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My H's ex-ow's motto would be this:

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">IF I can't have him, I'll have a piece of him forever...no matter who it hurts! </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Twiisty

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XOW: "The things that come from you [to OC] mean nothing. It's YOUR fault the OC doesn't have her father. You should stay out of it!!" <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />

(fullhouse I think it's great you chimed in)

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OW's motto in our case would be, "don't worry about me. (sigh). I'll be okay."

That's how he got sucked into the affair in the first place....trying to take care of her. And when the whole thing exploded and he chose to stay with me, she kept it up. But this time H didn't worry. He left that to her H! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

At least he learned something, eh?

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My OW's motto....

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> I'll Be Back... </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">in as good a Governator voice as possible. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

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XOW's motto in our case:

BUT, I'm a good person.


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My OW's motto is this:

To my H: I will always love you, and be happy!

and to me: You are so manipulative- I will pray for you!

This from a woman who returned from being in another country for several months, had passionate sex with my H, and says she didn't want to get pregnant when her preferred method of birth control was the rhythm method. She conceived OC from that time. She did not want him to use condoms. So, tell me, given she was gone for several months, how was he supposed to know sex with her then was "safe?"

And I am manipulative because I kicked H out for continued contact with her and OC against my wishes. So sorry. I am just the wife. Guess the mistress always is the good girl and the one that counts.

And she prays for me because I am still angry at her and what she has done. I guess I must be so misguided-so confused. I must have been the one who willingly had sex with a married man and then pretended to be a friend to my kids.

So sorry, I guess I got my roles mixed up.


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After admitting to stopping her pill so she could get pregnant on purpose. Saying if I knew this baby wouldn't stop him from being with you I would have had an abortion. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> (H still to this day 3 years later still claims the condom broke and I still don't believe him. Sad I know.)

Telling the mediator if he had told me his wife was pregnant we wouldn't have been here today.

Her screaming in court saying my youngest child wasn't my H's and he needed to get a DNA test.... LMAO!! That still makes me chuckle and upsets my H when I jokingly say hmm I wonder if that mail man is Chi Chi's father. She looks exactly like him.

Even though I filed for a D the day after D-day and was ready to serve H with in the same week. exOW motto would be it's all his wife fault she turned him against me, or how dare she interfere in my affair.

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My exWS: 47 years old, decent home,nice truck, good father to his children, went to work everyday. OW, 21 years old, raised in an abusive, neglectful home, never held a job for long, lived with whomever would let her stay with them for awhile, no transportation. They met at their 12 step meetings for recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. ExWS "couldn't abandon his OC to the streets!" Moved OW and OC into his apartment (that I made the security deposit on!) OW sat home, did nothing (according to WS), didn't cook, didn't clean, barely looked after the OC. Her motto "It's easier to let someone else do it!" Oh, and her "threat" to me "Stay away from my house. Leave my family alone!" GAGGGGGG ME!!
ADD: ExWS was recently in a bad motorcycle accident. Can never return to previous type of work and will probably be on disability for at least a year if not longer. Can't cook, clean, care for child, walks with a walker, has mutiple surgeries ahead of him....Wonder who's going to do it now?! And I'm staying away from her house and leaving her family alone!

<small>[ November 16, 2003, 12:43 AM: Message edited by: lilymarie ]</small>

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Why is it the ow responsibility to provide the birth control. Hey her H knew that she wasn't on the pill and why did he choose this time to come inside and not protect them both. I am dealing with this right now. Being harrassed by the wife to have an abortion. That is my choice and I have to live with it for the rest of my life while he chooses to have his wife contact me. I think the husbands need to think clearly about what they are doing because they are creating the situation. Sure I am responsible too but I can't pull a 200+ man off of me when he is coming.

What the wife would say - it's all my fault and why did I screw up their marriage and everyone's lives. I don't in my heart feel I did as I believed everything he told me about their marriage and what he said to me. He treated her like crap everytime he talked to her on the phone. Ladies beware, if your husband is like this or constantly talks about the girl at work - he's having an affair!!

