" because daddy didn't get his way. I am grateful and thankful that I have the ability to set clear boundaries and stand for what I believe in. Sure people think I am you know what, but it's usually those people who are trying to manipulate and abuse. The kids are learning what *healthy* is and have been coming around more often. The youngest, who lives with me, is an incredible young woman. She's a typical kid and of course can do some stupid kid things, but the difference is, she's living in a home where she's not exposed to, "you stupid little b*&^%, what the h#]] did you do that for? what are you? mental?" (just one little example). She is vocal (meaning she is willing to discuss, and not yell, and gets her point across.) For that, I am blessed.

And finally.....I am thankful for the Staples commercials for going back to school. I laugh everytime and my daughter looks at me and says, "I don't think that's funny," and I laugh some more! School is back in pretty quick, for that I am grateful (ok ok..and a little sad too).

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I have started my own software consulting business and have my first job. I own my own home and have the best cats and dogs a man could hope for. I have the best friends a man could hope for. I have the blessings of the Holy Spirit. I live on an island and I love it here. I do not have to lock my car or my home and I can leave my wallet on the front seat of my car in town and no one will touch it. Stevie Wonder is playing from my speakers and I am glad you asked us to post about what we are thankful for.

God Bless,

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Hey FC...

I met a gorgeous hair dresser today at church. ;-) I didn't get her name, but I smiled at her and she smiled back. I'll follow up next week.

Yesterday I went on a date to a hypnotist show and then afterwards we went to the county fair and went on this really weird free fall ride.

The day before that my friend and I took his son to a demolition derby. I have to admit that in spite of myself and my expectations for the derby... it was very fun.

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Great Thread FC...Well this weekend my sons are with their father. I have been enjoying the quietness of no T.V., video games, constant phone ringing and the sibling squabbling!

I have been relaxing all weekend long. Long baths, listening to smooth jazz, and reading in bed.

Life is good...Rhonda

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I'm definitely in a down mood today--Sundays are the worst for me.

I miss the family I once had, and it's even worse to know that my selfish affair caused all of this. I am still praying for a reconciliation, and things are looking better each month--although very slowly.

Good things. Right now one of my kids is having a major health problem so it's hard to think of anything good at the moment. My main concern is the health of my kids, and right now that isn't going so well.

I am thankful that I have a good job, I own my own home, and I have the love of my children and extended family. They've managed to move on and love me despite the fact that I messed up my marriage.

I'm thankful that I have loving friends and caring people in my life. IT's also good that despite all this madness in the last few years, my exH is now reconsidering a reconciliation. But, as he said..and I understand... it's not going to be tomorrow, and it may not happen at all---.

God bless,

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I went to church this morning like every other Sunday morning!!! I had spent from last Sunday til Thursday with 22 kids on a camping trip,that was awesome in itself. But.......today I had a number of people come up and Thank me yes me for all that I do with the kids, and taking my time to go camping. I tried to explain that I do it because I love it and that I only do the things that I love!!!! It just really touched me to have people thank me for something that I don't think is that special!!!.

My church guy friend also stayed for SS this morning. The eye contact thing is still going on, nothing more, I refuse to make any move though!!!!

I got to go shopping and buy clothes to go back to work in and they are 2 sizes smaller!!! That is a great thing for me!!!

There are many good things going on out in the world you just have to find the good in them!!!!

Thanks for letting me share!!!!

Dawn <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

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Hopeful Person, My love and prayers to you for your reconciliation! I stand with you in prayer believing that it is possible with God's help.

I prob. mentioned before... I cannot remember.. sorry... I haven't posted a few days, but have you been to www.restorem.org or www.rejoiceministries.org? They have alot of good resources to encourage and support you in your desire to reconcile.

God be with you!

I got off the topic, but wanted to say that to your post. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

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Thanks, Lovemyex.

Good thing for today, Monday: My children are all at home today, and we can be together. I miss them so on the weekends! SOmeday, God willing, maybe their dad will be here too.


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Good news...

1)new hairstyle looks good. Same length but more style in the cut.
2)I am the George Costanza of nuc. medicine. My equipment hasn't come in yet thus I am inventing things to do at work. Right now I am appearing to be working typing this and was until this a)brewing a cup of coffee from Starbucks and b)putting together state regulation spiraled notebooks and c) opening the box with my new digital phone for my department. This has taken over 2 hours...lol.. They didn't order the right stuff for my hot lab so I have had to order everything and we all know how long red tape takes to cut through.

Ah, another week of not working at work.

Son comes home tomorrow and soccer again! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> He turns 5 this week. I am having his party the weekend after we move. Easier this way, but he and I will have a small celebration this saturday night.

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Good thing...

Have half a day off today. Going to go look for a new hat this afternoon with my boys. They like but don't wear straw hats (cowboy) but they like trying on everything in the store.

