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Hi everyone,
Just dropping in to say "hi" to friends (and introduce myself to newbies).
Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to a wonderful Christmas this year!!
I'm experiencing very powerful emotional support... and moving to restore relationship with "the one". Very, very strong and powerful emotional support... and time has healed me.
(Have a female best friend/a male best friend standing with me and walking me through the action steps/process... and a few other supportive friends... plus, actually, it's helping to date and not have my eggs all "in one basket".)
I have enough strength to "make my move".
Love can always be restored, re-ignited, and reunited.
I'm going for it.
(Oh, and, obviously... I haven't "lost" my "re-virginization... lol. I know there's a fan club out there to cheer on so GREAT an accomplishment.)
Wanted to say "hi" to my MB friends and chat and touch base!!
<img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
Laura <small>[ December 20, 2004, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: laura_lee ]</small>
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Your "re-virginization"!!! I remember what a friend told me when my divorce was final. "You are now a Born Again Virgin!" <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />
Who says once you lose it, you can't get it back???? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> <small>[ December 20, 2004, 06:58 PM: Message edited by: JustinExplorer ]</small>
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<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Laura Lee>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Welcome back warmest hugs girlfriend--geeesss---- have I missed ya sweety! Hooray--- Ms. Lee "chasty"-- comes back in tack. lol
You are such a scream!!! To funny--It's been to way to long..things haven't been the same without ya!
I know--know---know-- you have been distracted for awhile... Thought you might of picked up your skirts& stilleto's hiked off to Virginia--took up permanent resisdency. lol
Yeah, like turned over a new leaf, planting virgin forests, your Tall Robert REDFORD hybrid variety or something.Started a whole new virgin colony.
Yeah, like Conservation--for the Nation-begins with Laura Lee--you valley girl--- you! And your hip huggin designer trees--probably doin the bump& grind with them forest rangers& loggers! Playin them rein games-- any reports from Bambi?-lol...
See what "minding the gap" raz gets ya. luv ya...lol
Tales of the ONE- woah...hey super girl....tell us more of your adventures from your comic book script? lol
Hey did your daughter get married? How did things go???? Want details...
Super to have you back on line...Ms. Virginia--
Need to dash off-pick up my son!!!
Run forest run... All my love xxxoooxxx Sky.
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Hey sister,
I need your prayers for the next couple days? Any room on your list- Is going to be a wild and bump time.
Love Sky oooxxxooo
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Ho, Ho, Ho--Hope your still guarding all that treasure still down below!!! Wanted to send you comforting e-card to brighten your day. Turn up your speakers. http://www.angelhugs.net/TheReward.htmlLove you sky
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Hi Justin & Skydiver!
Justin... thanks for the words!! I believe I've got it back... just waiting for the RIGHT opportunity to... give it away... again. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
Skydiver... you are the sweetest, most wonderful angel on earth. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> You are definitely on my prayer list.
My daughter got married. She was beautiful... the groom was soooooo handsome... people were telling me that when they have children... someone call Hollywood!! The baby, their child, will be a talent scout's focus!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> No... I don't want my grandbaby involved in Hollywood, thanks!!
You make me laugh, sky!! Your humor is so light and airy and bright and lovely. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
I have a good lead on a new job.
I talked with "the deacon"... "the one"... yesterday.
I told him my feelings for him have not changed. The love I felt for him the first time I saw him is real. I still love him.
I told him we are meant to be.
I told him I would be his friend.
I asked him if he was still seeing this, well, he's single... I'm single... but this OW to me!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
He said, "Yes."
My friends told me that because she stays out of town and is not seen with him in town... and it's been, now, 17 years... they believe maybe SHE'S married!! or something.
I dunno.
He listened. I told him "Merry Christmas".
Was calm, clear, at peace...
She ain't woman enough to keep my man!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
I believe I'll call him again next Wednesday, too! I'll pull him out of his "affair". I'm calm and clear enough to do it.
Working at getting a new job. I feel like the doors are "magically" opening for me on just hte job I desired.
Bought a new car.
Got a few extra thousand dollars for Christmas. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
That's what's recently new with me this week.
Please let me know, all, how things are progressing for you!!
