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I am so frustrated with the Oscars last night <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> - I just need somewhere to vent and express some of my concerns... what better place than good ol' MB forums!
First of all- I am so saddened by the events happening our world today <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" /> - and I, in no way shape or form, would like to see devestation happen in any country- especially our own. But, with that said, I am even more sickened and saddened by the outward stand that Hollywood is taking on this issue- based on these reasons:
1. It literally makes me sick how twisted things are with Hollywood. How can a "shoot em up" movie with excessive violence and extreme scenes be considered "art" and even be applauded by Hollywood- with the statistics and facts showing that it is exactly these movies that are raising our crime rates and "numbing" our minds to what is acceptable and what isn't? But when it comes to the real deal (War in Iraq)-they are publically opposing it in every way shape and form.
?Are they opposing WAR or President Bush? Michael Moore (Bowling for Columbine) said last night "I've invited my fellow documentary nominees onstage with us. They're here in solidarity with me, because we like non-fiction. We like non-fiction and we live in fictitious times. We live in a time when we have…fictitious election results…and a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons…we are against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you, Mr. Bush, shame on you." It is my understanding that even though he got a few "boos"- alot of celebs gave him a standing ovation! My Gosh! Shame on you, Hollywood- Shame on you. 2. NOBODY has any idea what the President knows (as far as intel) about the terrorists, Saddam Hussein and his weaponry. I think it is really SAD when people make judgements about a situation they know very little about- based soley on lack of knowledge (some people call this Ignorance). HOW IN THE WORLD does anyone in Hollywood or elsewhere know what the President knows? There are inevitably things that he is not telling the American people about this war- because of INTELLIGENCE REASONS. That is why we are not on staff in the intelligence!!!! Do you think that Bush is the only president that has had to keep KEY info from the American people? Don't you think that if he COULD tell us everything he knows, HE WOULD?!? (Esp. to save face right now).
3. Why was it so much easier for Hollywood and everyone else to believe in our last president- who was a proven liar...???? This baffles me. Bush has done nothing wrong! In all of this he has tried to maintain integrity, honesty and has kept in prayer about the whole thing (did you know he gets up and gets on his knees every morning!! For YOU and for ME and for our country!) It just seems to be the "popular thing to do" in Hollywood right now (to oppose the war- and the president). It was almost like, "who can say the best and most 'moving' line about peace and opposition to everything the Pres. is trying to accomplish!" I think that is awful.
4. I thought it was so funny how they are all saying "let's get those troops home" as if the troops didn't want to be there! Most of those Military signed up because they wanted to protect and serve! It is the people here who don't want them there!!! Let's support our troops by supporting what they are doing there, for crying out loud. How discouraging it is (I have read reports) for our troops to have so many people not believe in what they are risking their lives for!
I am sorry this is so heated. I will calm down sooner or later... I know this will probably be deleted by the moderators at some point- cause it hits such a tender nerve with so many people... but maybe we can try to keep it light and informative... and don't let the discussion get out of hand (or did I already screw that up) <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> ? <small>[ March 24, 2003, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: Ma Ma Mia ]</small>
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Whoops! <small>[ March 24, 2003, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: Zuzus_Petals ]</small>
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Just a warning...this thread might be relocated to a place known only to the Mod Squad. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />
We had another peaceful (in some opinions) discussion going and that's what happened. Check out Chris (CA123)'s post about deleted threads.
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Yeah, amazing how people always bring politics into places it doesn't belong, isn't it?
<img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
I figured there would be some of that, and just ignored it and watched the show....
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"We must face the fact," President John F. Kennedy once said, "that the United States is neither omnipotent nor omniscient -- that we are only 6% of the world's population -- that we cannot impose our will upon the other 94% of mankind -- that we cannot right every wrong or reverse each adversity -- and that therefore there cannot be an American solution to every world problem."
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Well, just in case this thread gets out of hand and gets sent to parts unknown....