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by J'sgirl:
<strong> Why is it the ow responsibility to provide the birth control

=^^= Because it is the woman who has the power over her own body and whether or not there will be sex in the first place; it is her responsibility to protect her body. Men are often like Pavlov's dog. If they see an easy piece, sad to say, many might phuque it and not even think about protection. Therefore, it is always the repsonsiblity of the woman to protect her own body. If she does not, then she must have been living in a cave over the past twenty years because no one over 12 is ignorant to the fact of effective birth control means in this day and age.

Hey her H knew that she wasn't on the pill and why did he choose this time to come inside

=^^= The correct spelling is "cum" and he isn't thinking consequences...in fact, he is not thinking at all...he is succumbing to base animal response.

Sure I am responsible too but I can't pull a 200+ man off of me when he is coming.

=^^= The best protection for you is to not get under a 200 lb Married Man to begin with because if you get knocked up by one, your options narrow considerably.

</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">

<small>[ November 16, 2003, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: catnip ]</small>

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Thanks for the post and setting the record straight on the previous poster.

But I must tell all of you, this is the main reason it took me 2 1/2 years to be able to post on here and try to feel comfortable..... Seems there is always a site hijacker with another agenda other than what the original post started out being. And it is usually another OW who has no business on here except to make trouble for us and try and turn the knife a little harder on some WS since she hasn't got access to the WS in her situation anymore.

THIS SITE IS FOR MARRIAGE BUILDING, not for people who are clueless to what it takes to EVER be this committed to a relationship with another person. Please stay away and let those of us who want to heal and repair our marriages do so without a reminder of how hateful and manipulative and conniving life was for us at one time and why.

IMHO there ought to be some sort of "spam monitor" on here to keep these posters from infiltrating what started out being the light hearted, fun exercise that MJ wanted it to be.


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Well, it is a PUBLIC board which means that any of them can post here if they want to despite how incredibly rude some of them are about us posting over there. Neither one of us should post on the other board, but sometimes it is just too hard to resist for either of us. That's why we have the "Private" Board here and that IS a safe haven. They have their PM's, which is basically the same thing, I suppose.

If someone from MB goes over there and hijacks one of their threads, they call us trolls and say we are stirring up trouble; and ironically, they do the same thing...even more so. In fact, they lurk over here far more than we lurk over there, which is fine as long as they can't get on the Private Board. They get pretty outraged when we hijack which would be fine if they never came over here to stir the pot.

The Private Board was created because there were some very vulnerable BS's that were being tormented by their OW; also, because we had a lot of trouble with an OW who was very disrespectful on an on-going basis, picking fights and just being incredibly hostile and offensive. She wasn't expected to agree with the majority, but she was expected to be polite. Her inability to play nice got us our Private Board where we could be open and not so guarded. Perhaps you should sign up for the Private site.

Cat =^^=

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My H's ow's motto would have to be........

Since I can't have him, I'll settle for a sizable piece of your checkbook because afterall, you owe it to me.

<small>[ November 16, 2003, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: Jtigger ]</small>

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Sounds like the OW in your situation is alot like ours.


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wait a minute......is there a script out there somewhere that WS & OP are using? Why do so many OP stories sound the same? Is this for real or what?

Maybe if we find the "script" we can publish it and help others avoid this "trap". Does that mean that the OW in my H life is telling the truth or does she just have the "script" memorized?

She also just had to inform me that my H "told her he didn't even think "my C" was his"!!!!! WHAT???? Psycho!!! That one was just hilarious since any one who knows H and I, knows that we met when we were young and H was the "only" one and I was "un-lucky" enough to get preg. very fast! LOL (and lucky for her (and me since my kids were there when she said it) I'm not a fighter because THOSE were fighting words!) <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" />

And my H swears they used a condom EVERY time! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> I want that script, I'm telling you! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

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Ok, for XMM, motto is that "we are ment to be together. God put us together for a reason. Why can't we get on the same page and continue."

These days he is truely upset cause I am working on improving myself and getting closer to the lord. Doesnt' like it one bit. Sad thing is, either does my H.

Motto for one of my H OW " He'll be a better father for our child cause I'm going to lay down the law. And the only reason why he is with me is cause your a *****"

It was a wonderful day when I got to say " I told you so" She honestly thought that he would stay by her side and be a wonderful father to their son. She seen first hand how he treated our own children, I really don't know why she expected her son to get better treatment.