Have found a great babysitter. I have only used her for when my boys were going to be at their mothers, however she is off on a trip somewhere, so can't look after them. I really like this girl. She drives!!! and my boys say she is one of the only babysitters they have had that actually interacts with them. She doesn't just 'get on the phone and start talking'. I have never used a babysitter since we separated. My time with my boys is too precious. But I have to tonight, since my group has the first 'association' meeting I will have gone to between the partners.

Peachy... I am glad things are going well. Will talk with you soon.

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Good things?
I have lots of little good things. My daughter lost her upper front tooth last night, and looks adorable, just in time to start first grade next week! She starts soccer tonight and we are both really excited about that.

My girls are back home after a week with their Dad/Grandma. My son (2) didn't go with them, (they thought it would be too much trouble!) and he and I had a great time just the two of us. But I'm most happy we are all back together.

We are doing fun things all week, celebrating the last week of summer before school starts...swimming, hiking, and a trip to Six Flags and the water park!

Funny thing...my ex H dropped off the girls and had this huge tattoo on his upper arm. Occasionally, men look sexy with tattoos, but this is NOT the case with my ex. He is a school superintendent and now just looks ridiculous! It is chinese letters, and my daughter told me it was his and OW's wedding anniversary. That just made me giggle.


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Good things:
#1 My daughters are doing great in health and school!!
#2 My health is up 100% since the surgery! I own my house!!
#3 I have a great job and work with great people!!
#4 I have a fun significant friend, for at least this season in my life when marriage is definitely not what I want, currently at least I like having at least the illusion of control!
#5 I get to choose when I want to do things! #6 God has Blessed me significantly! and I am thankful everyday!

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A good thing from this weekend:

I got my daughter for an extra night. XW was supposed to pick her up on Saturday night, but got "tired" and didn't want to drive down to my house, so she didn't come until Sunday morning.

So I got one more day with her.

That might not seem to be a big deal, but today I was reminded that some parents don't get one more day.

This coming weekend is our annual Radiothon for Phoenix Children's Hospital. Every year, we raise money for this truly wonderful place. This year, we won't have the services of one of our best fundraisers...

Give your children a little extra love today. Take a moment a realize how precious they really are.

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I am thankful that I logged onto this website in time to save myself from devastating my marriage. I am looking at my husband in a different light now, and we are like 2 love struck teenagers. I thank God for pointing me in your direction a few days ago. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

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There are so many good things in life:

** reading in bed after sleeping late
** hanging out at the pool and swimming when it is so hot
** cute little guinea pig pet who sleeps in my lap for hours
** good coworkers
** peaceful surroundings
** delicious things to eat after dieting

The biggest thing I thought of today that I am thankful for is that I no longer have the feelings of being second rate, unimportant, rejected, uninterested and indifference from the person I loved more than life itself. What freedom that allows.


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FC, good post

cjack, thanks for the story about Jake. What a kid.

Actually I have loads to be thankful for these days:

I'm running the business alone that my H and I started together and I'm enjoying it, most of the time. It's definitely been a growing and an esteem building experience.

I live in a beautiful home that I share with 4 great dogs and 2 cats. There are also 7 horses that live outside. I have ponds, a creek, a panoramic view of the mountains, and a gorgeous view of the night sky from the hot tub.

I have a more active social life now than I ever did with my H. He didn't like my friends and I didn't like his. I've lived in this rural area for about 10 years now and until my H left, I really never went out and got to know people. The only people I knew were my employees and all my friends were from the urban area where we used to live.

Like TW said, I'm finally getting over the feeling of rejection and betrayal and recovering from living with my H's alcoholic Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality. I loved him very much, but I'm moving on now. I don't miss him anymore. It feels bittersweet sometimes, but most of the time it just feels like a tremendous relief.

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Good thing...

Once again, this is my weekend with my boys. I love having them with me. Plan on riding horses again this weekend.

Bought Bronco's tickets for this fall. Only one game, but I am excited since I have never been to a professional football game before. Taking my boys and had to buy an extra ticket to get the seats I wanted. Not sure exactly who will be going with us... but there might be someone.

Finally hooked up all my speakers for my new 'stereo'. heh heh heh... actually it is not a stereo per se, however, it is just funny what we still call things. My boys will probably call everything "Home entertainment centers" in 30 years... and their kids will look at them like... "Sheesh, you old geezer"

Made a date with someone who is extremely interesting ('Story of my dating life'). I am cautiously positive, hoping she might be someone that I would like to date more than once, at least that is how I feel by the little I know about her. That would be so nice, I can't even begin to tell you...

<small>[ August 22, 2003, 06:46 AM: Message edited by: Formerly Confused ]</small>

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