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I just have to jump in am requesting prayers over the next few days. Our family trigger dates begin tomorrow and the turbulent winds of have just shown up.

Time for CALMING...gentling...

Blessing of thanks, in advance!!!
Merriest Christmas to everyone!
Jesus love,

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Merriest Christmas High Flight!

Warm greetings of good tidings!

Passing along e-cards. So turn up your speaker. Enjoy a twinkle and comfort of God's love for you!



Christ Love
My love

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High FLight=+=+=+=Just had to send you this seasonal greeting, too!


<img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> From across the miles! Cheers!

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How can I thank you SkyDiver for the great Christmas E-cards & songs?!!?! I'm listening to one right now as I'm sending this to you with warmest thoughts & a grateful heart to have friends like you and so many others here on MB.

How amazing to think of how our God uses something like the Internet to assist us through these difficult days of our lives!

You've helped to make my Christmas special and better than I could have hoped for.


((((Sky Diver)))) <-- Hugs!!!

High Flight

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High Flight!

Hope your Christmas celebrations were filled with the warmest comfort, peace and wonderful festivities in celebrating our precious Savior birth!

How did you spend your Christmas? The Spotlites? Highlites?

Any more updates from your x? How did you fair? Look the page turned and you came through! You did it!

Thank you, for your kind words of encouragement.I am warmed to the heart and so happy to know you enjoyed a bit from the Christmas e cards-cheers. You put a smile on my face.

Delighted- you enjoyed the site. I happened to discover on that eve. I wasn't having the best of day or eve. I am extra blessed to know you felt better! Means alot to me!

How amazing to think of how our God uses something like the Internet to assist us through these difficult days of our lives!

I agree with you! I am astonished how our God radically flows through the internet to bring His children "us" and weaves "us" all together from nowhere-in an authentic family-like minded community to experince His Love, compassion, care, healing, support and faithful growth. Importantly, rebuilds trust within us!

Definately offers a fresh dimension that truly edifies my damaged soul and heart.

I am blessed that I can come here, feel His presense, rest and experince His transforming rich Grace!!!

Thankyou-for being my friend and gracing my path! My life is more enriched because of you!

We rejoice with one voice-grieve with one heart!

Oh yes, my news-I had my b-day-and am now 4.5 decades older.

Am sending yet another e-card cause I know how sad things must still feel! Step in another little twinkley world where for a moment it's all "ok."


Bless you for your kindest felt hugs!

My love and warm affections in Christ
Sky Diver

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Dear Sky & All....

Thanks for the Christmas wishes & greetings. I had a blessed time with my sons & my parents on Christmas Day. Church was tremendous! Lots of music that was helpful. I did have a "melt-down" during O Come All Ye Faithful. Don't know why really...I'd made it through the entire year without losing it in church. Came close many times. But for whatever reason.....I beelined out and had my cry & then came back in (forced myself to).

Here's something I wrote on MB but on another thread that is kind of a summary of my year.

Thanks again Sky for the angel songs & greetings. They're very nice. You have the gift of comforting and consoling for sure.

Here's what I wrote:


I'm also right up on my 1 yr since the big D. My xwife left on my youngest son's B-day if you can imagine.

Peachy, I can almost echo your ups & downs. Me too, me too....

What an amazing year! What a tragic year! What a sad & tear-filled year!! But, what a year of growth & self-realization. This sort of trial creates the perfect opportunity for deep personal growth.

I'm not the same man I was a year ago. God has been my unfaltering guide & merciful Friend. I'm more aware! I'm more in tune with the feelings of those around me. I can cry now over other's pain with them. I also truly despise the dark sides of me. I want victory over my weaknesses & will get them by God's grace.

I gotta agree that the worst part at times is the sense of being overwhelmed with "singleness". Just not enough hours. Not enough hands. Not enough expertise to DO ALL THE STUFF OF LIFE!!

I will forever admire a woman's role in life going forward. I was always respectful and appreciative, but NOW I ADMIRE & VALUE what women do in this world. Shopping for groceries. Sewing buttons on. Cleaning every nook & cranny of a huge house. Never-ending laundry. IRONING!!! MORE IRONING!!!! Creating menus & coming up with food all the dang time....


Anyway, what a year! I'm getting stronger too. I'm glad it's over. I'm so grateful to have survived by God's grace.

