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This sounds like fun, do me too

Me-Female 4/17/60
He-Male 12/27/47

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I'm so very sorry. Je demande excuse. Entschuldigung. Het spijt me heel erg.
You are right , I made a mistake.
You 8/15/57: ROOSTER. He 7/8/58: DOG.
ROOSTER-wife with DOG-man 'difficult'
Only if it is absolutely necessery. A cool to moderate coexistence is in store for this couple. Both are discriminating and forthright souls who may be easily displeased with each other's faults. Normally, they may strive harder to be more agreeable, but this match could bring out their most offensive traits, making them willful and uncompromising. Both are too quick to retaliate when challenged and can be fierce fighters. The Dog is nice and easygoing only as long as you keep out of his hair. The Rooster is virtuous and equally sincere in her efforts, but she has much too rigid an outlook to suit the Dog. She will make him feel like she is out to reform him and he will never stand for that.
Kellidiana, I hope you are not longer angry with me. Bye, Jaap Hillen

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You are born on 10/18/61, in the year of the OX. He 8/29/63, in the year of the CAT.
Son 4/23/91: GOAT. Son 7/29/92: MONKEY
On my 'Character Combination Card' is indicated in 'Life Partner' for long term living together of
OX-wife with CAT-man 'good'.
Yes .... Perhaps. Why not? The Cat man can laugh at himself being ordered about.
The conservative, authoritarian Ox is a heavyweight in dominance. The creative Cat is a lightweight in it. The Ox is the boss in the house. The Cat is gentle, sagacious, receptive to ideas and the feelings of others. The Ox wife may be lacking the emotion and sensitivity to understand his refined personality. He can be acquisitive, indulgent and selfish. She can be pragmatic, but virtuous and well-disciplined. Both could supply each other with missing attributes if they sincerely care enough to cooperate.
In 'Parent-Child':
OX with GOAT-child 'very difficult'
A hundred times no! Discontented Ox plus unhappy Goat equals a mess! The artistic and creative Goat is a lightweight in dominance.
Make sure that your child never has to ask whether you love him. Make sure he never has to feel the need to make a good impression on you. Cuddling, Listening, Praise.
Kind and strict. Consistent strictness with love will bring the child security. Make sure that he is absolutely certain that you highly esteem him, till 18 years, especially till 5 years.
OX with MONKEY-child 'good'
Yes, the Ox allows herself to be twisted around the Monkey's finger.
CAT with GOAT-child 'good'
Good for the Goat! The Cat helps, understands, and admires. Cat and Goat belong together (with Pig) to the same trio, the trio of the creatives, of the lightweights in dominance. With both other signs in the same trio exist strong ties.
CAT with MONKEY-child 'good'
Baby Monk knows who to talk to now. (It's dificult to deceive a Cat)
Bye, Jaap Hillen

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She is born on 3/8/57, in the year of the ROOSTER. He 2/17/52, in the year of the DRAGON. D 6/11/82: DOG. S 11/16/83: PIG.
D 11/24/86: TIGER.
On my 'Character Combination Card' is indicated in 'Life Partner' for long term living together of
ROOSTER-wife with DRAGON-man 'good'
The Rooster profits from the Dragon's success, which become hers!
Could achieve a great deal of togetherness but will have to smooth out some rough edges first. Her discriminating and at times callous remarks could often deflate his super ego. He is dynamic and full of energy while she is efficient, economical and critical. Both will be happier if they agree on what areas each should control. Mentally they are on equal intellectual levels but they should not try to overpower each other with their accomplishments
In 'Parent-Child':
ROOSTER with DOG-child 'difficult'.
The Rooster won't know where she is. A dialogue of deaf men!
ROOSTER with PIG-child 'difficult'
The pig is patient, but he will act according to his lights. And don't let the Rooster think he is leading her by the snout!
ROOSTER with TIGER-child 'difficult'
The Rooster will be systematically opposed.
DRAGON with DOG-child 'difficult"
Ai-ai-ai. Dragon and Dog are each other's opposites. Clashing characters. No, The Dog does not have for the Dragon the admiration that the latter considers to be her due.
DRAGON with PIG-child 'good'
Yes, The Dragon can be useful to the Pig, doing everything in its power to assure Master P's success.
DRAGON with TIGER-child 'good'
The Dragon enjoys a bit of prestige in the world of the Tiger, so the Tiger will listen to him. Bye, Jaap Hillen

