I believe that you will come to the understanding you need concerning remarriage. I wouldn't grapple with the fact that your ex doesn't know the complete history.

IMHO, I believe that you were allowed to divorce due to your ex's sustained infidelity. Your behavior changed while married and you did your best. In my understanding of scripture you are free. I will be praying for you and asking that God would answer the question and would make His opinion crystal clear, since it's the only one that matters.

As far as the future goes, I dwell on it frequently. I don't worry, I'm just preparing myself for all of the things God has prepared for me. I'm making myself an attractive candidate spiritually, physically, financially and emotionally. The vasectomy issue is one that I think the Adversary keeps bringing up. I'm not sure I would want more children. My two kids are 11 and 12. I'm going to be 37 in a couple of weeks and wouldn't mind helping to raise another woman's child(ren).

I'm a little sad when I realize that I only have two more sessions at the divorce recovery. I've made some new friends and I think we are all going to do the group outing thing.

I take special care to guard myself right now. I haven't been intimate with my wife since June and I know the enemy would like to help me to stumble. I need to build up my self esteem and get a nice healthy set of boundries. Those issues will be discussed Saturday when I meet with my IC.

Well have to run.

Take care and God Bless,