High Flight

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High Flight--Une momento-- WOW--- Your getting right brained agained-way closer to being whole brained! Congrats!!!

Definately, you could teach E-motions class 101! I'm impressed, prof....!!!

Thank you-for your kind words and hugs!

As we all struggle to learn God simple rules.

Gold + Platinum= Yeilds Rich Results.

Golden Rule~Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Platinum Rule~Care for others as you would have them do unto you.

Quik comment, on your "real" summary-Good for you! Your making tremendous progress during this time of mid course correction!!! Awesome!

How tragic your "a" or "x" would do something that dreadful on your son's birthday. I felt the sharp jab. I pray on that joyous/sad "date" you will come here and connect. Sounds so terribly, terribly, painful!

Your right- real world reality, it really does take two birds to carry a load.

Dark side battle within struggles: Praise God that He has overcome the world. And He "who" is in us in GREATER than he who is in the world. And ourselves.

Power Aids us in our internal G-side and E-side battles-strenghtens our flesh. Grace!

Joyful-we can stand and rest assured upon our Scriptures our
"Magna Charta"- Eph. 2:8-9- Eph.6:10-20

PS. I hear you, am relieved to know that I am not the only one who's gets "choked" on the high ocatives of "Oh Come All Ye Faithful". Different for everyone!

I drop a octive level and change the words to best describes me in more sincere fashion.
"Oh Come All Ye Fearful"--I am still a work in progress& maturing in faith. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

For me, church worship is the free flowing place I can weep freely just as I am, in my spirit right at His feet-as He sings back to me, touches, cleans, comforts, strums my soul into peace and still loves me despite my defeats!

Wondering what these tunes "feel" like for you? ENJOY!




<img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> In Jesus's love,
Sky <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

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Hello all
Hope you had a Blessed Christmas.
It has been a long time since I posted, but I have been lurking once in a while. I just really need your support right now.

Christmas was terrible. H and I spent it with DD. About a week before H basicly let me know that he couldn't try with me anymore, Not that I think that he really has. I was willing to spend Christmas together for DD and our families sake.
I did everything with his family and when it came time to be with mine he had a million excuses and ended up letting my DD and I be alone with them. He went back to his family. Christmas eve in church it hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized that I was really alone. I had spent many Christmas eve services alone since we had been together. And Sunday services I have always been alone.

I love my H very much, but as all of you know he treats me terribly and I seem to have little value to him.

We sat down the other night and basicly talked about how our M is over. He FINALLY apologized for his A and told me that he regrets it daily and I didn't deserve it. We talked about selling the house. In my heart I know that this M is not right. He doesn't have the love that it would take to fix things and I have been slowly dying. I wanted to go to my brother's for New Years and H threw a fit saying that he wanted to spend it with "us" - DD and I. Like that isn't a joke. I agreed only because I am afraid that if I just take her he will make things ugly. I don't have custody so he could up and leave with her too. That would kill me.

I called my attorney and found that our 3 month waiting period is up. I have an appointment for the settlement part. Once we draw that up - all H has to do is agree and sign and then it goes before the judge. I can't believe how close to the end we really are.The only thing that H and I are disagreeing on is custody. He wants joint and I refuse. I working with children daily and I see the harm it can do. I don't want to keep her away from him, but I want her to have a set home. I also know that I will die with out her, so maybe some of it comes from selfishness. However, where was he the first year of her life. - Screwing the OW. He still does as he pleases - leaving us at home.

I am still very confused over his behavior. He says he wants it over, but then he comes to bed and wants to cuddle. He wants it over,but hasn't made the initative to get his attorney rolling on anything. I have done all the work and yet he is the one that doesn't want our M.

I had a friend that swears she saw him at the mall before Christmas with another woman. He is denying it. It made me so sick I threw up. I dont' know what to believe. Part of me wants to call OW, but then I think it is over anyway so why bother. Right??

Did any of you have this same deliemma? You know that you would be better without your partner, but still so much want it to work. H doesn't try even though he thinks he did. H is mean to me. H does as he pleases. Everyone around me tells me how better my life will be without him. Why am I struggling so??? I am already alone in so many ways, why am I so afraid of letting go completely??

Are these feelings normal? Why am I so scared of him having a better life without me? Even with all we have been though H isn't fighting for me. I can't fight alone anymore. We both have to want this.

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As I stated I didn't go to my brother's for New Year's Eve because H wanted to spend it with DD. I was afraid to ruffle his feathers because I have no custody agreement in effect so I don't want him to ever take off for a few days with her.

