This message is on my other thread too, but I figured alot of you wouldn't go back to read it. I really never thought it would have turned into that type of thread. Once again thank you to everyone for their two cents...<p>To everyone,<p>I just wanted to say thank you for the help and encouragement. Although I have a degree and had a professional career, I could never make what my H makes. He works as a corporate manager. <p>I am going to once again try to find something to do at home after a few months. I don't want to be bitter, so I truly do feel in my heart that I shouldn't have to make up for something that I didn't cause. My h works hard. I will try to find something at home. But I just wanted to enjoy what will most likely be my last pregnancy, and to welcome a new baby. Because of this latest jump for cs, we will not be having more than two kids. I feel it is too risky to have more children after this, when it seems we will be at the mercy of the ow, and the system for another 14 years. <p>I have said before that at times, this can be worse than a death. When death occurs you can look at the happy times, and move on with your life and heal. What makes this so hard is that something always wants to open that wound up. I am concentrating on the joy of the upcoming birth, pray that maybe the ow won't sign for the review. Maybe in her heart she has moved on and will be happy with the $600 that she gets from us. And be glad that the joy my daughter has when she is with my H and I takes away all the pain. Everyone should have peace in their hearts and minds, and that is all I pray for every day. When I can wake up and exhale with some peace.<p>babstr.<p>[ May 14, 2002: Message edited by: babstr ]</p>