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Stormy, glad to see you're starting to realize how off balance you are. I can't believe you continue to be in a R with a married man. HE'S NOT YOURS!!! And obviously if you were the "one", he'd want to scream it to the world (and divorce his W)and not keep you and the OC a dirty little secret, which is exactly what it sounds like he's doing. Wake up and smell the coffee, honey. It sounds like you're starting to see it in one little way or another. Go find yourself a single M who has same views/ideas/religious beliefs as you do.
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I must say that I agree with Autumn Day 100%.
No way is wicca any form or denomination of CHRISTIANITY.
Her MM needs to be confronted by someone in his church. He needs to be held accountable for his actions. He is lying to his wife and his concregation. Preachers sin like everyone else. but to continue it is alot worse. he knows what he is doing and continues doing it. He needs HELP and in a big way.
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i find it hard to believe that any married and ordained christian pastor would go for an overweight pagan. i am sorry but it is almost laughable. sumpting does not add up here to me.
my bull meter is blinking full speed <small>[ February 09, 2005, 09:21 AM: Message edited by: lifeisstrange ]</small>
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Stormy-- I don't want to stone you -- I feel angered, yes, but in reality, I wish you could get some help because you obviously need it.
I just find it as sickening for you as a WOMAN to be involved as this (for your own self worth).. and for the fact you could participate in this towards ANOTHER WOMAN AND WIFE AND CHILDREN!!
I also find it equally SICK to read about the MM who is doing this......
However, it appears to be crumbling, and this is all going to crumble, fully, and the evil you two are engaged in WILL come to the light-- WICCAN, CHRISTAN OR whatever you believe-- it WILL crumble.
The only "BALANCE" in your life right now, Stormy, is the MM WHO IS BALANCING you and HIS WIFE for all of these years....
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Just had to stick my nose in for a sec...
Now I'm not any kind of religious expert, but isn't the most basic tenet of Wicca "An[if]it harm none, do as ye will"?
I think it's pretty fair to say that this situation is causing harm.
I'm not a Wiccan, but I hate to see people thinking that Wicca is a religion that condones hurtful actions. <small>[ February 09, 2005, 04:37 PM: Message edited by: luvbird ]</small>
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Holy Cow <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />
Dare my eyes decieve me <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" />
Stormy if you want to follow the wiccan ways, then hey, more power to you...I think the problem here is what your doing with a MM. I know you probably feel like you deserve a place in his life because you knew him before the wife...but you are now having an affair and all the wiccan babble in the world ain't going to make it right.
Good Grief <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />
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Okay I must say that I would have to agree with AD on this if it does not have to do with Jesus Christ then it is not Christianity.
I must also agree with KT, G123,LuvB, Xangel and anyone else who has chimed in on the fact that you are still involved with a MM and by no means is that right. I don't care what cosmic vibe or encounter you come across it is plain WRONG and just STUPID!!! All you are sdoing is causing harm to his wife and family ( along with him I must add). For him to be a preacher (pastor) or whatever how in the world can he lead if he is not leading by EXAMPLE.
I would hate to be one of the sheep in his Flock!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" /> Yes, he is human as any other but he has a greater responsibility here - let's face it.
I don't think what you are doing is right and he is definately wrong, but don't get it twisted the wife and her kids along with yours are the innocent parties here. The two of you have now damaged/bruised their lives permanently - How sad is that?
This just makes me sick to my stomach <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />
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Stormy What is MOST important... is that you are allowing and engaging in activities that are making it OK for your child to be that dirty little secret... You are ALLOWING what is good enough for you to be good enough for your child, who you owe it to to GUIDE and TEACH self worth to.... to teach stability, trust, honor, respect...etc etc..
By keeping up the relationship w/this MM, you are willingly setting your child up for a WORLD of hurt, pain, confustion and acceptance towards things that NO child deserves to feel is "right" or "OK"...
As I said before- no matter your title or your life situation, I dont want to stone you, although perhaps I have already.
I just sincerely hope and pray that you will find the strength you need to pull youself and your child out of this situation that movies (bad Lifetime ones) are made of.
I've lived quite a bad movie myself.. however, I can say with a clear and confident conscience, that I "accepted" none of it--- and SURELY not form my CHILDREN!!! This is not judging, this is an urging from one human being/woman to another-----for you to seek help or change this completely UNBALANCED and WRONG situaion for yourself and your child(ren). Money is the last thing to concentrate on.... your child (and you) need more.
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I have read all that you have posted and I thank you for commenting. No, he isn't a minister but he does hold degrees in theology. He decided not to take that step because his wife didn't like the idea of him pastoring his own church.
As far as being overweight, not everyone likes skinny minnies and I wear my weight rather well.
And yes, harming none is a component and it wasn't until later on during my pregnancy that I started to realize the negative or harmful consequences that could result from all of it. I'm sorry but I really didn't see it in the beginning.
We started talking this afternoon of what arrangements would need to be made to make sure our daughter is taking care of regardless of what happens to his marriage. It looks like some of the money that he will be getting back from their taxes will go towards lawyer fees. (Remember most of what he is getting back is because I allowed him to claim our daughter on their taxes but I'm sure you will all still get upset stating that I am still taking more money from them.)
Again, I thank you for your perspective of things and I truly do take them and others into consideration when talking to him as of late.