But boy did he screw me. He came home from work and wanted to take her to his parents (20 minutes away) for a few hours. I cried saying that I wanted to be with her - However he gets mean and finally said go. I can't believe how mean he can be. I am crying to the point that I throw up and he yells because I need to get myself under control.

I told him that I wanted him to leave when he brings her home. I don't think that he will so I am packing a bag. I will go to a friend's need be. I am just so scared now that he won't bring her home. What a way to spend New year's Eve. I guess it does show me what I don't want in the new year.

I just know by his current behavior that the D is going to get very ugly. I don't know if I have the strength to live it. I keep praying, but I feel so helpless and alone. Please tell me things will get better for me. I can't stand this life any longer.

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Just wanted to wish you all growth, healing and God's best for 2005!!!!!

My Christmas was so awesome and not once did I feel sadness for what has passed. My marriage is over. Even though, I spent the holidays with my sons and their family and friends and stbx, I did not want to be married to stbx. He has no hold on me anymore Hallejuah!!!! It is so hard to believe that I have this kind of freedom cause I was so joined at the hip with former spouse. I know now that I loved him too much and really loved him selfishly. I looked to him to fill ALL my needs and be something he could not be. I was rather unreasonable in what I expected and I see that so clearly now. I see him in such a different light. I think this is what time and healing does. My life without him is so good and I am happy for the first time in my life.

((((Coolduck))))), I am so sorry that you have had such a rough and unsettled holiday. Time and healing can bring happiness but the journey is long, unfortunately. My children were not young when my marriage ended so I cannot relate to custody stuff but I know that my grown children pulled away from me while they were dealing with our separation. That was devastating to me. It magnified the loneliness but I worked very hard at trying not to project my needs on to them. If I was lonely, they were not the ones to fill that need for me.

I prayed often that I would not try to fill my needs the world's way but I repeatedly asked God to fill my needs his way. Eventually, I could sense God's prescence in a deeper way and let him bring the right people into my life at the right time.

Be careful that you don't put a huge burden onto your daughter. You will eventually push her away. Do you have friends and family to be with when you are feeling lonely?

Keep posting and venting and feel your feelings. That way they will not get too BIG.


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Blessed and Happy New Year's All!

E-card greetings of good cheers!



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(((Cool Duck!)))

Soo sorry to hear your sad news. I understand the hurt and pain. Triggers such old unplesant memories for me. As though now not much can change, remember who you are! Your a precious daughter of GOD-and beloved sister with Jesus. Who deeply love you very much!

I am sending a e-greeting comfort card-to remind you of your loveliness in Him! I know that no one us can change your husband heart and have the words to take away all the pain. We love you and care very deeply for you!

Just for you!


Reminder you are His precious little daughter who hold you in palm blossom of his hand! Loves you just as you are!


Jesus Love,

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Happy New Year ((TW))

I once again loved what you said to cool duck. God is doing amazing healing in your heart! Love it your sooo shining for him!

Sending you another little e-card to bring the peace of this year in Him.

Love you,
<img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
<img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />


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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by coolduck:
<strong> As I stated I didn't go to my brother's for New Year's Eve because H wanted to spend it with DD. I was afraid to ruffle his feathers because I have no custody agreement in effect so I don't want him to ever take off for a few days with her.

But boy did he screw me. He came home from work and wanted to take her to his parents (20 minutes away) for a few hours. I cried saying that I wanted to be with her - However he gets mean and finally said go. I can't believe how mean he can be. I am crying to the point that I throw up and he yells because I need to get myself under control.

I told him that I wanted him to leave when he brings her home. I don't think that he will so I am packing a bag. I will go to a friend's need be. I am just so scared now that he won't bring her home. What a way to spend New year's Eve. I guess it does show me what I don't want in the new year.

I just know by his current behavior that the D is going to get very ugly. I don't know if I have the strength to live it. I keep praying, but I feel so helpless and alone. Please tell me things will get better for me. I can't stand this life any longer. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Coolduck ~ First I'm just so very sorry that you are being subjected to this extra needless pain. My friend, "an enemy has done this"! As our Lord said. Clearly you are entitled to every single one of your feelings of being helpless and alone.

But the good news is that you are neither helpless OR alone ultimately. Our God is a very present help in times of trouble! He is especially alongside of you RIGHT NOW! You have friends here for sure.