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You are born on 4/23/57, in the year of the ROOSTER. He 18/5/57, also in the year of the ROOSTER.
On my 'Character Combination Pocketcard' is indicated in 'Life Partner' for long term living together of
ROOSTER-wife with ROOSTER-man 'difficult'
Life would be impossible! Scenes and tantrums guaranteed all the time. They are both peevish and often obsessed wth their own views and will not pay much heed to the opinion of the other. However, these two are also duty-oriented and have conscientious and responsible natures. Who knows, the may be able to relinquish some of their demanding ways to achieve common goals. Then again, both are argumentative and opinionated and they may be endless discussions before they signs the Peace Treaty or agree to call a truce.
Bye, Jaap Hillen

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You are born on 6/10/70, in the year of the DOG. He 2/27/71, in the year of the PIG.
DOG wife with PIG-man 'good'
Great. Love based om mutual understanding and esteem. The Dog could be aggressive and will not withhold her criticism if the Pig is too self-indulgent or lax in his duties. She is not as passionate as he, and may lack understanding of his large appetites and sensuality. Still, they could find common grounds for cooperation as the Dog has more insight than the Pig and will be loyal to him. Likewise, the Pig is tolerant and generous enough to forgive the Dog's peculiarities and see her as the trustworthy and noble ally she is. Bye, Jaap Hillen

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You are born on 4/14/58, in the year of the DOG. He 7/26/58, also in the year oif the Dog.
On my 'Character Combination Card' is indicated in 'Life Partner' for long term living together of
DOG-wife with DOG-man 'good'.
Yes, but the are too cool together, and they'd have money troubles. Both are big spenders. Both have the same warm and stable nature although the female of the species may be the more outspoken and critical of the pair. An idealistic and conscientious couple who will seek and value each other's opninions. Dogs are fairly conforming in marital relationships and will perform well when they desire harmony. No large problems in this union if they will consult and respect each other. They should always make joint decisions as neither can tolerate being left out. Bye, Jaap Hillen

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You RAT. He HORSE. Daughter 3/27/83, in the year of the PIG. Son 11/27/85, in the year of the OX.
On my 'Character Combination Pocketcard' is indicated in 'Parent-Child':
RAT with PIG-child 'good'
They could be accomplices. And the Rat's aggression falls a bit flat.
RAT with OX-child 'good'.
Okay. Whatever the Rat says, the Ox will lend an ear.
HORSE with PIG-child 'perhaps'
Not the best. The piglet finds it hard to bear the egoism of the Horse, and the Horse understands nothing. But neither loses any sleep over it.
HORSE with OX-child 'difficult'
No! When papa Horse insist on having his way, baby Ox never forgives him. He does not understand. Bye, Jaap Hillen

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You are born on 4/13/73, in the year of the OX. He is born in 1971 before January 27, in the year of the DOG.
On my 'Character Combination Card' is indicated in 'Life Partner' for long term living together of
OX-wife woith DOG-man 'perhaps'.
Difficult, but possible. As long as the Ox lady contents herself with running a home. Their dificulties could arise from the Ox's overbearing attitude and rigid opinions. The Dog prefers free speech and equality and may not humor the narrow -minded Ox for too long. The Ox, om the other hand, may resent the Dog's overdirect and outspoken ways; she can nurse grievances for a long time. They both shun pettiness and injustice, but are sometimes guilty of these faults themselves. A relationship that needs a lot of understanding and compromise.
Bye, Jaap Hillen

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You are born on 3/2/67. in the year oif the GOAT. He on 12/20/63, in the year of the CAT. On my 'Character Combination Card' is indicated in 'Life Partner' for long term living together of
GOAT-wife with CAT-man 'good'.
God. The Cat likes the Goat's flights of fancy. They share an artistic approach that brings them together. Goat and Cat belong together (with Pig) to the same trio, the trio of the artistics, the creatives, of the lightweights in dominance. With both other signs in the same trio exist strong ties. Goat and Cat are first choice for each other. Each is receptive to the vibrations of the other partner. The Cat appreciates her compassionate and sensitive ways and she finds him kind, astute and sagacious enough to make their decisions. Her dependence could make him feel more important and purposeful. He is a good listener and she needs sympathy and advice more than action. Both are romantic and affectionate and will enjoy domestic bliss. Bye, Jaap Hillen