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Let's see,
My OW had a few mottos.
The first one was after the second time WS betrayed me the OW emailed me and said "If I was you I would kick his cheating [censored] out into the street and find someone who truly deserves you".

Of course she now has no problem of living with his cheating [censored].

The other thing she would say over and over was He never got to experience anyone else since you were his first love, and he didn't know what he was missing. Well she certainly showed him what he was missing.

And the last was "We are not bad people, we only made poor choices". Twice???? Oh spare me.

Thanks MJ.


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I want to play!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
Ow talked a lot so I'd have to say she has a lotta mottos' .... mouth - LOL!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

OW's motto1: 'what have I got to lose?'
(that was her latest)

OW's motto2: 'emotional adultery' is against the WS when he left the OW (is that a motto???)

OW's motto3: 'I am not an OW, I tried to send him back to his W' (as she kept lifting her skirt). <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> (that probably doesn't sound like a motto but hey, it's the fog!). <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />

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MAN OH MAN,,,,,,,,,,,

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posted November 14, 2003 01:26 PM
Man, she had so much power at 18yrs old. wich means that the affair started when she was a minor. A minor forced an adult to do all that?

I bet you would have a different opinion if she was your daughter.

What's my motto? I'M NOT YOU!
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Member # 30209

posted November 14, 2003 02:00 PM
I'm not you: Its quite obvious that the 18 year old girl is a slut. Period. What would you do if it was YOUR daughter? Be proud?


if i missed something here i would sure like to appoligize in advance but if i am reading this right this "slut" was abused by a CHILD MOLESTER!!!!

lynn,, what the heck kind of attitude is that calling a child (yes even at 18 she i a CHILD) a slut when a supposedly grow and mature MAN uses her for SEX. if he started with her when she was 16
instead of giving her the "slut" treatment you should be sceaming to have this pervert locked up.

when my dd who is now 22 (and i am very proud of her) was between the ages of 15 - 18. fh and i had a very hard time with he. she fell in with a group of what she called friends. the peer pressure that they put on her was 10 fold of the upbringing and values that fh and i were trying to give her for the previous 15 years. she ended up doing things that you see on the 6th page of the newspaper. you name it drugs, sex, theft, running away and living on the street. we tried everything we could to pull her back into our care. we tried counseling, the church even the local sheriff. it was very heart breaking and awfully painful. did she have sex with mm? wouldn't doubt it but i don't know. BUT she was never a "slut". just a very confused and impressionable(sp/) CHILD being used by those around her. THIS IS NOT EXCUSING HER FOR HER CHOICES.

we ended up having to let her go. we told her don't call us if this is where you want your life to go. that we loved her more then she will ever know but watching her destroy herself was to painful so she would have to do it alone. and she left.

fh and i went to bed every night just knowing we would be awaken by a call from the coroner. a short while later she started calling asking us to come get her in a town about 4 hr up the road. the 1st three calls (about 2 weeks time) we refused as we could here in her voice that she wasn't sincere and just using us for the moment.

on her next call we knew she had hit bottom and was serious about needing and wanting help and was willng to make an effort to change her life. so we went to get her.

i am so proud of her for where she has come with her life now and the way she handles lifes unpleasant situations that i can't put words on it. is her life perfect now, no. but she has turned it around and is headed straight again.

the point is that whether she was my daughter or not she was never just a "slut". she was a misquided child that needed help.

it makes me wonder when i read a post from you in which you are so harsh towards a child. you say that you have moved on with your life but this sounds like there is still a tremendous amount of bitterness that you need to address.

again i hope i missed something and read this wrong a if so i appoligize for jumping to conclusions now.

Sincerely, pops

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Here in Louisiana you are considered an adult at age 17.
That is not rape or carnal knowledge when you are legally an adult.

Misguided and stupid? Yes, but still considered an adult.

I'm sure the ages are different in other parts of the country and in other countries, but Louisiana is stupid when it comes to the age of adulthood...personally I'd like to see it be 21.


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