Today is 3 months since discovery. Wife left home just after Christmas and is living with friends ( I think). Don't talk to her very much, maybe 2 or 3 times a week about our business or our rentals. Have been Plan A'ing and doing my thing, working, losing weight (30#), taking care of chores around house, working out, golf, etc. staying busy without her. Talked to her last Thursday about rentals and having her stay at our house Monday and Tuesday night to take care of dogs & cat as I'll be out of town on business. I asked her if she was enjoying the candy I got her for Valentine's Day (big heart shaped box of course), she said she had it at work with her and they were very good, and then volunteered that she still had the flowers I got her for our annivesary (Feb. 1) at work. The daisy's and ferns were still in the vase and she was hanging and drying the roses at her work (where OM is her boss). That surprised the h*ll out of me for her to voluteer that!!! Maybe just another baby step in the right direction. Hopefully her staying at our house will bring back some of the good memories. All I can do is go on without her for the time being and live my life, keeping the door open for her. <BR> Havn't posted for awhile, but I read posts almost every day. Stay strong everyone.