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by CheerfulLittleOne: <strong> Yes, Wiccan is a form of Christianity in that it is a branch of the Pagan Religion which was established before Christianity. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Let's see if I can explain this one more time and then I'll let it be because you can't beat a dead horse with a stick. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />
Pagans have encorporated Christ into (some branches of) the religion- Paganism was established BEFORE there was Christ.
They already had their basis, which is Nature. Then when Christ and Christianity developed, it was integrated into their beliefs. They didn't change their beliefs, they only added to it.
This is how we get our Christian Wiccans.
Pagan doesn't mean they are ALL stirring a couldron and consecrating items naked under a white robe in the full moon on a Friday Night. They are nature oriented in their beliefs and are practicing a religion that was formed prior to the existence of Christ. Once again, some follow Christianity and some do not since Christ came later. There are many forms to this religion.
Think about Greek Mythology's numerous gods. Can you be a Christian and believe in Greek Mythology? It happened PRIOR to Christ, so why not?
OK. I'm done. <small>[ February 09, 2005, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: CheerfulLittleOne ]</small>
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by lifeisstrange: <strong> i find it hard to believe that any married and ordained christian pastor would go for an overweight pagan. i am sorry but it is almost laughable. sumpting does not add up here to me.
my bull meter is blinking full speed </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Hey Stranger things have happened <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> But you we've all heard theses stories about famous minister's on TV and affairs. My dad is a retired minister and I KNOW he would have never done that to my mom. Heck he was to busy being a minister to be with someone else. That was his first priority his and my mom's. I heard I think angels say preacher........I had to back track and re read her post. Stormy, it is bizzare and although I don't agree with your religion and do feel the same as the others here about christainty I don't put you down for it. I don't agree it's simular but only in the fact that you have a higher source, but I was raised way different than you. I'm surprised that your mm was not able to teach you or get you to try out his religious beliefs in order to try and make your relationship work with him before he got married to someone else.
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Stormy, thank you for responding to us in a civilized manner because I know it seems that we were attacking you. I know it must be miserable to you to be in the position you are in. I know it was miserable for my H to be continuing his latest A and the stress really took a toll on him. It's not a good situation for any/all involved. I truly hope you do what's best for all parties involved (which I know you know that breaking off the A is the best thing). Good luck to you.
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Two major ideals/tenets of the Wiccan path take the golden rule a step further.
"As it harm ye none, do what ye will"
"What ye send out returns threefold"
So basically, as long as it is not harming anyone, you can do whatever you want. And whatever action you take remember that it will return to you three times back. So a wiccan can rationalize that A's are not harming (and we all know they are) but the actions a witch takes today will be alighted on them 3x in the future. 3 more OW? 3 more A's by the MM?
Yes Stormy, the universe has a way of balancing itself. may I suggest that if you want to continue this A, the wiccan path is NOT the path to follow...too many lessons to learn.
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Think about Greek Mythology's numerous gods. Can you be a Christian and believe in Greek Mythology? It happened PRIOR to Christ, so why not?
Because, Greek Mythology is just that....MYTHOLOGY. So what if it became B4 Christ...what does that have to do w/ it?
Before Christ, there were the Jewish beliefs/religion, whatever you want to call it. Currently referred to as the Old Testament. Then Christ came & fulfilled the prophecies contained in the old testament about a savior being born ect.
When Christ started his ministry, the disciples, who were witnesses, wrote about it & thus the New Testament was created. Now the Old Testament combined w/ the New Testament is the Holy Bible.
There are some Jews that do believe in Christ & some who do not & do not recognize the New Testament as the Word of God.
'Pagan' religions/beliefs are nothing new, they are written about in the Old Testament.
The newer things now adays are 'cults'. They claim to be different denominations of Christianity but they are not, they are cults.
Then you do have different denominations of Christianity such Baptists, Methodists, Evangelicals, Pentacostels, Catholics ect. As well as many NON-denominational churches & congregations forming, the largest I know of in my area is Calvary Chapels.
xoxoxoxox kt
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I wish I could just sit and watch a LONG thread of debate regarding christianity, etc...
I could learn things I do not know from all of you... as well as refresh my MEMORY from the days of church 4X a week...
I was also a PK (pastors kid) (Mary how DID we survive it all?!) (LOL)
Unfortunately, I was so much caught up in the social aspect of things that I forget things I wish I did not!!!! Bad girl!!! Looking at boys and writing notes with my friends during sunday school and youth group!!
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LOL! gio............why am I NOT surprised? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
lol xoxoxox kt
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by giovanna123: <strong> I wish I could just sit and watch a LONG thread of debate regarding christianity, etc...
I could learn things I do not know from all of you... as well as refresh my MEMORY from the days of church 4X a week...
I was also a PK (pastors kid) (Mary how DID we survive it all?!) (LOL)
Unfortunately, I was so much caught up in the social aspect of things that I forget things I wish I did not!!!! Bad girl!!! Looking at boys and writing notes with my friends during sunday school and youth group!! </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Gio I remember you telling me that before. LOL.....I too writing notes in church and I too had to go 4X a week. I too forgot things I wish I would not have. Geez we are on different ends of the fence, but have so much in common. We probally both have some great stories to tell. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />
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