This is the route I'm probably going to take. I'm interested to know if others have done this and what has happened.<p>I don't feel that I can sit still and wait for more stuff to happen to me...I want to be in control. My H sees this as the "kiss of death" to our relationship. He wants to get a commitment from me to try to work things out and then if they don't, proceed with divorce. I want to protect myself financially from obligation to OW and OC. I can't see myself dealing with child support, etc., for the next 18 years...just a constant reminder of what he did. He says now he does not want a relationship with OC, will just fulfill his financial responsibility. But he said that originally and then changed his mind when OW went ballistic that H wasn't going to be in OC (and OW's) life. There's no way I can believe what H says right now...I don't think he's being "evil", I just think he really doesnt' know what he ultimately wants to do. Why should I put myself through that? I want to get on with my life!!!!!!