YES! Things are going to change for the better for you. Those of us who are but a few months ahead of you in the post divorce process can assure you of that. Just hang on dear Coolduck, you're going to make it...JUST HANG ON!!!

Come here with your questions. Come with your feelings. Come with your needs. We'll help!!!

Love to you, and a pause for a special prayer for you just this moment....I just got home from leading out in a special New Year's Day Holy Communion Service at our Church. God is giving great blessings this day! Reach up to Him. He has one for you my dear sister.

High Flight

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Thanks to all of you and a wish for a Happy healthy New Year.

After a night of some serious talking to God, life seems better. H won't leave today. Wants to wait till tomorrow. Always an excuse, but is so miserable here. So miserable and hates life with me, but is never willing to make any kind of move. I believe that he is scared right now that I have again found strength and the D is coming quickly upon us. I really don't want the D, but I know that it is the best thing for me. It is just so hard with the ups and downs. He is being kind and loving today and last night he was a monster for part of the evening. I wish he would continue to be the monster because it would make walking away much easier.

I seem to get a strength from reading here. Thank you so much for being there. My brother tells me that it will get worse before it gets better. I feel hope from you guys - It helps knowing that others have lived through this and understand.

Thanks Sky for the cards - such special sayings that bring me hope.

Thanks again for the ears and support - It helps greatly.
Much Love

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The day begins-and you are apart of the new days ahead. I am so happy you and God had some personal time alone to be together.

Remember, dear that your husband has unresolved conflict and deep seated fears, insecurties which started long before you and misunderstands God's love for him and desire to heal him.

I agree with you he is acting scared, his life is so out of control. It may appear like he is a one man wrecking ball on to himself.

If possible, stand back, out of his way and pray. If he needs to go into the wilderness he may have too. God will find him and wrestle with Him there too! If possible to stay out of their conflict. And be good to you-with Him.

Follow your heart with GOD here. The two of you- He will guide you, though it feels like it's a emotional blizzard of a storm. It is!

Sometimes, we need to stop- side step things till the storm passes. Sometimes, we need to move right through the storm, one step at a time.

It's so personal and every situation is unique.

Sounds like he still has deep feelings for you still. He is torn right down the middle. He has no right to mistreat you!

It is scary where you are. It's normal to feel overwhelmed at this time, because it is overwhelming because your husband has pulled you all down into the valley.

I am sorry that you don't have a good pastor, to come right over to help in this crisis. I wish that you contact the Harley's for counceling.

I am happy that you feel some hope-if you do know it all comes from God just for you!

Your so right it does help tremendously knowing that others have passed through these trials and coming out the other side stronger and healthier. The pain, hurt and needless torment has to stop.

You know this has been going on since almost the beginning of time. Time of Moses, husbands were tossing away their wives for what ever reason. Moses time- he and God had to bring order and regulations. It didn't stop in Jesus's day, over these past 2000 yrs-still going on and will go on.

Unfortunatly, we have been misfortunate.

People hearts get hardened for what ever reason. Maybe the father disappointed your husband somewhere very,very deeply and damaged in places of the heart no-one has any idea.

I just see this particular theme of fathers wounding their sons over, over, over, denying them love, affection,attention and affirmation.

I come to a conclusion lately that I think men are often more "fragile" on the inside that most women. Mother's can hurt their sons, and daughters to. If they do the percentage is not as high as to the impact of fathers.

Clear your husband is hurting and extremely damaged.

And so important that you don't "merge" into his wounds. Just important that you heal, and know how loved and precious you are as His daughter in God. This father loves you very, very much and wants to turn closer to Him to His heart-so he can pour His love your into your wounds, and you!

I am led at this moment right to this psalm and prayer for you, your husband and children.

Psalm 23.

Cool Duck-your real name, The Lord is my shepherd,I shall not want.
He makes Cool Duck to lie down in green pastures; He leads Cool Duck beside the still waters. He restores Cool Duck soul.

He leads Cool Duck in the paths of righteousness. For His name sake.

Yeah, though I Cool Duck walk through the valley of of the shadow of death,
I Cool Duck will fear no evil;

For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil;

My cup runs over.

Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me, Cool Duck,

All the days of my life.

Another card for you today- to lighten things a little bit- because to day is a day of plain aweful hurt, pain and yuckiness!