Let me say, I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU, MAMA! My H is military (23+ years) -- just came off of 1-yr active duty flying those troops and equipment to parts unknown in the desert, and he is TOTALLY p.o.'d at those liberal Hollywood IDIOTS right now. What do they know? Why do they think their "celebrity" status makes them in any way an informed authority on issues that our leaders have specific intelligence about? Just makes me sick....
O.K., I'm gonna go calm down now, too. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
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Bravo for stating your opinion! I concur with you. No matter what your opinion is on the subject, the Oscars is not the place to express them.
And it is my opinion that now is not the time to protest the war. The war has already begun; let's rally our energy together to support our troops.
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I completely agree with you. I wish thoses ignorant celebrities would just shut the hell up! I don't care what there opinion is...Do there acting or documentaries or directing or whatever and shut up...I don't care....Like Mike Farrel..a washed up celebrity who is this big anti-war protester and he was all for it when Clinton went into Kosovo...but now he is just opposed to all of this....The only reason they oppose this is because they did not vote for Bush....If they are opposed to this fine....but I don't want them using there status to stick there opinion in my face and down my throat....We have a war...we need to support our men and women who are out there risking there lives....Not one word was mentioned in any of the speeches about supporting our troops or God Bless America....I guess they forgot about 9/11
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In a few words...
People will call good bad...and bad good..
And it will only get worse..not better..
But I totally concur..they should not have used that forum to express their political views but as well all know...opinions are like_____
I personally didn't watch for that reason.. and it's also why it was debated NOT to air the oscars on tv at all this year..
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I thought Michael Moore was being booed as he spoke. I must've missed the ovation all together.
I thought Steve Martin was funny as he was talking about actors "they can be tall or short, skinny or thin, Democrats or...thin." <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />
I had no problem with the winners who wished for peace and a return of the troops.
I hope for resolution and peace, as I support our President and our troops, as I supported my husband and his army unit during their 7 month service in Desert Storm. If he had been deployed again, he has my support. He's not liking "fighting the war behind his desk".
Celebrities have a right to free speech...but they have more access to press than most of us and are utilizing it.
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by Lor (Lor): <strong> as I support our President and our troops, as I supported my husband and his army unit during their 7 month service in Desert Storm. If he had been deployed again, he has my support. He's not liking "fighting the war behind his desk".</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">My H feels the same way. As we were watching t.v. coverage the first night of this war H said "I feel like I'm not doing my job. I should be involved." He was very involved during Desert Storm and lots of other "incidents" since then, but the Air Force took our unit off active duty when they de-commissioned our planes last month (already way behind schedule); they don't have any planes to fly. They feel left out of everything. We're both really tired of everyone asking when/if H is going to have to "go back over there"....he's chomping at the bit to do his part, but it looks like the rest of this war will go on without him. (ahhh, shoot <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> )
Lori <small>[ March 24, 2003, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: at peace ]</small>
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I thought it was so funny how they are all saying "let's get those troops home" as if the troops didn't want to be there! Most of those Military signed up because they wanted to protect and serve! Of course the troops don’t WANT to be there. But they will go there when needed. Just like they don’t WANT to die, but they will give their life if needed.
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at peace/Lori, I don't think I understood until these past couple of years that being military means being a soldier prepared and ready for war. It's what my H does over 40 hours a week.
I told my H that since he had my support, along with our daughters (teenagers), and he did volunteer to fill slots in local deploying units, but was told he was needed where he is, that if God meant for him to be there, he would be. It didn't help <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> he's chomping like your H. And I understand that he has skills learned in Saudi that would be useful, he's seeing logistics where the wheel is being re-invented, which frustrates him.
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I guess it's kind'a weird to find yourself almost hoping your H WILL get called-up and sent away -- because you know that's what he wants. That odd military mind-set (H used to be full-time ANG, but has been a full-time cop for 11 years -- that's a whole 'nother "weird" group <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> )
Ahhh...the things we do for love <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" /> .