Would write more... love you all!!... thanks for touching base!!... but the system needs to be updated or something here... so I'll log out now. Laura
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Merriest Christmas my beloved sister in Jesus Christ+! As we prepare to celebrate His wonderous and joyous birth+! I am deeply touched by your gracious and sweetest and loving words! I just love you so much in Jesus! You are just an awesomely, beautiful, joyous, wonderous, delight of a sister-your radiance and goodness shines through in all you say and do! I must add a correction. I am definately no angel-but a "spotty" sinner pardoned and saved by His Royal Love and Grace! I so do deeply love His beloved and true and loyal heavenly hosts on high messangers as you! My fairest sister- are thee sure the "one" is truly preciously the "One" for you? As we know there is vast destinction between true cut gems of emeralds and cut glass. Though they both may sparkle, be set in precious settings! If the "one" be truly the "one"- I pray that he be truly worthy of you and capable of loving thee, with the fullness of the love of Christ! If the "one" here is truly the "one" capivated by this ow- he would be then neutralized and not free. Most in need of great grace. A case prayer appeal, of prayer and help from the King's ade will due, too free him, restore, return him back to Him and rightfully, too you! As we both know dearest sister, so we're told, that all that "glitters" isn't necessarily "true gold." But I do so pray for thee, for your sake, and your destiny he may be the "one" just right for you! How beautiful to know your daugher and new son inlaw are happly married!!! Congratulations, to you and your daughter, sil, and blessed babe! I rejoice and delight for all you!!! Please pass on my warmest and kindest regards to your couple that they may enjoy the enduring and encirling love in Him and one another! I am not surprised that your new blessed sweet babe would take after grandmother's own fine looks, too! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> Congratulations, on all your fine blessings!!! I rejoice for you!!! Love you in Jesus! Sky Diver My deepest congratulations of intertwining, precious love nind each of you, for you,your daughter, son-in law and Blessed Grandchild!!! http://www.angelhugs.org/TeddyBearParty.htmlhttp://www.angelhugs.net/TheLove.htmlFor you; http://www.angelhugs.net/ThankYouRose.htmlFor you; http://www.angelhugs.org/Kisses.html
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Hi sky,
Your words, as usual, are poetry in motion! You write so beautifully!!
But how are things going for you? I did pray for you. I didn't know what to pray for specifically... so I prayed for your peace, your healing, blessings on your life in general, and increase of inner spiritual strength in Christ.
I know "the one" is "the one". None of us are worthy, really, of anything... but God makes us a new creation... and we become something we were not on the inside... like a butterfly struggling to break free of the cocoon of our old lifestyles.
So this is a guy who, as he is in Christ, is "the one"... but definitely is bound by wrong lifestyle behavior. That's like the cocoon he needs to break out of to be free to be who I want and need him to be for me.
I have nothing to lose.
I don't want to be alone... and my heart still belongs to him. I can't seem to "divorce" my heart from my relationships with other men.
A relationship has to come from my heart...
So I have nothing to lose.
How are your children?
How is your home life? Are you spending time doing things you love and enjoy?
Would you ever be up for a "get away"? We have to find a way to get together... me coming to see you... you coming to see me... or us going someplace in between us for a "get away" for a couple of days or something.
Hope everything is going well.
I will keep praying for you!!
God bless!
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Hi Ms. Laura-Lee,
Your always so chariable and encouraging! Thankyou for your kind affirmations.
Absolutely, I so do love poetry that's for sure-my much quenched side in time will be free to flow again. Not that I deliberate to write that way, it just comes out to you in spur of the moment inspiration.
As God heals me,by His providence. I am healing at astonishing rates, returning back to a normal atmosphere. Still working out the blues. Surprisingly, whole other new preplexed dimensions of who I once was, my expressions and thoughts once frozen are re-emgerging.
I praise God for His work and very mindful I have yet much catching up to do, now that I have acquired freedom!
I sooo do love your clean and good whitted writing style-can hardly wait for the arrival of your new book !!! I rejoice for you in your travails of accomplishments!! Any word?
But how are things going for you? I did pray for you. I didn't know what to pray for specifically...
Thankyou, for your concern and prayers of consideration. We as a family hit bumpy period with our family during this time of year.
As it was our exact martial/family breakdown trauma events timeline of when my distempered two ys ago went stark raving madd. Terrifying time. I didn't anticipate the unhealed wounds of my children, and mom were still so active.