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You are born on 2/13/65, in the year of the SNAKE. He on 8/8/64, in the year of the DRAGON. D 7/30/97: OX.
S 8/14/2000: DRAGON.
On my 'Character Combination Pocketcard' is indicated in 'Life Partner' for long term living together of
SNAKE-wife with DRAGON-man 'good'
A good match. The Dragon will be proud of the charm of his lady, even if it is not always directed at him. A fulfilling and stimulating realtionship if these two diverse personalities can adjust to each other. He is active, impulsive and domineering. She is sensual, unhurried and a lover of ease. As he is always geared to work and success, she can impart to him some of her fenacity and common sense. She may have a finer business acumen than he or will at least handle the family finances well. If jealousy does not come in between, they can both build a sound foundation for their home.
In "Parent-Child':
SNAKE with OX-child 'good'
Wisely, the Snake does all she can. But it is a hard life! Snake and OX belong together (with Rooster) to the same trio, the trio of the thinkers, of the heavyweights in dominance. With both other signs in the same trio exist strong ties.
SNAKE with DRAGON-child 'good'
Yes, The Snake understands the Dragon.
DRAGON with OX-child 'difficult'
The Ox does its best to satisfy the Dragon, but it is difficult. The Dragon likes a bit of a show, and the Ox, let's face it, is an introvert and a bit of a dull dog!
DRAGON with DRAGON-child 'very good'
Each will be proud of the other!
Bye, Jaap Hillen

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You are born on 4/17/60, in the year of the RAT. He on 12/27/47, in the year of the PIG.
On my 'Characte Combination Card' is indicated in 'Life Partner' for long term living together of
RAT-wife with PIG-man 'good'.
They will make it if the Rat controls her aggression. The Pig is not a fan of that kind of force. There is a good measure of attraction between these two and they will strive to have a companionable and peaceful relationship. Both are outgoing, sociable and energetic and will probably center their life around their home, their friends and their mutual interests, which will include a good deal of entertaining. This couple will be drawn to active pursuits and have definite ideas about their involvements. She could be the more sensitive and prudent of the two, while he is positive but too conciliatory at times for his own good. He may have need of her counsel. Bye. Jaap Hillen

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Dear JP:

Thank you soooo much for taking the time to do the "character match" analysis. I'll have to study it.


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I have to say this "Wow"

Kind of scary- Horse- husband cannot live peacefully with anyone in my household- Hmmmmm

Truth- absolutely- he is the most difficult of the members of this family for ALL of us to get along with.

Maybe I should put him out to pasture <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Thanks for your time- you're a doll!!! (Sorry if you are of the male species- then you are a jewel)

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Thank you so much!

How surprisingly accurate!

But what did you mean by "trio?" Could that mean our son? He was born 22 Mar 1995.

Thanks again!

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A very good idea. Let the Horse pasture, than you don't have to cut the grass anymore.
I love it that you call me jewel. Thanks. Bye, Jaap

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About the trio's.
The 12 main characters are devided in 4 threesomes, trio's.
and your trio
Good enough? Bye, Jaap

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Hey everyone; just checking in because I was intriqued by this one...

me - male - May 2, 1962
Her - female - Jan 8, 1954 (No this is not a typo)

Look forward to hearing back.

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sounds fun:

me Jan 22/63
him Feb 10/59

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She is born in 1954 before February 3, still in the year of the SNAKE. He 2/5/62, in the year of the TIGER.
In my little book 'The Character Combination Card' is indicated in 'Life Partner' for long term living together of
SNAKE-wife with TIGER-man 'difficult'
Not advised at all. Complete misunderstanding wihout hope of redemption. Wisdom and enthusiasm make bad bedfellows. Each will question the other's motives and only notice the negative traits. The wise and practical Snake will find the Tiger husband directly opposed to her sensible course of action. He finds her jealous, overpossessive and too philosophical. She cannot comprehend his love for courting disaster. They cannot accomplish very much together.
Bye, Jaap Hillen

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