<img border="0" alt="[Teary]" title="" src="graemlins/teary.gif" /> Jesus love, and my love for you,
sky <img border="0" alt="[Teary]" title="" src="graemlins/teary.gif" />
<img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

Just for you!

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Just letting each one know they're in my prayers here in our lil group. God knows what we all need most. He promises to supply ALL of our needs too!

High Flight

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High Flight~Mindful of your upcomin sensitive date on 8th. Praying for you. Hope your son's birthday will be celebrated in a most special way!!!

Sending you a site on one of my favorite reformers of 1700-to encourage you. Not sure if you have ever read the treasure find/personal journals of John Wesley?

I was surprised he too, had a off target marriage. Comforting relief to know "gee's", I am not the only one.

Anyways-I am heading into busy times-before I check out, wanted to know that I have hung back, too make sure your ok & let you I am praying for you! Keep up your posting flow-- your doing really great!!!

Take good care, my friend,
In Christ love,

John Welsey-Journal extracts.


E-card of prayer for you on your date. <img border="0" alt="[Teary]" title="" src="graemlins/teary.gif" />


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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by sky diver:
<strong> High Flight~Mindful of your upcomin sensitive date on 8th. Praying for you. Hope your son's birthday will be celebrated in a most special way!!!

Sending you a site on one of my favorite reformers of 1700-to encourage you. Not sure if you have ever read the treasure find/personal journals of John Wesley?

I was surprised he too, had a off target marriage. Comforting relief to know "gee's", I am not the only one.

Anyways-I am heading into busy times-before I check out, wanted to know that I have hung back, too make sure your ok & let you I am praying for you! Keep up your posting flow-- your doing really great!!!

Take good care, my friend,
In Christ love,

John Welsey-Journal extracts.


E-card of prayer for you on your date. <img border="0" alt="[Teary]" title="" src="graemlins/teary.gif" />

http://www.angelhugs.net/PrayedForYouToday.html </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Thanks so very much Sky! Headin out??? You leaving here? When you coming back???? Busy times???

You're prayed for & loved.
High Flight

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High Flight- Your most welcome!!! Hope your son's birthday was filled with good thoughts, fun, delights of all his heart and great celebration!!!

Please send my warmest regards and birthday wishes and greets!!!

Prayed especially for you today for our Lord to surround you in His warmest hugs-and you would feel the presense extra special love for you!!!

How did your day go??? Are you OKAY???

As for headin out! Yes--For me, I belive one can only stay in sick bay for so long-or stay as they geniunely need too!!!

I made it a goal to work through my hurt, injuries like workin through a charley horse spasm. My trauma knots felt like a giant ball of spasm--so needed to push through that cramping pain!

My major injuries are healed, and have recuped physically-Praise God. At the "nuff" stage so speak-the "acceptance" stage.

Apart of my own accountablity is that I no longer focus on my "x" or "a" (acquanitance)make him prime time in life. I needed to for awhile and grateful that I could. He has been primarily my black cloud in my life with all his unresolved conflicts/issues and dragged me down.

I feel-- for me--my particular wiring... if I constantly dwell on my x, and impact I am giving him considerable power over my mind, thoughts and actions. Way too much attention to give him.

My deep wounds-- for now-- are cleansed and healed. So for me, I don't want to rip open those wounds and re-infect my self over, and over. Importantly, spread more of my misery for others here.

I can walk comfortably now, and my positive enegries are now refilled-and I cannot remain idle, those enegeries reclaimed are meant to be put to work, be useful, and shared in a good constructive way.

My other deeper wounds which are still present deeply felt--I discover can only be healed in the dimensional realm of positive and happy living in Christ and lifestyle choices.

The other leg of the journey has arrived, which I am prepared for and strong enough to take. Critical jump on period... otherwise I will go around and around in circles. The cycle is over, get over it, it is finished.

Hope I come out clearly as I don't wish discount or minimze anyone grief time line to be here. People must grieve as long as they need too, handle it better. Not everyone had an x like my either. We are all different and our life experinces.

Had recent a set back- with my lawyer. My x has refused to honor our agreement- support for our kids. I am now not officially dv. The judge would not grant the degree until he owned up to his obligations to our kids. I on the other hand have released him of obligations. Told my lawyer to cut the ties, we will make it own our own. We don't need his games, and difficulties.