They were in much distress.Complicating, the healing process by digging their heals in to reject all forms of counceling-coming to Christ to heal them. Sadly, stuck in their congested traumas. Plus, my own deeper wounds gave rise to surface for cleansing and deeper strengthing.
[]so I prayed for your peace, your healing, blessings on your life in general, and increase of inner spiritual strength in Christ.[]
Awesome, blessings of bouquets of thank you's, for being so tuned in-your above prayers were exactly rite on and what was needed! Praise God-who intervenes, intercesses for us and can turn the tides! Appreicate your sensitivity. As it was so unpleasantly dreadful.
I know "the one" is "the one".
If you know this is "the one" then you of course must follow guidance, YOUR HEART and follow destiny where ever it leads. God will for sure direct your path.
From my paradigm, over the last few years a few of my sisters felt for them some of the men they felt were the "one's" ended up producing a great deal of heartache. Tragically, these christian men were so severely damaged.
So when my sisters got hurt and broken, I ache hurt deeply along side for them. These are extraordinary beautiful spirit filled women in Christ! They were just looking for love.
I am mindful not everyone's experiences are the same. So I don't wish to sound negative or cast doubts. My interior world of what I have encountered. I am so devastated for another sister, that waited soo long for mr.right- built up a wonderful dental practice.
They got married 5 yrs ago. I created incredible fairytale extranganza floral wedding for them. She loves flowers as much I. Now hear he met some woman at his work in his city dumped her and dv. They were communting back and forth. He couldn't get his career launched here, and she opened up her practice.
She is devatasted. I can't belive that. Saved herself all her life-and this happens to my sweet sister. They were such a wonderful couple.
On the flip side. With God anything is possible, my one other sister's came out quite a few serial terrible bad realationships. Ended up in terrible marriage, had a baby,hubby had an affair, she became a christian, dv the guy. A few months later, met a guy who's her baby sitter, while she was out dating.
Knew him for 2 weeks, the instantly fell deeply in love, back slidden Christian, they married right away and have been married now 34 yrs in Christ. They had their share of valleys,& peaks but they are both solid tight Christians.
So truly one can't really judge these situations by the flesh!
[]None of us are worthy, really, of anything... but God makes us a new creation... []
Absolutely, correct scriptures validate none of us are worthy. By His calling and work of grace he so does make us a new creation, if we give up our stubborness, surrender and we let him! This I know my personal self. We are a work of His grace and mercy-He is our rock!
[]and we become something we were not on the inside... like a butterfly struggling to break free of the cocoon of our old lifestyles.[]
Ditto-It's really not us but Christ dwelling richly within us! Exactly the Chryalsis in each of us that emerge. Only God knows what silken cords that cocoon's us-our "flesh" that binds us.
What life learning experinces it takes to liberate us transform us into those wonderful free flying butterflys. Gosh, it's wranky and wonky being a caterpillar and a process to be in a cocoon stage.
This I know,patience, timing and ripeness. But if we rip the cocoon ourselves or too, prematurely ouch,,, we can become to frail and weak to survive and thrive the elements. So complex.
[]So this is a guy who, as he is in Christ, is "the one"... but definitely is bound by wrong lifestyle behavior. That's like the cocoon he needs to break out of to be free to be who I want and need him to be for me.[]
Nice touch-easy free flowing grace! I hear and understand you! Lots of goodness left yet. Bound like a bad habit into a wrong lifestyle behavior-plus bondage. Where sins abounds, His grace abounds even more. Not to be a license of course-warning- just don't do any more.
After all he/she is without sin-cast the first stone! That's the standard measuring rod-well I sure haven't attained.
You sooo have my compassion and prayers for him Mr.One! If he has been with this ow-for so long.
As we both know add the phyiscality bonding dimension, the two shall become one flesh, and that becomes quite the invisable sticky bonding agent that makes acquiring freedom difficult. Stick/or Free.
Weird as christian we can be wired so backwards- Praise God He can rewire us forward too, and strengthen our "flesh" and keep us satisfied and bonding in the union of marriage. What the Holy glue and cords were orginally meant for.
I wonder with Mr.One, if complancey, easy conveniance can play a pivotal role here, in preventing him to do a swift "emergance ascent". He sounds like he needs so much "prayer" and "incentive" to strengthen his will and resolve. Sounds like you are the incentive and have the prayer committee working on his behalf.
