Why do I want to just slap him senseless?
Unfortunately, your husband doesn't sound like he has suffered any consequences for his abominable behavior. Not only did he not lose you because of his affairs, you took on his OC's...BOTH of them!
As a result, he is probably less than enthusiastic about putting effort into recovery because it is hard work and it would mean he would have to make significant changes, which he really doesn't think he has to do because he thinks you will put up with and tolerate anything.
I'm glad you found an effective spiritually based counselor for free when you are struggling so. It would be better if you saw the counselor more often, like once a week, because I think your husband might have a really short attention span given what he said to you this morning.
Another thing to check out that helped Bipolar and me a great deal was a Retrouvaille weekend. To learn more about the weekend, log onto
www.retrouvaille.org for more information.
You are going to have to get tough, Aimee. You are going to have to get really, really strong and forceful without being bytchy or being over-bearing, which can be difficult. You have to find the right ratio so you do not diminish your husband but at the same time, protect yourself from his emotional "gaslighting".
Is your counselor familiar with the Harley-Marriage Builders Methods for Recovery? If not, ask him to log onto this site to learn about the principles.
Wishing you the best
Catnip =^^=
<small>[ December 18, 2002, 10:05 AM: Message edited by: catnip ]</small>