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Here is a simple solution to your problem. When you find an actor or actress that speaks out against the President, DON'T GO TO THIER MOVIE OR WATCH THERE MIDNUMBING TV SHOWS. Don't just do it till the War is over do it forever a sort of boycott, till they publically apologize. The idea is to put the pressure back on to them. One person doesn't have the power but how about a million people or ten million people. I am sure that would impact thier lifestyle, if they aren't selling movie tickets or tv advertising nobody will want them. Stand up and be proud. Your opinions count but make it hurt thier pocket book.
God Bless all the troops and The President of The United States.
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by Lor (Lor): <strong> I had no problem with the winners who wished for peace and a return of the troops.
Celebrities have a right to free speech...but they have more access to press than most of us and are utilizing it.</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I am not disputing that all people have a right to free speech. But IMO this turned into a left wing political awards ceremony more than it was the Acadamy Awards. I just don't think it was the most appropriate place to express their views- Do it on Jay Leno or David Letterman or something like that instead. Get my drift?
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My simple suggestion to nto get this thread deleted Mama is to simply utilize your MB skills and apply them to the problem. For example: Why didn't the actors and actresses POJA their statements with Pres Bush first? Oh ya, cause he could care less about what they think. OOps, that may have been a disrespectful judgement. Okay, well here it goes: Don't get too upset over it. I have met and dealt with those actor types and Michael J Fox's sister (for example) and Matt Perry. These cliques are SMALL and conformist!Think about it. They are all concerned with public opinion and poularity and making the right impression. If they weren't, they would all end up like Michael jackson! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> That is wy they are grouping together and agreeing with one another's opinions. They are utilizing the war as a jumping ground to go along with public concern that the war is a BAD thing! They MIGHT have some value beliefs that the war is bad, but even if they DON'T, they are gonna nod their heads and agree with one another, in hopes that fans/press/fellow actors will remember they were the ones that wagged their finger at Bush saying "Bad, bush, bad" Can you imagine someone like Nicole Kidman getting up there, saying "Woohoo for war! Bush is right!" That kind of statement will ignite the tabloids...saying she condones the killing of innocents and backs Bush (maybe even sleeping with him..? Who knows with the pap!)
Really, politics will go hand in hand with the Oscars, whatever popular opinion is, is usually eminated in plastic smiles and PR-employee written lines. It's all an act.
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Ma Ma, I get your drift. Other than Moore, the ceremony was much less strident anti-Bush than I expected. I held my breath with Streisand (she said her piece, briefly enough), Sarandon (peace sign), Gere....
This is who these people are. But since one winner said speaking about it was "prohibited", I think the organizers made an attempt to keep it from being one big anti-war speech. It wasn't completely successful, but I do wonder what "urging" not to speak went on? Maybe like football $$$fines when a player engages in taunting? Anybody know what "incentives" there were for not speaking out?
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Michael Moore is not one to uphold the notion of non-fiction (truthfulness)...or fictitiousness in anyone. His latest Mockumentory is filled with inaccuracies and out-and-out fabrications and scene/situation set-ups that he pretends are spontaneous. When called to task about the set-ups and creative editing, he spins and obfuscates with the best of the politicos. His protected speech was a glaring example of hypocrisy.
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I agree with mama. I also no longer have any respect or admiration for the oscars (See next paragraph). Yes Michael Moore said things better left unsaid in the place he was at. That is free speech though and I won't dis him for that. I am however very disturbed that they gave an oscar to a FUGITIVE!!!! Roman Polanski pled guilty to statuatory rape, he allegedly drugged and raped a 13 year old, then fled the country and has not returned.
I personally think that the movie and tv industries are too liberal in what they tolerate from the role models of our youth. <small>[ March 24, 2003, 07:15 PM: Message edited by: MyBestFriend'sWife ]</small>
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