[]I have nothing to lose. []
Well, I don't want to see you get harmed, but desire your wellbeing and happiness. As I mentioned I come from the place of seeing my girlfriends seriously hurt. One fellow actually dv his wife, 4 kids, became an ordained minister, they went to bible college together.
Once they got married--he turned on her so brutally, she ended up having his baby at 40, and he sadly abandoned her and child destitute. It was her second marriage-so for both of them. She waited so many yrs had such high morales, character when she became a christian. At a bible conference he came walzing in- and she said he's the "one".
I didn't know what to think but prayed for them and wished them well.
Sadly, she fought him tooth and nail in contesting the dv he wanted for six yrs-hoping he would break free. He fought back harder to get free from her. Sadly, he just went to another church and married someone else. No one cared. Very Tragic! My heart just aches for her.
So please accept I just have your best interest at heart. My lens have a view. Not not your world, or reference.
[]I don't want to be alone... and my heart still belongs to him. I can't seem to "divorce" my heart from my relationships with other men. []
I understand the part of not wanting to be alone.
Who does???
I guess there are those who do, out of special divine ordained calling, some out of bitterness& selfishness, some just suited best that way. Suppose to be fair, the church greater body today doesn't always tune in, collaborate on a greater network and assist in connecting people, too!
All so complex and so multi-dimensional!
Laura- you are so way ahead than most of here on the forum, leaps and bounds,in your healing and maturity process with time, and yrs, than I am that's for sure!
I'm still so fresh and really at the discovery stage of who I am in Christ, and who He wants me to be and what He wants to do with me? Big questions for me to deal with and put into action.
Anyways, I have spent such little time on my own, missed out on alot of personal development time. So I am enjoying my romance and bonding time with Christ and myself for now.
Let's not forgot here, my x did me a great deal of extensive harm damage and my children that I am working on repairing and recuperating from. I'm definately a work in progress.
So I am probably slower than most to heal in more normal time table grief fashion, takes time. Think if my x and I would have ended it-a yr before I would have healed fairly quickly. Our lives wouldn't have been so drastically altered.
My x no longer a beliver verbal profession and wrong lifestyle, involved in a affair, says he wants out! God say let them depart-live in peace.
Why you are such a joy and inspiration for me!
I am sharply reminded it is my own impulsive sin, ignorance, rebellion acting out of God's will that got me in to a bad relationship in the first place.
Although, my x thought I was "the one" and for four years, and convinced me I was "the one" for him and each other. Through time-I fell so deeply romantically for him. We both dated other people for yrs-yet, never took him to seriously, just a young man high hormones levels.
I could never give my entire heart/soul to my boyfriends. I belived that giving of one's self was reserved, kept special for the one. I truly loved would be my husband. Single minded focus!
When I couldn't resist my x romantic passionate overtures over the yrs, adds up. I fell deeply love struck. I had never felt such a fever and intensity. Confusion set in my young mind.
My solution was to run away from him, plus the complications of my parents. I worked so hard and pushing my my x out!
Destiny and fate would have the most uncanny way to draw us together in the most unusal ways which I could have never planned or imagined!!
This persona x really played havoc on my heart and mind and emotions! To be reduced to such a weakened state. Was frightening, terrifying since I had such nice, mild mannered boyfriends, never put unrelenting, unreasonable demands or pressures on me. Take these relationships in stride, who's really that serious.
Finally, my x tracked me down half way across the world, telling me he couldn't live with out me, and was coming to get me, and still I wasn't going to relent. Set up barriers. I had universtity to think about, world to experince, growing to do--thought I was much too young and immature.
My aunt finally told me it was perfectly alright to fall in love, accept it, trust it, open my self to the young man! Neat thing about her and my uncle they were one another first love's in their youth, and still going strong in their love, loyality and goodness into their 60ties now.
I arrived at point where I couldn't (dv) from my heart, and mind traveled half away across the world to get him out of my heart. I couldn't do it, but my passionate romantic heart got me into trouble.
I wasn't aware I "succumbed" and "plunged" instantly without God plan and whole blessings my ruin. When I decided to come back into his arms-I lost all restraints, well I took a good fall.
Down the tunnel, I stumbled, tumbled and spiraled into the land of full of regrets and bondage.
Where sadly my x and I became like oil and water mix. I couldn't and wouldn't follow him to hell. I didn't understand how damaged he was prior.