My lawyer asked me if I wanted the courts to help my x grow up? I said no- I have done the hard work to disentangle- have helped my x grow up since I am 20 yrs. I am free, cut the ties. Let's move on. His lack of conscience, and responibilty speaks volumes about him- he will account with his kids one day. I don't want to waste any more money, time, or energy on him-to press on.

Absolve him-get the dv...

Majority of my life I am high energy optimist-find positive ways/outlets to deal with hurt, and always for the most part with God try to find a better way, constructive solutions, to rise above the sets backs, tradgies, obstacles. Choose not to be a victim-obtained the help I needed to fix the problems and deal with life.

I have noticed that I too, have been my own dark cloud- which is not being true to my own core. I have needed this time to know my self-know my self in Christ.

Feel I have gone off route too deep into my sorrow, misery, blues--compounded grief caught up to me. Behold I discover I am "dragging" my own self down.

Stuck in my own stoic program of not being able to connect, cry and grieve for myself! I can so easily for others but not for me.

Why I am so grateful to you in assisting me with your openess, personal honesty and example. Hence free to give myself permission and feeling it's OK to cry, release those toxic emotions.

I am blessed, people come into our lives for a reason, contribute to our lives in myriad of ways, both good and bad, though we don't understand why or the purpose of connections.

The impact of my "x" or " a" descent into madness and development of a rabid mind. Certainly, was territory which I was not prepared for nor understood. My "x" or "a" terrorizing insanity to be obliterated, and my family silenced. Too, weird for my comprehension.

I was hit at the most vulnerable, and chroncially exhausted, worn down-way overextended. Totally, unprepared for the bizarre unexpected which came my way-impact upon us severe. The twilight zone. lol...

Deep survival is that I have needed to acquire to have extra self discipline, as so many of those I have loved in my life and family have possessed so little.

I am responsible for me. I am busy applying for many jobs, new career shifts, my education upgrades. Figure out where do I belong?

I am finally begining to understand my new passions and interests that have grabbed a hold of me, some totally new to me. Have you ever had a wow, what the heck is going on experince?

Returning back to the floral industry as valentines is up and coming. Wonderful micro environment to return back to my normal positive self. Now I have too, much creative enegry which all needs to be harnessed put to good use.

So hope that provides more clarity--I will come back when I feel stronger, positive, happier, have collected more olive branches a long the way. Need to develop a tunnel joy vision. Healing comes in different dimensions, paths splinter off.

For yourself-- most of your interior world is developed, in tack, in order. I understand your healing from compounded grief, broken heart and moving into deeper stages of maturity.

Your creative engeries do shine through here on the board, so I pray God will "draw you" out more, your gifts, talents and paint sets, more, and you will explore.

Perhaps, you already do??? Difficult to know with you at times--what the heck is up with you--.lol.
Past post you disappeared and appeared to ask of our help support.

Without clarifying "How" we could exactly support you in the ways that would contribute your needs to work out your solutions? Your a funny guy- that leaves us suspended in mid air--guessing--.

Prayer covers all- God knows exactly what you need! Your definately OKAY!!!

God has blessed you to be a wise, highly intelligent and extremely sensitive person, so you know exactly what your doing!!! Clever man-that you are!!! Oy, that heart of yours--huh??lol...

You could definately teach us about grief, dealing with fear and handling life's challenges!!! I wish you would share more!!!

But I think, I understand, by the impressions you leave us with on the board, you are a most humble and modest person that way!!!

My world was been riped entirely apart. Now I am seeing for a very good reason--as I have been held back and constricted way too long. Our God overrides mania/misery of rabid unstable minds.

When am I coming back- When the wind blows me in. And I can contribute in a more solid meaningful healthier, positive ways and importantly collected more olive branches along the way. Of course come in for possible periodic check ups.

Thankyou for the kind affirmatins and prayers. Yes, I do feel prayed for and loved by Christ, and thankyou for sharing His Love so generously.

Grateful to you- to start this thread- I have healed, moaned, whined, freaked out, got a great deal off my soul. It's time for me to blow away my own dark cloud of my own doing-- stop dragging myself down. And let joy have it's way with me again and share with others.

I used to be such a happy person-who I am and want to be-true to my core.

Blessings, and His peace to you,tossed wave, coolduck and All!!!

See ya later...you will get through this when your ready and in your time!

(PS) Before I forget- contact email- skydiver_ubu@hotmail.com

Take good care everyone!!!
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