I was sadly the wrong woman for him. Producing two beautiful wonderful children. This was my destiny. Good or bad I had to go through it.
Soooo, I do understand you when you say you can't (dv) the "one" from your heart! He well could be the wonderful person life partner for you to grow gracefully old with!
My heart now aches for you as I recall those old familiar feelings.Obviously, for what ever reason this must run it's course.
Sooo, I pray so earnestly that "the one" is the right one for you! He and you will both be on my daily prayers requests. This is such a case appeal for prayer. I sooo love live happily endings!
[}A relationship has to come from my heart...
We are in absolute sync-I couldn't settle or do less!
[]How are your children?[]
Thankyou, for asking-my daughter and my son inlaw are still in bliss love together. Enjoying marriage each other. They feel marriage for them is such a normal, natural state.
My son-is doing really well with college program-enjoying his life. But He so needs to have his wounds healed, and get closer connected with God. My x has done such corruptive damage- we have up times, and down times.
[]How is your home life? Are you spending time doing things you love and enjoy?[/]
Good to be back home-I am a little worn from all the moves back and forth. I have really earnestly sought God will on this case. Every time I make a terrific plan I was blocked.
I am reopening my heart to my good friends, they have all been patiently waiting. Helping another 4 couples friends in keeping their marriages together that hit the skids. So had me hopping for a good while here.
3 relationships seem back on track. Rather plain worn out-but worth it. Those crisis are out the way prayerfully.
Went to a great concert, and still on my treasure hunt quest for a good church. Lots of nice fellowships, saints but prayerfully God leads me away. Not sure why.
Think I found what I am looking for where I can really plug in with little expectations on my part to rebuild my life. Quite a large church that I experinced last year for awhile, feels so comfortable.
I tpyically prefer a smaller intimate fellowship-- but this church is so vibrant, highly, highly social- lots of programs. That a large part of me. I just can't be in a "loveless" fellowship. Learning not to go into churches so wounded. Mend my wonds and get involved again.
I have done my time in solitude, and mourning. Which was such a meaninful experince and time.Life goes on!
Relying on God guidance. Exciting, have invited to many social church invites, over the past while from this particular church. Every time I say yes, I am blocked. Something goes wrong I can't attend. What's with that?
My car breaks down, the kids, or something on those dates. Ahhh- So I am excited to open up and get involved opening. Have a wonderful New Eve party to attend.
Would you ever be up for a "get away"? We have to find a way to get together... me coming to see you... you coming to see me... or us going someplace in between us for a "get away" for a couple of days or something.
Of course I alway open "get away's". I know we had our plan to do so! With our children's sudden weddings and such! We were blocked all good reasons! Of course let's keep with our plans.
I would love to come visit you too, and would love for you to come visit me! We would have such an Electric time in Christ and being our happy, vibrant selves! Spring and summer would be more realistic- Our winters are but a deep freeze. July WOW!
One thing I have committed to prayer is planning a trip overseas with my mom this summer. We have lots to do- Had plans after selling the house to high tail it to Europe-blocked, assuming God has alternate plans and so I am being patient and sensitive. Residing to the facts every thing in it's season and time. I plan and something else turns everything over
- Not sure if it's this year or next.
I too, hope everything is going super well for you, sounds like it! I rejoice for you!
Oh when I sending you cards-the one card a poem for your daughter and son inlaw! I was a sleepy head mode, and realized oh my gosh- I didn't write that and didn't want you to think I was odd. lol... definately, different people out there! I am not one of them in that respect! lol..
So YOU AND "THE ONE" are on my active prayer list.
Let me know the updates. I am so joyfull for you that you have such wonderful special friends supporting you! Awesome!!!!
I will keep praying for you!!
All my love in Jesus--God's blessing upon you and your entire love unit family!!!
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Blessed Happy New Year!!!
Quik note have a new email address=due to previous virus's. Have my system hopefully repaired.
Contact is skydiver_ubu@hotmail.com
Let me know if this address works!
Hugs, Sky
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Hi Sky,
I love you and your heart is this soft, tender river that flows with sweet energy and power. You're such a tender flower!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
OK, we chatted a bunch about the above... but for the boards I will say... the one is the one as a presence of the divine love of God... not something out of my soul... rather, like a work of the Holy Spirit in my core inner being... the real thing.
I'm ready to make a change by changing... and making that change in the relationship... and have nothing to lose.
Sent "the one" a book "7 Promises of a Promise Keeper"... a sheet that has a renunciation of religious false impressions of Father God (like distant and uninterested, cold and cruel, nitpicking perfectionist, mean and abusive, controlling and manipulative, etc., etc.) and gives true impressions of God as lovingm, accepting, tender, kind compassionate, eager to be with us, etc.
Also mailed a tape from a sermon last week on the difference between religious death and spiritual life in church and life (no more legalistic, old testament law, "do this do that"... perform to be accepted... etc.). A really good sermon.
Sent these 3 things to "the one".
I know he loves me. It's time to break the chains that bind!!
I've been praying... and acting by faith... and I know it's getting better.
I'm praying he stops fighting the love God put in his heart for me.
Fact is, living an immoral lifestyle... invites demons... to take over control of one's mind, emotions, and will... the only explanation for the hell people put loved one's through... as they plunge into the abyss of self-satisfaction.
I'm winning!
God sits on the throne!!
Prayer changes things.
Acts of faith bring love.
The battle belongs to the Lord.
God is Love.
Satan, must be lust.
There's truth.
God bless!
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Hi Laura,
Wanted to reply earlier-your just such a true jewelicious sweetheart! Amazing, isn't it how our God is truly a God of love--look at all the love He puts in our hearts for Him and others. He's awesome!!!
Well Ms.Virginia--super girl--another destiny petal page unfolds. Huh, so the petal softly lands here and gentle doves draw ever so near.
In this suspenseful chapter this "one" or your Mr. Seemo- or your Mr. Dreamo and doesn't seem to be your big bad wolf from your previous grimm forest encounter days.
Think we have already experinced our little red riding hood days-some of them wolves can be pretty darn cute, some them are just real sweet sheep hidin on the inside and then some of them that are the nastsy kinds, plain mean, bad, bitter down to the bone,inside out, that want to blow apart your life and eat you...
Lessons we learn from the fall from our x's. I tell you bo-peep forest management conservation isn't easy or for the faint at heart. Virgin forests definately need the GOOD BIG HEARTED SHEPHARD CEO Overseeing...
[]I'm ready to make a change by changing... and making that change in the relationship... and have nothing to lose.[]
Loaded statement- never sell your self short- your offering a great deal!!! Change what does that mean to you? Remember honey, the price of good lumber is still pretty high--
So sis remember no time left for slumbering jacks on the job- Virgin forests are still a high commodity and excellent return on investment. High Hardwood Oaks still are precious.
Think about it where ever would Bambi, pooh bear, tiger, tumblelina, snow white& dwarfs, three little pigs, cinderella and all of Mary's little lambs and entire the wildlife crew go???
Disney land???? Think about it- Disney Land is already over crowded!!! So think hard, think clearly, there is so much to lose...
Too, me if one has to comprimise, their true inner core to fit-never wks-recipe for sorrow.
Changing the imperfections,improving attitudes of the softening heart-I am all for it!! Only you know what you really mean.
[]Sent "the one" a book "7 Promises of a Promise Keeper"... a sheet that has a renunciation of religious false impressions of Father God (like distant and uninterested, cold and cruel, nitpicking perfectionist, mean and abusive, controlling and manipulative, etc., etc.) and gives true impressions of God as lovingm, accepting, tender, kind compassionate, eager to be with us, etc.[]
WOW-what a bold ministering step-and leap of faith. Incredible- that God is so misunderstood. I will pray that the "one" heart be open. Seems he might need to be healed on male soil of the wounded heart that only Jesus can touch and heal.
Just a thought-- if anything-- God-- might have opened your heart on compassion grounds to reach out to the "one".
Cause as you know--he has free will to choose-if he chooses you- well bonus. He sounds like such a precious person that he is placed on your heart.
I would hope and pray that he would reciprocate if all truly be in God's will. Who know's what his true purpose and destiny plan...
Sadly, my observational experinces men are not very good at reaching out to other males as human beings, in caring, nuturing and restoring ways. They seem to act out the generational programming done unto them.
Yet, our Jesus was that loving, tender, compassionate way... long gone or rare for men to have a David/Johnathon knit kindred close ties. Real Jesus style fellowship and communion.
[]Also mailed a tape from a sermon last week on the difference between religious death and spiritual life in church and life (no more legalistic, old testament law, "do this do that"... perform to be accepted... etc.). A really good sermon[] .
Wow-were you led and how wonderful to follow your convictions. So many people are bound up that way aren't they, don't know anything else, tradition, etc. Sadly, miss out on that true freedom and ineffable grace. But to be fair alot of people are truly connected to Jesus in those systems,do well and much good-opposite too.
Not only that that "mindset" is so ingrained in our culture too. People try to do the best they can do... but so unhappy. I loved hearing you did that. HOPE...blessings!!!
[]Sent these 3 things to "the one".[]
Wow--BOLD STEP OF FAITH-- I pray his heart is open and God strengthens him in what ever way.
Sounds like you have gone all you can and have done alot... seems like it hands off ground. Let God do His work-"Fxit".
[]Fact is, living an immoral lifestyle... .[]
I wonder what his father path was like? Sounds like he on some level repeating it--done possibly the splits too him... no healthy loving males models in the home or church--the primitive brain and instincts takes over. Don't want to single out men as it's a gender thing.
Lots of insecure/immature wounded women doing and acting out the same way and some so bitter.
--- ever wonder about when abstinence fails typically on Sat" date nite"--then people sure fill up the pews on Sunday morning for prayer.
[]God sits on the throne!! Indeed, He does and AMEN!!!
[] Prayer changes things.
Indeed, more than we can ever imagine or understand. Not always what we want to for a greater purposes. Sometimes what we ask--double blessing!
[]Acts of faith bring love.[] I love that- Yes it does- Acts of His love however it flows, wherever it blows, who ever is bestowed. Love comes in so many different ways, meant to give away freely as it came. So KOOL!!!
[]The battle belongs to the Lord.[]
Yes, it does, HE is so marvelous, though I am human and confused. He won on the cross for all of us!!! Mind blowin wonder!!!
[]GOD IS LOVE [] . He truly is and we are so blessed in ways I can't imagine. I think to myself- God has every rite to create another planet with nicer people, yet he is so patient, tolerant, gracious, tender, forgiving, loving, kind, so good to us-never gives up on. We are his handiwork... and yet we never return all that He has given us.
He is our breath of life, the breath of Him we breathe in every moment.
[]Satan, must be lust[] . Just a fallen prideful angel- defeated at the cross.
God created orginal innocence-Adam/Eve they had NO SHAME-God said it was good- He created us, that way.
I know lust can look like a double edge sword lust can be. Positively a good hot energy-luscious energy meant to move in the boundries, blessings of God in marriage to be enjoyed.
[There's truth.[] Truth set us free--His truth- I am prayin at this moment in one of my favorite psalm passages.
Psalm 85: 10 Love and faithfulness meet together; and righteous and peace kiss each other.
vs:11 Faithfulness springs forth from the earth and righteousness looks down from heaven.
vs12: The Lord will indeed give what is good before him and prepares the way for his steps.
[]God bless![] God bless you too, my beloved sister- I will pray for you and the "one" with a focused and sincere heart!!! I hope to hear good news from you!
As my time is done here on the boards for now- as I feel I am feelin much better-time to come out of hospital- I see clearer my weakness, strengths and blindspots.
My needs have shifted and I feel that here on the boards I am constantly reminded of my x-my bad experinces, and I need to forget, let old things fade and pass away.
I don't want to let my own misery, spread and infect others. For me. Thankyou so much for all your love here and support and awesome prayers!!!
I am so blessed by your loving, friendship. So when you have time-we'll connect on email-.
I pray for news of you celebrating your love with the "one" if meant to be, since you are now so well preserved,-- will be celebrated-- in all that elaborate marriage. Your well worth the wait-and union bliss!!
Hope your "one" will come to his senses, get right with God, and you. As he is the one missing out!
Not that I am condoning "one"s poor lifestyle choices. I wonder by his experincing the bad, he will hopefully be able appreciate, experince God's good and finest best through YOU! Released, to connect and hopefully be at his highest best for God, you and others!!!
He sounds like he is a wonderful creation, beautiful handiwork of art special fine qualities.That only a Master restorer can re-touch and restore! Bless you both!
Isn't that forgiveness and restoration is all about.
I love you-- your just so wonderful, marvelous, precious, and so special!!! Write me soon!
Toodles <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> Sky <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
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